

Sunday, January 10, 2010

One Small Step For Coto de Caza Fiscal Responsibility? Or a Giant Leap to Commercializing Private Information

Posted By CotoBlogzz
Coto de Caza, CA - The Coto de Caza CZ Master Association subsidizes other homeowners’ associations and businesses within the community at the tune of over $3 million dollars per year.  In an apparent move toward fiscal responsibility, the Village homeowners association has announced it will be charged $1.15 per minute to cover the costs of calling in vendors and guests, supposedly to visit the Village –once inside the Coto gates however, such guests and visitors have access to all of Coto’s amenities and not restricted to the Village.

The Village HOA? advice?  Be a good Villager, use your computer, instead email your list” – in essence, make use of the new CZ website – which in the past we have recommended other users to opt-out, given the questionable privacy practices.
On the other hand, assuming that the CZ Master Association is finally realizing the need to reign in on subsidies and not merely trying increase website traffic, perhaps the association can start collecting dues for the use of other high-maintenance amenities, such as gate access:  The CZ Master Association spends over $1.5 million/year on cosmetic “security”.  Cost to the Village and other homeowners’ association?  Zero, Zilch, Nada.  Or what about the cost of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for proactive traffic enforcement – cost to the Master Association?  Roughly $120,000/year, while the Village and other associations is, you guessed it: Zero, Zilch, Nada
 Or what about the use of horse trails – given that 99% of the users are non-dues paying Coto guests and or visitors.  Or what about the use of the Sports Park? 
Let’s hope that charging the Village for call center support is a small step to fiscal responsibility and not a giant leap to commercializing resident’s private information.


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