Monday, December 30, 2024

Saint Philip Neri's Food for the Soul 1Q2025

Philip Romolo Neri, sometimes referred to as the Second Apostle of Rome after Saint Peter, was an Italian Catholic priest who founded the Congregation of the Oratory, a society of secular clergy dedicated to pastoral care and charitable work. Neri's spiritual mission emphasized personal holiness and direct service to others, particularly through the education of young people and care for the poor and sick. His work played a significant role in the Counter-Reformation

As prescribed by Saint Neri, I posted one maxim per day starting with the one for September 27, 2024. This page is shall contain Saint Philip Neri's Maxim of the Day for 1Q2025.

January 2024

18. Before a man chooses his confessor, he ought to think well about it, and pray about it also; but when he has once chosen, he ought not to change, except for most urgent reasons, but put the utmost confidence in his director.

17. There is nothing which gives greater security to our actions, or more effectually cuts the snares the devil lays for us, than to follow another person’s will, rather than our own, in doing good.

16. They who really wish to advance in the ways of God, must give themselves up into the hands of their superiors always and in everything; and they who are not living under obedience must subject themselves of their own accord to a learned and discreet confessor, whom they must obey in the place of God, disclosing to him with perfect freedom and simplicity the affairs of their soul, and they should never come to any resolution without his advice.

15. Obedience is a short cut to perfection.

14. The name of Jesus, pronounced with reverence and affection, has a kind of power to soften the heart.

13. Men should often renew their good resolutions, and not lose heart because they are tempted against them.

12. A man should keep himself down, and not busy himself in mirabilibus super se.

This phrase comes from Psalm 131:1 in the Vulgate Bible, where the Psalmist says "Non est exaltatum cor meum, neque oculi mei superbios, neque ambulavi in mirabilibus super me" which means "My heart is not haughty, nor are my eyes lofty, nor do I walk in proud things too wonderful for me."

11. He who wishes to be perfectly obeyed, should give but few orders.

10. If God be with us, there is no one else left to fear.

9. God has no need of men
Why NPR's CEO Katherine Maher says that Truth is hazardous to progressive goals?

8. Spiritual persons ought to be equally ready to experience sweetness and consolation in the things of God, or to suffer and keep their ground in drynesses of spirit and devotion, and for as long as God pleases, without their making any complaint about it.

7. Let no one wear a mask, otherwise he will do ill; and if he has one, let him burn


6. He who wishes for anything but Christ, does not know what he wishes; he who asks for anything but Christ, does not know what he is asking; he who works, and not for Christ, does not know what he is doing.

5. It is well to choose some one good devotion, and to stick to it, and never to abandon it.

4. Happy is the youth, because he has time before him to do good.

3. We must not be behind time in doing good; for death will not be behind his time.

LORD, let me know my end, the number of my days,that I may learn how frail I am.
To be sure, you establish the expanse of my days; indeed, my life is as nothing before you.
Every man is but a breath. Psalm 39

2. Nulla dies sine linea: Do not let a day pass without doing some good.

Nulla dies sine linea is a Latin phrase meaning "no day without a line". The idea was originated by Pliny the Elder (Natural History, XXXV, 84), where the idea applies to the Greek painter Apelles, who did not go a day without drawing at least one line. The phrase itself is attested for the first time in the Proverbiorum libellus by Polydore Vergil (1470-1555).

1. WELL! when shall we have a mind to begin to do good?

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Feast of the Holy Family

While the family is the single most important institution on earth, the family is also in far more desperate straits today than it ever was in the history of the world - Peter Kreeft

The Feast of the Holy Family celebrates the human family unit, as well as the ultimate family unit: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

The feast is usually celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas. If Christmas is a Sunday, then the feast is celebrated on December 30.

The devotion to the Holy Family was born in Bethlehem along with baby Jesus. The shepherds went to adore the Child, and at the same time, they gave honor to His family. Later, in a similar way, the three wise men came from the East to adore and give honor to the newborn King with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh that would be safeguarded by His family.

The Feast of the Holy Family is not just about the Holy Family, but about our own families too. The main purpose of the Feast is to present the Holy Family as the model for all Christian families, and for domestic life in general. Our family life becomes sanctified when we live the life of the Church within our homes. This is called the "domestic church.” St. John Chrysostom urged all Christians to make each home a "family church," and in doing so, this sanctifies the family unit.

