Saturday, March 30, 2024

After Via Dolorosa there's Vita Dolorosa: Mary spouse of the Holy Spirit

Selected Lenten Reflections:  Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord

Exult, let them exult, the hosts of heaven, exult. let Angel ministers of God exult. Let the trumpet of salvation sound aloud our mighty King's triumph.
Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King, let all the corners of the earth be glad, knowing an end to gloom and darkness.

Rejoice, let Mother Church also rejoice, arrayed with the lightning of his glory, let this holy building shake with joy, filled with the mighty voices of the people - Easter Vigil. Easter Proclamation as the congregation enter the church from darkness into light.

As Jesus triumphantly, navigated the Via Dolorosa, defeating death and raising again, it is fitting to recall His Mother's Vita Dolorosa. Where Vita Dolorosa -is a glorious, perfectly joyful (as described by St. Francis of Assis) painfully difficult journey.
Mary's earthly life is encapsulated in the Blessed Rosary.

Mary's earthly life is encapsulated in the Blessed Rosary

At the beginning

Scripture tells us that through the disobedience of Adam sin enters the world. Rom. 5:12. The Father sends His Son to save the world. Jn. 3:17. The Angel Gabriel is sent to a virgin named Mary. Lk. 1:26,27. The Angel tells Mary: “You are to have a Son and will name Him Jesus.” Lk. 1:31. He is the Son of God. Lk. 1:32. Mary consents: “Let it be done to me.” Lk. 1:38.

Mary, while pregnant,

visits her elderly cousin Elizabeth. Lk. 1:40. Elizabeth is with child. His name is John. Lk. 1:13.She greets Mary: “Blessed are you because you believed.” Lk. 1:45. Mary herself is with Child, through the Holy Spirit. Mt. 1:18. She answers: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord.” Lk. 1:46. “His mercy reaches from age to age.” Lk. 1:50.Mary, the Mother of God, stays to help Elizabeth. Lk. 1:56. After three months Mary returns to her home in Nazareth. Lk. 1:56

Birth of Jesus; 

When Jesus is born in Bethlehem.  There will be born He Who is to rule my people. Micah 5:2. Joseph and Mary leave Nazareth to register in Bethlehem. Lk. 2:4. There, Mary gives birth to the Son of God. Lk. 2:7. Mary lays Him in a manger, because there is no room for Him in the inn. Lk. 2:7.Angels announce to shepherds nearby: “The Savior is born.” Lk. 2:10,11. Angels sing: “Peace to men of good will.” Lk. 2:14. Wise men come from the East in search of Christ. Mt. 2:1,2. Entering the house in Bethlehem, they worship Him. Mt. 2:11. All nations serve Him. Ps. 72:11. Those who accept Christ become children of God. Jn. 1:12. God the Son becomes Man, in obedience to His Father. Lk. 1:35. By His obedience many shall be saved. Rom. 5:19. Mary becomes Mother of God, Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Lk. 1:35. Nothing is impossible with God. Lk. 1:37

Presentaton of Jesus

When the Child Jesus is eight days old, He is circumcised. Lk. 2:2. And his parents name Him Jesus. Lk. 2:21.The name of Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved. Acts 4:12. “Ask the Father anything in My Name. He will give it to you.” Jn. 16:23. Lord, You are good and forgiving to all who call upon Your Name. Ps. 86:5. Joseph and Mary take Jesus to Jerusalem to present Him to God. Lk. 2:22.Simeon, a holy man, foretells: “This Child is destined for the fall and rise of many.” Lk. 2:34. “Your own soul a sword shall pierce.” Lk. 2:35.Joseph and Mary take Jesus to their hometown of Nazareth. Lk. 2:39. Whatever you do, do all in the Name of Jesus. Col. 3:17. 

