The Power of the Coto de Caza Dely
January 13, 2007
Given the CZ Master board of directors irrationally vehement support for what critics have called, a most corrupt delegate system, we decided to take actual events to explore the value of the CZ Dely:
Public Safety event
On Monday, October 29, a speeding incident report was forwarded to a certain property management company employee and the CZ board.
On 10/31/2007, a reply came back fro Keystone stating in part "The Board has a procedure in place wherein a resident will contact Patrol to file an incident report regarding speeding as the report requires the reporting person to sign it as a witness".
Keystone then contacted UPS, the private security. The following Monday, a UPS employee comes calling for information. When asked if he had received any of the details sent to Keystone and the board, he responds he had not. He is then read the information previously sent to Keystone and the board. The UPS employee is then asked if he needs additional information to fill out an incident report. He confirms he has everything he needs to forward to Keystone.
Later that day, the UPS employee calls back wanting to meet face-to-face,
because "apparently Keystone requires a physical signature".
A Coto Discussion Forum participant and ardent board supporter, immediately fires back as follows:
Only a professional law enforcement officer (i.e. Sheriff or CHP) can cite a traffic violation. UPS and the management company are not law enforcement officers and thus cannot do what you wish. Why do you continue to think that they are?
Do you not see the potential problem with private citizens reporting problems and demanding action by law enforcement? ? Sorry, but something more than your word would be needed before any penalties were imposed upon a resident.
Apparently this board supporter in one of the burke “good men” - "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."-Edmund Burke – meaning that apparently this reader would rather see the world go by and instead of asking why not, he would rather ask “Hey, what happened”.
This good man apparently is not familiar with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department crackdown on irresponsible driver campaign taking part across the country, where the California Office of Traffic Safety (OPTS), which provided grant funding for the Avoid program’s efforts is asking for the public’s help in reporting suspected irresponsible drivers by calling 911.
So, we respond using the property management company’s own words: "The Board has a procedure in place wherein a resident will contact Patrol to file an incident report regarding speeding as the report requires the reporting person to sign it as a witness". If neither the board, nor the property management company is going to do anything, why have a procedure in place? Secondly, why even have the property management company in the middle, since the property management company may dictate what the security company can or cannot do? Thirdly, why even have a security guard involved?
So now with a Dely in place to play interference: What would have been the value of a delegate in this case? The same as the property management, and UPS. The difference is that if the resident was to complain, the board and or property manager. Could blame the delegate – as has been done in the past.
Defective night-lights
The assassinated CZ president argued recently that the problem with night light maintenance was that the two service providers had limited resources and suggested CZ residents call the property management company. This is exactly what was done to report a defecate light. The property management company responded with a form letter, informing that a work order would be started. Weeks went by and the light was not fixed. The property management company corporate office however, sent a customer satisfaction survey thanking the resident for the report and asking whether the matter was handed properly – the matter was not, and so was stated in the survey – no further contact from the property manager. The residents then contacts Edison – the process to report a faulty light is automated and does not allow the option to contact a warm body. Weeks went by, and the faulty light is still there – faulty.
In comes you Dely. What would happen now? Nothing – but the property manager and the board could certainly use the Dely as a convenient scapegoat!
Emergency Response System
Rancho Santa Margarita demonstrated the effectiveness of an automated proactive emergency response system during the 2007 Santiago fires. The latest argument used by the CZ board for retaining a delegate system is for emergency purposes. As was proven with the failed Saturday Delegate Walks, a volunteer system in place as a function of partisan politics is fleeting at best and for the most part ineffectual. If the CZ board was serious about emergency response, perhaps it could subcontract with RSM for the communications infrastructure, making the property manager the implementation branch.
CZ Control and Spin Center
The past general manager wondered why residents were upset when property management company employees contacted potential delegates sympathetic to the Varo/Mezger administration, in clear violation of election rules. More recently, the CZ Newsletter contains a Delegate’s Corner column – a spin center column – basically calling the deposed CZ president unequivocally saying there was never an attempted political assassination.
So what is the value add of a delegate system in Coto de Caza? Simply a symbiotic relationship between the CZ board and those who are significantly vested in the community to maintain the status quo.
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From: A. Manian
I understand that the CZ Master Association board of directors is seriously considering terminating the CHP contract for pro-active traffic control by the end of...
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The CotoBuzz Journal May 2007
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The Varo anti-CHP Sentiment continues: CHP GO HOME, KEEP OUT OF OUR DUIs!
The Coto de Caza gates, including the automated ones are as reliable as the public utilities in the outskirts of Baghdad, yet the association continues paying for services barely-rendered, no questions asked.
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