The Church affirms that the family is the original cell of society, that the families' communion of persons closely resembles the persons of the Holy Trinity.

Antonin Gaudi called God's Architect was so inspired by the notion, he designed the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) Cathedral in Barcelona, Spain.Pope St. John Paul II said, “The future of humanity passes by way of the family.” "The family is the foundation of co-existence and a remedy against social fragmentation. Children have a right to grow up in a family with a father and a mother capable of creating a suitable environment for the child’s development and emotional maturity". – Pope Francis Humanum Conference, November 17, 2014.

A marriage is the creation of a family, the very essence of the family. The minimum core of it. It is the thing that in itself constitutes a family and without which we do not have a family, no matter what else we have. A marriage is in essence a man and a woman who promise fidelity and are open to having children. That is the essence of the design created and willed by God the Creator. No one can change thar design.we can only change the names.

Even when a family becomes dysfunctional. It is still a family. It's a dysfunctional family, not a non-family. A bad family can become a good family.  But a good partnership or a good friendship or a good business cannot become a family. There's a little bad in the best of us and a little good in the worst of us. And there's always hope for all of us.

"The Catholic Church is the only institution in the world that still, everywhere and always, teaches the fundamental and universal principle of sexual, marital and family fidelity.

That is why she is scorned, and sneered at by the secular media and hated and feared by the devil: because she dares to stand up to what St. John Paul the Great dared to call our culture of death  and what Pope Benedict XVI called the 'dictatorship of relativism' and  stand for every single human being's intrinsic, inviolable, and inalienable right to life from the moment of Conception to the moment of natural death. Her not to abortion, her no to divorce, her not to the 'sexual revolution" and sexual infidelity, and her no to euthanasia ate all essential parts of that seamless garment of pro-life issues." Peter Kreeft

According to Peter Kreeft, while the family is the single most important institution on earth, the family is also in far more desperate straits today than it ever was in the history of the world. Every society in history that has had a high respect for religion has also had a high respect for family- and vice versa. Half of our families commit suicide by divorcing. That's what a divorce is: the ripping apart of the 'one fresh' created by marriage.

An unhealthy family cannot fulfill its mission in the world. In 1965, 25% of African American children were raised fatherless. Today it is 75% According to children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in drug and alcohol abuse, drop out of school, and suffer from health and emotional problems. Boys are more likely to become involved in crime, and girls are more likely to become pregnant as teens. Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor. In 2011, 12 percent of children in married-couple families were living in poverty, compared to 44 percent of children in mother-only families.

Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse. There is significantly more drug use among children who do not live with their mother and father. A study of 1,977 children age 3 and older living with a residential father or father figure found that children living with married biological parents had significantly fewer externalizing and internalizing behavioral problems than children living with at least one non-biological parent. Children of single-parent homes are more than twice as likely to commit suicide. Data from three waves of the Fragile Families Study (N= 2,111) was used to examine the prevalence and effects of mothers’ relationship changes between birth and age 3 on their children’s well-being. Children born to single mothers show higher levels of aggressive behavior than children born to married mothers. Living in a single-mother household is equivalent to experiencing 5.25 partnership transitions.

Cardinal Kevin Farrell, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and event organizer, says Pope Francis wants the WMOF (The X World Meeting of Families Celebration took place in Rome starting June 22, through June 26, 2022,) to be lived in local Churches around the world, and points to the holy examples of married couples who have become canonized saints.

Pope Francis says that “Perfect families do not exist. This must not discourage us. Quite the opposite. Love is something we learn; love is something we live; love grows as it is 'forged' by the concrete situations which each particular family experiences. Love is born and constantly develops amid lights and shadows. Love can flourish in men and women who try not to make conflict the last word, but rather a new opportunity. An opportunity to seek help, an opportunity to question how we need to improve, an opportunity to discover the God Who is with us and never abandons us. This is a great legacy that we can give to our children, a very good lesson: we make mistakes, yes; we have problems, yes. But we know that that is not really what counts. We know that mistakes, problems and conflicts are an opportunity to draw closer to others, to draw closer to God.”-- Address to Festival of Families, Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Sept. 27, 2015

Finally, the Holy Father is asking the1.2 billion fellow Catholics around the world to pray for the spiritual health of the family. The father is the spiritual leader of the family and leaders set the tone. There are countless issues Pope Francis could focus on, but he is prioritizing the need to pray for families—to strengthen and encourage them at a time when the future does not seem too bright. The power and reality of intercessory prayer means that brothers and sisters in Christ are lifting up your family’s intentions to the Lord. And with the World Meeting of Families official prayer, you and your family are also invited to intercede for others.