Jesus is "lost"

When Jesus is twelve years old, and goes to Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph. Lk. 2:42. Jesus remains in Jerusalem. His parents do not realize it. Lk. 2:43.Mary and Joseph return looking for Him. Lk. 2:45. They find Jesus in the temple. Lk. 2:46. Jesus was fulfilling the will of His Father. Lk. 2:49. The Holy Family returns to Nazareth. Lk. 2:51. Jesus, the Son of God, obeys His parents. Lk. 2:51. God tells us: Honor your father and your mother. Mt. 15:4. If you love Me, obey My commandments. Jn. 14:15.Let us love in thought, in word, and in action. 1 Jn. 3:18

The Marriage in Cana

Mary at the marriage in Cana in Galilee. Jn. 2:1.The wine runs out. Mary intercedes. Jn. 2:3. Jesus replies that His hour has not yet come. Jn. 2:4. Mary tells the servants to do whatever He asks. Jn. 2:5. Jesus asks the jars of water be filled. Jn. 2:6. The steward marvels that the best wine has been served last. Jn. 2:10. This was the first of His signs, prompted by his mother Mary. Jn. 2:11

During Jesus' Passion, 

Jesus is nailed to the Cross. Lk. 23:33, He prays: “Father, forgive them…” Lk. 23:34. Jesus says to the repentant thief: “This day you will be with Me in paradise.” Lk. 23:43. Looking down at Mary His Mother, He says: “Woman, there is your son.” Jn. 19:26. Looking at the beloved disciple, He says: “There is your Mother.” Jn. 19:27. Jesus endures the terrible torture of the Cross for three hours. Mt. 27:45. Nature itself seemed in mourning, for darkness covered the earth. Mt. 27:45

Mary at Pentecost. 

Luke tells us in the Acts of the Apostles that the Mother of Jesus was in the upper room with fearful apostles awaiting the outpouring of the Pentecostal Spirit. The Apostles and Mary were together in prayer. Acts 2:1. A sound from heaven filled the whole house. Acts 2:2. Suddenly tongues of fire rested on each of them. Acts 2:3. They were filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:4. Men of every nation understood them in their own language. Acts 2:6

At Mary's uncorrupted death; 

“You will not suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption.” Ps. 16:10. “You are the glory of Jerusalem. You are the splendid boast of our people.” Jud. 15:9. “Arise, My beloved, My beautiful one, and come.” S. of S. 2:10. “You are all-beautiful... and there is no blemish in you.” S. of S. 4:7. “The Queen takes her place at Your right hand.” Ps. 45: 10. “Blessed are you, daughter... above all women on earth.” Jud. 13:18. “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you.” Lk. 1:28. If we are likened to Christ in His death, so shall we be in His resurrection. Rom. 6:5. “I shall return to take you with Me.” Jn. 14:3. “God’s temple in heaven opened, and there was seen the ark of His covenant.” Apoc. 11:19

And at Mary's Coronation: 

 “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun.” Apoc. 12:1. “The moon was under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.” Apoc. 12:1. “In the highest heavens did I dwell, my throne on a pillar of cloud” Sir. 24:4. “I am the mother of pure love” Sir. 24:24. “I am the mother of knowledge.” Sir. 24:24. “I am the mother of hope.” Sir. 24:24. Mary is Queen Mother of Him who “shall reign in the house of Jacob forever.” Lk. 1:32

Traditionally, the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother are:
  1. The Prophecy of Simeon in Luke 2;
  2. The Flight into Egypt in Matthew 2;
  3. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem, also in Luke 2;
  4. Mary meeting Jesus on the Via Dolorosa, the Fourth station of the Cross which is not found in the Bible;
  5. The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and especially John 19;
  6. Jesus's Descent from the Cross in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 19;
  7. The Burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea also in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 19;

But a  likely start to Mary's Vita Dolorosa is when the angel Gabriel appeared and told her that she does not have to be afraid because she has found favor  with God:  "And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.”  But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” And the angel said to her in reply, “The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.

Mary's Vita Dolorosa

At the time of her betrothal to Joseph, Mary was just a child.  Not more than 17 years old during her pregnancy. How can a child process this information and not need therapy? 

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 50% of documented teenage  (ages 13 – 19) pregnancies end with a termination, and suggests pregnant teens should ask some of these questions: What sort of support network do I have around me? How does having a baby as a teenager affect my economic future?
What choices do I have when I’m a teenager & pregnant:? abortion, adoption,  parenting.  How will this affect my relationships as a teenager? What questions go through Mary's mind? Isn't there a Planned Parenthood? What does it mean to be the mother of God? But just like Father Abraham, she just has faith and obeys: "Mary consents: “Let it be done to me.”" Lk. 1:38

The Gospel of Luke starts with Joseph and a pregnant Mary in Galilee. They journey to Bethlehem in response to a census that the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus required for all the Jewish people. Since Joseph was a descendant of King David, Bethlehem was the hometown where he was required to register.

According to the Bible, they travelled far  then they searched all over Bethlehem To find a room for the night where they could stay. No room for Mary; Nowhere at all. While the fact there was no room at the inn was the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecy found in Isaiah 53, which says that the Messiah would be “despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering " it was just another marker in Mary's Vita Dolorosa. What is in Mary's mind?  But I thought I was the mother of God.  What happened?

According to Burn’s Pediatric Primary Care, newborns should stay in a room with an ambient room temperature between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius or 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Does Mary know that? What other questions might Mary have?
If baby Jesus has hiccups, how do you stop it?  What happens if my newborn doesn’t burp? Why is my newborn sneezing a lot? Why is my newborn stomach gurgling?

At Jesus' presentation, does Mary know what Simeon says or does she simply dismisses him:? "This Child is destined for the fall and rise of many.” Lk. 2:34. “Your own soul a sword shall pierce.” Lk. 2:35

Then Mary loses the child Jesus. What goes through her mind?  Is there a blame game where she blames Joseph and Joseph blames Mary?  Are they insulted when Jesus says he was about His Father's business?

By  the marriage in Cana in Galilee, it appears Mary has sn idea of what the Son of the Holy Spirit is capable of: while  wine runs out. Mary intercedes and asks Jesus to perform a miracle.  How? Only he knows. Jn 2:3

Jesus is nailed to the Cross. Lk. 23:33. Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society

If we are all wired to have Empathy, as Rufkin claims, How is she impacted by the Passion of her son? According to the Nationalibrary of Medicine when parents experience the murder of a son "Extreme feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, panic, and hyper-vigilance can also accompany the sadness and despair. Grieving parents evidence anger as part of the normal reaction to the loss of their child. This may be expressed as intense rage or as chronic irritation and frustration." Mary's reaction is everything but human.  Now she knows she is the mother of God!

But A Mother's Job is Never Done 

Mother Mary continues to bring people from the farthest corner of the world to her son. and bring her son to the world

When Marian apparitions occur, Mary addresses those who see her in their native language, and often promulgates a particular image of herself that incorporates elements of the local culture, as in St. Paul Letter to the Corinthians "To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it." 1 Corinth 9. This is a way that Mary reminds people of both the universality and particularity of the faith: relationship with God is available to all people across all cultures, but God also desires a personal relationship with each individual who seeks him. Marian apparitions often serve as a way for particular countries to solidify an identity that is both faithfully Catholic and distinctive of the local culture and customs. Instead of relying on a faith that is often imported and can therefore seem culturally alien, apparitions allow diverse populations to celebrate an expression of the faith that resonates with their own cultural context. They point to the diversity of the Church, whilst also drawing people towards the elements of the faith that unify Catholics across all cultures.

Mary Spouse of the Holy Spirit and her Vita Dolorosa 

In the April/May issue of Northwest Catholic. Seattle's Archbishop Paul D. Ettiene in preparation for the Month of May, dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary, He calls to our attention a lesser-known titles not found in the Holy Rosary: Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Now as always, we seek the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and there's no better intercessor for this great gift than our Blessed Mother Mary, the espouse of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus  Christ took on our human flesh, through the power of the Holy Spirit. In Mary's humility and obedient faith to God, she conceived the Son of God, when the Holy Spirit came upon her and the Power of the Most High overshadowed her (Luke 1:35.) As Blessed Concepcion Cabrera de Armida wrote in Priests of Christ:  "Without Mary, there would be no Redemption. No Church, no Eucharist, no salvation of the human race "

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Mary, as the mother if Jesus, served him his entire life, selflessly, humbly, lovingly and faithfully.  Because she knew, he was the Son of God, she gave her entire life to him supporting him through every step of his life, his ministry, passion and death.

Upon the Cross, before His death, Jesus entrusted his mother to St. John, while at the same time, giving John to Mary. He did this so Mary would be present to the Church, not just in those early days after the resurrection,, but always.
At Calvary, Mary was united with the suffering of her son. The grace of that moment, as Christ was establishing the Church, come forth from Jesus' open side and flow always from the Holy Spirit, through the heart of Mary.