Just how does one live out the Church in the family? The best way is by making Christ the center of family and individual life. Ways to do this include reading scripture regularly, praying daily, attending Mass at least on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, imitating the actions of the Holy Family, going to confession frequently, all done together as a family unit.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Saint John the Faithful Evangelist

Today, the Church honors and celebrates the feast of Saint John the Apostle, also known as Saint John the Beloved, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and the youngest apostle, son of Zebedee and Salome.

His brother James was also another apostle. Saint John was the author of the fourth Gospel and presumably the only apostle who was not martyred.

Saint John is patron saint of love, loyalty, friendships, and authors. Saint John was the only one of the Twelve Apostles who did not forsake the Savior in the hour of His Passion. He stood faithfully at the cross when the Savior made him the guardian of His Mother.

As C. S Lewis writes in the Great Divide, "there are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way. The Twelve Apostles were called and they answered, 'Thy will be done,' as illustrated very simply in the Gospels. Jesus called them; they followed. The absoluteness of their response is indicated by the account. James and John “were in a boat, with their father Zebedee, mending their nets. He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed him” (Matthew 4:21b-22)

For the three former fishermen—Peter, James and John—that faith was to be rewarded by a special friendship with Jesus. They alone were privileged to be present at the Transfiguration, the raising of the daughter of Jairus and the agony in Gethsemane. But John’s friendship was even more special. Tradition assigns to him the Fourth Gospel, although most modern Scripture scholars think it unlikely that the apostle and the evangelist are the same person.

John’s own Gospel refers to him as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (see John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2), the one who reclined next to Jesus at the Last Supper, and the one to whom Jesus gave the exquisite honor of caring for his mother, as John stood beneath the cross. “Woman, behold your son…. Behold, your mother” (John 19:26b, 27b).

Because of the depth of his Gospel, John is usually thought of as the eagle of theology, soaring in high regions that other writers did not enter. But the ever-frank Gospels reveal some very human traits. Jesus gave James and John the nickname, “sons of thunder.” While it is difficult to know exactly what this meant, a clue is given in two incidents.In the first, as Matthew tells it, their mother asked that they might sit in the places of honor in Jesus’ kingdom—one on his right hand, one on his left. When Jesus asked them if they could drink the cup he would drink and be baptized with his baptism of pain, they blithely answered, “We can!” Jesus said that they would indeed share his cup, but that sitting at his right hand was not his to give. It was for those to whom it had been reserved by the Father. The other apostles were indignant at the mistaken ambition of the brothers, and Jesus took the occasion to teach them the true nature of authority: “…[W]hoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave. Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:27-28).

On another occasion, the “sons of thunder” asked Jesus if they should not call down fire from heaven upon the inhospitable Samaritans, who would not welcome Jesus because he was on his way to Jerusalem. But Jesus “turned and rebuked them” (see Luke 9:51-55).

On the first Easter, Mary Magdalene “ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, ‘They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him’” (John 20:2). John recalls, perhaps with a smile, that he and Peter ran side by side, but then “the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first” (John 20:4b). He did not enter, but waited for Peter and let him go in first. “Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed” (John 20:8).

John was with Peter when the first great miracle after the Resurrection took place—the cure of the man crippled from birth—which led to their spending the night in jail together. The mysterious experience of the Resurrection is perhaps best contained in the words of Acts: “Observing the boldness of Peter and John and perceiving them to be uneducated, ordinary men, they [the questioners] were amazed, and they recognized them as the companions of Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

The Apostle John is traditionally considered the author also of three New Testament letters and the Book of Revelation. His Gospel is a very personal account. He sees the glorious and divine Jesus already in the incidents of his mortal life. At the Last Supper, John’s Jesus speaks as if he were already in heaven. John’s is the Gospel of Jesus’ glory.