Then, at Pentecost - when the Risen Lord gave the promised Holy Spirit to the apostles, telling them to go to the ends of the earth preaching the Gospel and giving witness to his resurrection- Mary was there.

By the working of the Holy Spirit, Mary gave her son to the world, and now we who have been incorporated into the life of the Risen Jesus through baptism, are sent forth with the same mission: to bring Christ to others and bring others to Christ. This is always the work of the Holy Spirit in the Church, and there's no better intercessor for this work to succeed than Mary, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Through Mary's intercession, we beg the Holy Spirit, to flood the Church in  these days, freeing hearts for greater intimacy with Christ, conquering the indifference that holds so many back from actively living their faith.

Mary, spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for us.


Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12 is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, one of many Toponymic Marian Titles for Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Christianity, Mary is known by many different titles, epithets, invocations, and several names associated with places where she has appeared. All of these descriptives refer to the same woman named Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. The Virgin of Guadalupe has been proclaimed "Queen of Mexico", "Patroness of the Americas", "Emppress of Latin America", and "Protectress of Unborn Children" (the latter two titles given by Pope John Paul II in 1999).

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God- The Octave Day of Christmas

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Dispelling Myths About Mary, Mother of God

Many so-called Christians poke fun at Catholics' veneration, some would say infatuation with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Christianity is not a spectator sport: When Your Name is Called You Go In: Wit Simon, Alexander, and Rufus

Selected Lenten Reflections, Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent: Good Friday of The Lord's Passion: Simon of Cyrene,  Alexander and Rufus.

Christians, non-Christians and non believers must enter the game, willingly or not, just like Simon of Cyrene and his sons Alexander and Rufus. Rufus ("Red") is mentioned in Mark 15:21 with his brother Alexander, whose father "Simon a Cyrenian" was compelled to help carry the cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.

"And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross."

According to Easton's Bible Dictionary, he was probably the same Rufus mentioned in Romans 16:13, whose mother, were among those to whom Paul sent greetings in his epistle to the Romans; this is speculated to be Rufus of Thebes.

The difference is that Christians are already in the ballpark.  Call it what you want — chance, fate, destiny or Providence. For Christians, it is blessed serendipity.

“Conversion is the work of God and a mystery of grace, but grace flows to us through Christ’s Body. People coming into the Church are ready to receive. We must be ready to give.” —Fr. Richard T. Whittington in “Conversion in an Age of Choice”⁠

Outside of several passages in Scripture (Matt. 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26), there is not much more information about Simon of Cyrene and his sons Alexander and Rufus.

Simon of Cyrene drafted to carry the Cross

Of course, Simon of Cyrene is known for helping Jesus carry his cross to Calvary.  We do not know whether he was ready to enter the game or not.  Only that he did. We know that before He was crucified Jesus and His Apostles go to Gethsemane to pray. Mt. 26:36. With Peter, James and John, He enters the olive grove. Mt. 26:37 and the apostles can't stay awake: “Could you not watch one hour with Me?” Mt. 26:40. “Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation.” Mt. 26:41

Then Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss. Mt. 26:48. “Having seized Jesus, they led Him away to the high priest’s house.” Lk. 22:54 and the unthinkable happens: His disciples abandon Him. Mt. 26:56.

We also know Jesus was taken before the High Priest where He is falsely accused, buffeted and insulted. The Jewish leaders take Jesus before Pilate, for only he can impose the death penalty. Pilate can “find no cause in Him”, yet to appease the Jews, he orders Jesus to be scourged.The scourge is made of leather thongs to which are attached small sharp bones. Jesus is bound to a pillar and cruelly scourged until His whole body is covered with deep wounds. The Lamb of God offers His suffering for the sins of mankind. Jesus suffers so much in His sacred flesh to satisfy, especially, for sins of the flesh.The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: “He was wounded for our iniquities, He was bruised for our sins.

Before the high priest Annas, one of the guards strikes Jesus in the face. Jn. 18:22. Annas sends Jesus, bound, to the high priest Caiphas. Jn. 18:24. They sought false witnesses against Jesus that they might put Him to death. Mt. 26:59. Peter denies three times that he is a disciple of Jesus. Jn. 18:17,25,27. Jesus is brought before Pilate, for only he can issue a death sentence. Jn. 18:31. Pilate can find no guilt in Jesus. Jn. 18:39. To appease the Jews, Pilate has Jesus scourged. Jn. 19:1. “It was our infirmities that He bore, our sufferings that He endured.” Is. 53:4. “He was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins.” Is. 53:5. “By His stripes we were healed.” Is. 53:5

Jesus answers Pilate that He is a king, but His kingdom is not of this world. Jn. 18:36. In mockery the soldiers place a crown of thorns on His head. Mt. 27:29. They put a reed in His right hand, a symbol of authority. Mt. 27:29. They kneel before Him in derision: “Hail, King of the Jews.” Mt. 27:29. They spit on Him and taking the reed, strike Him on the head. Mt. 27:30. Pilate presents Jesus to the crowd and says “Behold the Man.” Jn. 19:5. The crowd shouts: “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Jn. 19:6. Pilate asks: “Shall I crucify your King?” Jn. 19:15. They respond: “We have no king but Caesar.” Jn. 19:15. “Though He was harshly treated, He submitted, and opened not His mouth.” Is. 53:7

We also know that Jesus is forced to carry  His Cross to Calvary. Jn. 19:17. “He who does not carry his cross and follow Me, cannot be My disciple.” Lk. 14:27. “Take My yoke upon you… your souls will find rest.” Mt. 11:29. “My yoke is easy, and My burden light.” Mt. 11:30. “He who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Mt. 10:39. What we suffer now can never compare to the glory that awaits us. Rom. 8:18.

Jesus is on his way to Calvary, sentenced by Pilate to be crucified, carrying his cross down the Via Dolorosa. The Pharisees don’t want him to die along the way because they want to see him breathe his last on a cross, as proof that he was cursed by God  Deut 21:22-23

Then Simon's number is called. Simon the Cyrenean helps Jesus carry the Cross to Calvary. Lk. 23:26. Was Simon ready?  Was he reluctant? Was he willing? As  Tom Nash writes: "and, just as Jesus is in the midst of the central act of human history, there comes a passerby on his way back from the fields, a certain Simon. Was his day over? Or was he just on a lunch break? Was he hurrying home for that “solemn feast day?” Or was he even a Jew? Had he stopped for a moment to see the show, maybe get a look at the unlucky guy who would soon be suffocating under the noonday sun, the full weight of his body suspended on spikes in his arms and legs? Or did he just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when he encountered the Way of the Cross?

 On her visions, Wanda Malczewska saw Simon coming back into the city after having come to town in search of a plot of land to rent. Reluctantly forced into the job of carrying Christ’s cross, his look into Christ’s face changes him. She writes:
“Christ looked upon him, and Simon understood that gaze — he immediately understood the mystery of the cross and fell in love with the Lord Jesus. … I heard him tell the Lord Jesus: ‘Forgive me, Lord, for not having rushed … at the first demand of the Jews, for I did not know you. [But seeing you suffer] I have come to the conviction that you are God hidden in human flesh. Your gaze confirmed my convictions, penetrating me to the depths of my being. It seemed to me that I could not carry your cross, which they put upon me, but I am now carrying [it] easily, because you, Lord, accompany me. Don’t leave me. …”      “Weep not for Me, but for your children.” Lk. 23: 28. “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of Christ.” Gal. 6:14.The worldly person is an “enemy of the Cross of Christ.” Phil. 3:18

Then Jesus is nailed to the Cross. Lk. 23:33. He prays: “Father, forgive them…” Lk. 23:34. Jesus says to the repentant thief: “This day you will be with Me in paradise.” Lk. 23:43. Looking down at Mary His Mother, He says: “Woman, there is your son.” Jn. 19:26. Looking at the beloved disciple, He says: “There is your Mother.” Jn. 19:27. Jesus endures the terrible torture of the Cross for three hours. Mt. 27:45. Nature itself seemed in mourning, for darkness covered the earth. Mt. 27:45. “There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jn. 15:13. Having completed His redeeming mission, Jesus cried out: “It is finished.” Jn. 19:30. “Father, into Your hands, I commend My spirit.” Lk. 23:46

So what happened to Simon after the death and crucifixion of Jesus? Tradition,  found in the Golden Legend says that after evangelizing in Egypt, Simon joined Jude in Persia and Armenia or Beirut, Lebanon, where both were martyred in 65 AD. He may have suffered crucifixion as the Bishop of Jerusalem. 