Prayer to Saint John the Beloved Disciple

O Glorious Apostle, who, on account of your virginal purity, was most beloved by Jesus as to deserve to lay your head upon His divine breast, and to be left, in His place, as son to His most holy Mother; I beg you to inflame within me a true and ardent love towards Jesus and Mary. Obtain for me from our Lord that I, too, with a heart purified from earthly affections, may be made worthy to be ever united to Jesus as a faithful disciple, and to Mary as a devoted son, both here on earth and eternally in heaven. Amen. St. John, the beloved disciple of our Lord, pray for us.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Saint Stephen, The First Martyr

Today December 26, the Church honors Saint Stephen the first martyr of Christianity, patron saint of Altar servers, Acoma Native American Pueblo,Bricklayers, casket maker, deacons.

According to the Acts of the Apostles,
Stephen is one of the seven deacons whose job it is to care for the widows in the early Church in Jerusalem. His eloquent speech before the Sanhedrin, in which he shows the great sweep of Jewish history as leading to the birth of Jesus, the long-expected Messiah, and his impassioned plea that all might hear the good news of Jesus, leads to his inevitable martyrdom by being stoned to death.The description of Stephen in Acts bears direct parallels to that of Christ in Luke’s gospel: for example, the passion; being filled with the Holy Spirit; seeing the Son of Man at the right hand of God, as Jesus promised he would be; commending his spirit to Jesus, as Jesus commended his to the Father; kneeling as Jesus did in Gethsemane and asking forgiveness for his persecutors. Witnessing to Jesus by acting like Jesus in every way is thus seen by Luke as of the essence of the Christian life

Accused of blasphemy at his trial, he made a speech denouncing the Jewish authorities who were sitting in judgment on him and was then stoned to death. Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul the Apostle, a Pharisee and Roman citizen who would later become an apostle, participated in Stephen's execution.

"Stephen, filled with grace and power,
was working great wonders and signs among the people. Certain members of the so-called Synagogue of Freedmen, Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and people from Cilicia and Asia, came forward and debated with Stephen, but they could not withstand the wisdom and the spirit with which he spoke.

When they heard this, they were infuriated, and they ground their teeth at him. But he, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked up intently to heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and he said,
"Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man
standing at the right hand of God."
But they cried out in a loud voice, covered their ears,
and rushed upon him together.
They threw him out of the city, and began to stone him.
The witnesses laid down their cloaks
at the feet of a young man named Saul. As they were stoning Stephen, he called out
"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."" - Acts Chapter 6

Prayer to Saint Stephen 

Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us St. Stephen as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed in choosing to devote himself to Your service as a deacon in the early Church.

St. Stephen, you were chosen by the Apostles to serve the Church as one of the first deacons. You served God faithfully in this role.

Please bring my petitions before God Whom you served so faithfully!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Tareq Al-Suwaidan Advocates for Ummah Industrial Complex Incubators - Boasts About His Daughter Going to Harvard

Known Terrorist Tareq Al-Suwaidan,
Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar, Advocates for Ummah Industrial Complex Incubators - Boasts About His Daughter Going to Harvard

1.  He is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

2. The U.S. Government listed him as an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism financing case against the Holy Land Foundation for funneling money to Hamas. 

3. He is banned from entering the U.S. due to his affiliation with Hamas, rampant antisemitism, and encouragement of Jihad against the West. 

4. Mafaz Al-Suwaidan, his daughter, is a PhD candidate at Harvard University in Philosophy of Religion, focusing on Islam and Modern Thought, and a member of the university's Committee on the Study of Religion. 

5. Mafaz teaches Harvard undergrads and a mandatory class at the Harvard Divinity School ;“Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion.” 

6. Mafaz labeled all those who talk to Zionists as “traitors,” defended known Palestinian terrorist Ahmed Erakat, repeatedly praised cop-killer Angela Davis, a major organizer for BDS on campus, was an encampment leader, and regularly wore “River to the sea” sweatshirts while teaching.

But it's not just Harvard University but the whole Ummah Industrial Complex Incubators, administered by leading US Universities with the Ummah Law Of Terrorism in effect: Terrorists go where they are welcomed and stay where they are protected and well treated

Biden gave $6 billion to Iran, disingenuously claiming the money won't get to terrorists

And as Biden Kamala Harris tout the First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia, aka Gag Order Against Criticizing Islam, Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff helps raise money for a Gaza fundraiser that endsup in the hands of Hamas.

Guess how the Democratic Coalition celebrated the 2024 International Holocaust Remembrance Day? You guessed it. By promoting the First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia!

Now, to bring you the MSM "news."
EdSource's Michael Burke writes that Rich Lyons takes over at a time when Berkley University is divided due to "Israel's war in Gaza"But it's a Gross Misapplication of the Theory of Allocation: It's NOT "Israel’s war in Gaza" but terrorists attacking Israel.

It " has divided the campus, where there have been numerous protests and demonstrations since last fall." The BLM, ANTIFA "peaceful protests" don't count?

The AntiSemitic Democratic Coalition can be found in every social stratum, from professors at Stanford University, students at Harvard or politicians in Washington DC. Using Israel's response to the terrorist attack, the Democratic Coalition is getting bolder with Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries calling for the duly elected Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be overthrown, for example. Israel and Christians, for that matter,  are under attack from all sides. Including The Biden White House, Chuck Schumer, DOJ, FBI, Hakeem Jeffries, AOC, The SQUAD, NYT, MSM and the whole Antisemitic, AntiCatholic Dem coalition

When the Biden Administration touts the euphemistically titled " First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia" it is really a gag order that could classify Dem Michigan AG's and other similar statements calling out the SQUAD  Tlaib for 'cruel' and hateful' Israel comments Islamophobic.

And this is all thanks to the  Ummah Industrial Complex Incubators

Monday, December 16, 2024

 DOGE, Corrupt Lawmakers, The Swamp & Pareto Rule
DOGE is an existential threat to the swamp - the Swamp's response to the derailed Porkulous spending bill, has been typical Democrat: full of hate and envy, are void of ideas, so they encourage violence and mob rule, until they grab power, then, as Hilary Clinton might say, civility can return.

The keystone of the Democratic Party: Victim, victimization, victimizers oppressor, oppressed. And they have this kind of Marxist binary. And people don’t buy into it, and especially minorities don’t buy it anymore.

According to president-elect Trump’s transition team co-chairman Howard Lutnick, he was the first to propose the Department of Government Efficiency(DOGE) a planned United States presidential advisory commission subsequently announced by president Donald Trump to be led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy
The Government Accountability Office has identified 37 federal programs that are highly vulnerable to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.Of the 37 programs included on the list, 26 have been designated as high-risk for at least 10 years. Five programs have been on the list since its first iteration in 1990.
The 2023 list included three new areas of spending: the federal prison system, the Department of Health and Human Services’ management of public health emergencies, the unemployment insurance system.

The GAO called out five specific areas in particular need of attention: National cybersecurity
Efforts to respond to drug abuse, Federal oversight of food safety, Government liability for environmental cleanup, Managing fiscal risks associated with climate change

The Department of Defense (DoD) is the agency most likely to be called out as inefficient. Five of the 37 programs include DoD in their name; four of those have been on the list since 1995.

We've Met The Enemy:  The Swamp, Congress & the Legacy Media.

Congressional and agency action is required to fix the problems identified by GAO, with many government agencies partially or entirely  responsible to fix the problems.  Yet, organizations like FinCEN continue to rely on new regulations like the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) to go after the little fish - as predicted here the CTA has been stalled due to litigation.  

Congress may be DOGE's Fort Knox.  Yet, if anyone can break though the vault is the Trump-Musk duo.

The dynamic duo is a huuuge target for the  New York Times; "Elon Musk remains perhaps the most consequential figure in President-elect Donald Trump’s orbit, with a commission for cutting government spending headed by him and Vivek Ramaswamy — widely known by its acronym, DOGE — promising huge reductions."

But the federal bureaucracy is not standing still. Federal regulators have become prominent targets for Musk and his allies. But those agencies are continuing to scrutinize the tech billionaire’s interests, raising questions about conflicts, or manufacturing them for that matter.