The Golden Legend (Latin: Legenda aurea or Legenda sanctorum) is a collection of 153 hagiographies by Jacobus de Voragine that was widely read in Europe during the Late Middle Ages. More than a thousand manuscripts of the text have survived.


Pope Francis releases meditations ahead of Via Crucis at Colosseum

Pope Francis publishes his reflections for the Good Friday Stations of the Cross, saying that "with God, suffering never has the final word."

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


He who controls the chart of accounts controls the narrative. He who controls the narrative and the legacy media controls the people.  He who controls the people can cancel the past. Ask Google's Gemini and it will agree. Why the Democratic Coalition and Legacy Media are on overdrive, in various formats, including X.

The FBI has been cooking the books for a long time and with the Legacy Media in lockstep with the Biden Administration promoting the 2024 narratives  Pulitzer-Prize-For-Fake-News - worthy in the categories



#Antisemitism Narrative - It's Israel's Fault.



Due to time and space, some, but not all the aforementioned narratives will be addressed indepth herein.

America is Racist Hoax 

Why in Washington State, thanks to Governor Jay Inslee and the depraved Gender Fluidity Coalition, 
children are now required to learn the history of LGTBQ, hundreds of pronouns and that pregnancy is too dangerous:  Pfizer's Dr Becci Corkill refers to the Knowledge Doubling Curve as an enabler of innovation
and reason consumers should not be afraid of the COVID Vaccine. The same people, after 120 billion births, claim that gynecologists have learned nothing.  That pregnancy is too dangerous for would-bemothers and why abortion should be legalized.

But children in Washington State are not required to learn about the founding fathers. And if they come up, the learn the founding fathers were racist.

Beware of Hate Crimes

The FBI’s own Hate Crime Statistics Report show who is more likely to commit a hate crime. It shows that parents who show up at school board meetings are not likely to be terrorists. 

Neither are Mass-attending Catholics, or those who display patriotic symbology  or Pro-Life Advocates.

Nevertheless, Attorney General Garland sends the FBI to “protect” school boards. The FBI knows which public officials spew hate and call for violence against the police.

For example, Mr Anh Le was savagely beaten with a bat by two people in Chinatown. Despite the high Hate Crime rate in the city, The San Francisco DA plea-deal so the  perpetrators did no get jail time – he had to sue to get justice

Or consider two rioters who were responsible for burning down the Wendy’s in Atlanta during the BLM riots who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson and two counts of first-degree arson. Their punishment?  Chisom Kingston and Natalie White will have to pay a $500 fine, 150 hours of community service and 5 years of probation. For reference, this is the same Fulton County where President Donald Trump was charged with 13 felony counts and facing a maximum of 76.5 years in prison. Nancy Pelosi's favorite slogan The No One Is Above The Law has become a meaningless buzzword

America is Islamophobic Hoax

While terrorists are arriving in droves through the Southern Border,  the DOJ is chasing Catholics and  parents for domestic terrorism, the biggest threat is not those coming across the Southern Border, but those who are here in every social stratum, from professors at Stanford University, students at Harvard or politicians in Washington DC.

Consider that the Biden Administration awarded $6 billion to Iran, disingenuously claiming the money won't get to terrorists. Then the Biden Administration touts the euphemistically titled " First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia" - a gag order that could  classify  Dem Michigan AG's and other similar statements calling out Tlaib for 'cruel' and hateful' Israel comments Islamophobic, even though one  is already in place referred to as  Incubators For The Ummah Industrial Complex administered by leading US Universities, like Harvard, MIT, Penn, Stanford et al.

While Kamala Harris touts the First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia, aka Gag Order Against Criticizing Islam, her stepdaughter Ella Emhoff is helping raise money for a Gaza fundraiser that could end up in the hands of Hamas. Yet, Jew-hating is alive and well in the USA Democratic coalition. Notably, Democratic Socialists of America and Black Lives Matter affiliates have issued statements of support for Hamas: we cannof find anyone in the Biden Administration who has condemned the AntiSemitic remarks coming in from the Democrat. Here's a sampling:

Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal compares Israel's self-defense to Russia's siege of Ukraine.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) antisemitism and disgraceful response to the attacks on Israel is so disgusting that Congressman Jack Berman introduced a resolution to censure her.