“The SEC is just another weaponized institution doing political dirty work,” Musk posted on X prompted by an appeals court ruling that Nasdaq can’t require diversity on the boards of companies that list on the exchange. Whereas

Ramaswamy wrote on X of the commission: “When an agency like the SEC is so repeatedly & thoroughly embarrassed in federal court for flouting the law, it loses its legitimacy as a law enforcement body.

The Criminal Funding Bill Analysis 

Vivek Ramaswamy's analysis


I wanted to read the full 1,500+ page bill & speak with key leaders before forming an opinion. Having done that, here's my view: it's full of excessive spending, special interest giveaways & pork barrel politics. If Congress wants to get serious about government efficiency, they should VOTE NO. Keeping the government open until March 14 will cost ~$380BN by itself, but the true cost of this omnibus CR is far greater due to new spending. Renewing the Farm Bill for an extra year: ~$130BN. Disaster relief: $100BN. Stimulus for farmers: $10BN. The Francis Scott Key Bridge replacement: $8BN. The proposal adds at least 65 cents of new spending for every dollar of continued discretionary spending. The legislation will end up hurting many of the people it purports to help. Debt-fueled spending sprees may "feel good" today, but it's like showering cocaine on an addict: it's not compassion, it's cruelty. Farmers will see more land sold to foreign buyers when taxes inevitably rise to meet our obligations. Our children will be saddled with crippling debt. Interest payments will be the largest item in our national budget. Congress has known about this deadline since they created it in late September. There's no reason why this couldn't have gone through the standard process, instead of being rushed to a vote right before Congressmen want to go home for the holidays. The urgency is 100% manufactured & designed to avoid serious public debate.   
The bill could have easily been under 20 pages. Instead, there are dozens of unrelated policy items crammed into the 1,547 pages of this bill. There's no legitimate reason for them to be voted on as a package deal by a lame-duck Congress. 72 pages worth of “Pandemic Preparedness and Response” policy; renewal of the much-criticized "Global Engagement Center," a key player in the federal censorship state; 17 different pieces of Commerce legislation; paving the way for a new football stadium in D.C.; a pay raise for Congressmen & Senators and making them eligible for Federal Employee Health Benefits. It's indefensible to ram these measures through at the last second without debate. We're grateful for DOGE's warm reception on Capitol Hill. Nearly everyone agrees we need a smaller & more streamlined federal government, but actions speak louder than words. This is an early test. The bill should fail.

7:42 AM · Dec 18, 2024

The Swamp's response to the derailed spending plan was fast and furios

In sports, if you lose, you go home. In the case of the The Blue Sky Billionaires who predicted a Harris win  & expected a big payout have gone home. Some have left the country:
Oprah, Zuckerberg, Taylor Swift , Robert de Niro, Jay-Z, P-Diddy, LeBron James, Jennifer Lopez,  Tom Hanks, Beyonce, Matt Damon, #ReedHastings, #Netflix co-founder, #ReidHoffman, #LinkedIn cofounder, #GeorgeSoros, #AlexSoros, #MelindaFrenchGates, #SherylSandberg, former #Meta COO, #VinodKhosla, venture capitalist, among others in disguise, like the NYT.
They raised over, $2 billion. lost the election.  DNC is $20 million in debt,  $5000 invoice from nail salon, acolytes in tears and everybody asking:  what happened?

I must add that the BlueSky Billionaires who funded Harris and expected a big payout are $2 billion less rich "Shutting down the government" is euphemism for cutting off the Swamp's drug supply The Blue Sky Billionaires who predicteda Harris win & voted for #KamalaHarris have gone home. Some have left the country: Oprah, Zuckerberg, Taylor Swift , Robert de Niro, Jay-Z, P-Diddy, LeBron James, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Hanks, Beyonce, Matt Damon, #ReedHastings, #Netflix co-founder, #ReidHoffman, #LinkedIn cofounder, #GeorgeSoros, #AlexSoros, #MelindaFrenchGates, #SherylSandberg, former #Meta COO, #VinodKhosla, venture capitalist, among others in disguise, like the NYT They raised over, $2 billion. lost the election. DNC is $20 million in debt, $5000 invoice from nail salon, acolytes in tears and everybody asking: what happened!

DOGE Tools - Pareto Rule

The Pareto principle specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. 

Named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, the Pareto Principle serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced. The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule, the 80/20 Rule, the Law of the vital few and trivial many and the Principle of factor sparsity

Pareto observed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by only 20% of the population. He also witnessed this happening with plants in his garden: 20% of his plants were bearing 80% of the fruit.

While the Pareto Rule is not a formal mathematical equation, it is a generalized phenomenon, that can be observed in economics, business, time management, analytics sports, social media, the auto industry, government and so on. In 2009, General Motors painfully discovered the Pareto: The more brands a carmaker has, the more it must spread money around to develop vehicles and market them. As a result, “every brand suffers,” said A. Andrew Shapiro, a managing partner with the Casesa Shapiro Group. “No particular brand or brands can achieve the share of voice that they need.

Ditto for women's handbag vendor Coach in 2016. The leather-goods maker will no longer sell its handbags and purses at some "lower volume" department stores, the company announced. The move comes in response to the brand's perceived diluted appeal to wealthier shoppers amid mass market access.

Other examples of the Pareto principle:

20% of a plant contains 80% of the fruit

80% of a company’s profits come from 20% of customers

20% of players result in 80% of points scored

20% of employees do 80% of the work.  The Pareto Principle applies to Elon Musk’s firing 80% of Twitter’s staff, for example.

According to 2020 Pew Research Study, the Pareto Rule can be applied to social media.  X users follow the Pareto Principle.  20% of X users, mostly Democrat, are responsible for 80% of the content, mostly misinformation-based.

Other examples.

A small percentage of customers (20%) might account for a significant portion (80%) of a company's sales. 

In a hospital setting, a minority of patients (20%) often require the majority (80%) of healthcare resources. 

In portfolio management: 20% of the brands account for 80% of the revenue.

Software Development: A few lines of code (20%) can cause most bugs (80%). 

Personal Productivity: A small number of tasks (20%) might contribute to the majority (80%) of your productivity.

In government the Pareto Rule is known as the Pareto Rule Of Government, or 90-10 ( varies between 90-10 and 95-5) Rule, because the normal distribution is artificially affected by political activity: 10% of government employees do 90% of the work. The rest are parasites and or are saboteurs.

Consistent with the Pareto Rule of Government aka as 90-10 Rule: 10% of government employees do 90% of the work.  The rest are parasites or saboteurs 

DOGE and the Pareto Rule, a perfect match

While efficiency is something Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswam are extremely familiar with, it's a foreign concept for politicians and demagogues. They talk about transparency.  Talk. For example:

The White House:

 We’re unable to track $6.2 billion dollars sent to Ukraine. 


We’re unable to track $24 billion dollars spent to combat homelessness. 

Governor Gavin Newsom of California referenced the state's long-standing work on civil service reform. Despite these comments, audits have shown that the state's significant investments in addressing homelessness have not been tracked effectively for outcomes. This comes at a time when California is dealing with a growing budget deficit and high unemployment rates, as reported by various state agencies.

The Pentagon:

 We’re unable to track $2.3 trillion dollars of military spending. 

The U.S. Treasury: 

We’re unable to track $5 trillion dollars of pandemic spending. 


We can't catch the Big Fish, so wel go after the little fish:  Corporate Transparency Act.

The IRS: 

We know you sent $601.57 to your friend, you better report it or you’re going to jail. 

DOGE managers can use the Pareto Rule as generic benchmarking to demonstrate to taxpayers abd skeptics that government efficiency is a low-hanging fruit;


Benchmarking can be used by leaders to convince skeptics that new performance levels can be achieved.

ASQC defines Benchmarking as the process of measuring products, services, and processes against those of organizations known to be leaders in one or more aspects of their operations to gain insights om how your organization compares with similar organizations, even if they are in a different business or have a different group of customers.

Benchmarking can also help organizations identify areas, systems, or processes for improvements—either incremental (continuous) improvements or dramatic (business process re-engineering) improvements. 

Generic benchmarking broadly compares how core processes or functions are practiced in a similar way without regard to the industry to gain a new perspective and way of thinking. The advantage of generic benchmarking is the ability to compare your business to almost any other organization in the worl
Just DOGE It!

Recently Chuck Schumer called for congressional action because federal agencies were depleted, instead of calling for congressional action to stop government waste.  While not rocket science, political science might be Elon Musk's Achilles heel. I would not bet against him.