Or Ilhan Omar rabid antiSemitism that even Adam Schiff was compelled to denounce her "Anti-Semitism has no place in the halls of Congress or civil society, and it’s incumbent upon all of us in leadership positions to speak respectfully and thoughtfully, even about issues as emotionally charged as those involving Israel and Palestine."

Or Haley Campaign  Ripping
AOC Over Israel Resolution Snub: 'You Would Fit Great with the Anti-Semites' at UN"

Or Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) is under  fundraising and associating with an antisemitic activist who once said she wants to burn “every Israeli” alive.

The Richmond Calif., City Council voted for state-sponsored  AntiSemitism and accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing and collective punishment"

And we all know is not about hate, but about protecting the Ummah Industrial Complex.

Now it is no longer a conspiracy theory- what I've been telling you for decades: Voter Fraud is so easy, a caveman can do or a doctor Jill if you prefer.
Because of the Inside Threat, an Insider with a Motive: #MOM - Motive, Means & Opportunity to Commit any crime. With a MOM, for an Insider, voter fraud is so easy a caveman can do it.

ICYM: The #DepartmentOfDefense & the Air Force have joined the DOJ, FBI and Intel Agencies in providing #DNC with Opposition Research.At taxpayer's expense.

Antisemitism Narrative- it's Israel's Fault.

A Cursory look at Legacy Media coverage on the subject:

Antisemitic, AntiChristian NYT's
@NicholasFandos. In the latest entry in the 2024 #PulitzerForFakeNews,

In the category of #AntiSemitism in circular reporting style "reports"

"Ocasio-Cortez, member of antisemitic Democratic Coalition in House Speech, Accuses Israel of ‘Genocide’"

Previously Chuck Schumer called for insurrection against Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Legacy Media has been in lockstep with the Biden Administration promoting the it's Israel's Fault Narrative.

#Axios' @barak_ravid "reports"

Blinken unloads on Bibi: "You need a coherent plan" or face disaster in Gaza. As if the Biden Administration foreign policy plans had any coherence.

Antisemitic, AntiChristian #NYT's
@ReidJEpstein "reports"
"A group of more than 100 Democratic donors and activists on Monday sent a letter to President Biden’s campaign warning that progressive anger over Israel’s war in Gaza is “increasing the chances of a Trump victory.”

TRANSLATION: Wealthy Democrat Donors fear continued #DemocraticCoalition's #AntiSemitism helps president Donald Trump.


Antisemitic, AntiChristian #NBCNews'

@MonicaAlba, @CourtneyKube, #JonathanAllen, and @Carol E. Lee

"Amid deepening tensions, White House weighs how to respond if Israel defies Biden with Rafah invasion"

Other entries include:

Antisemitic, AntiChristian #APNews"

"report:" "Netanyahu snaps back against growing US criticism after being accused of losing his way on Gaza." But It’s not "growing US criticism." It's Democratic Coalition criticism which included the US Legacy Media. And it's not growing. It's always been antisemitic.

Axios' @BarakRavid "reports:" "Chuck Schumer's (D-N.Y.) speech calling for a new government in  Israel landed like an earthquake Thursday, delivering a huge shock to the already tense U.S.-Israel relationship." 

Duh! - and it's not just Israel, but every single democracy in the world. Keeping mind Obama's democratic coalition interfered with elections in Macedonia, Israel and coluded with legacy media to mount a coup.

Antisemitic, AntiChristian #NYT''s @AnnieKarni "reports: " Chuck Schumer is advocating for regime change in Israel"CBS' @ImtiazTyab, @ErinLyall, #TuckerReals "report:" "Israel accused of deliberately starving Gaza civilians as war plans leave Netanyahu "increasingly isolated"

Axios' @BarakRavid "reports" old news "Israeli military operation in Rafah 'cannot proceed,' U.S. ambassador to the UN says"


#CNN's @KevinLiptak, and #MJLee, previously "reported" "Biden growing more frustrated with Netanyahu as Gaza campaign rages on"

Democrats Care For Children Hoax

The SQUAD calls for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, for children's sake. But their claim to care for Palestinian children sounds as hollow as they continue to enable the Black Genocide and  extinction of the AA nuclear family. The Squad doesn't care about Black children.

When Hamas killed Palestinian children to build tunnels, the Squad didn’t care about Palestinian children

The SQUAD also refused to call for a cease fire in Nagorno-Karabakh - because they are Christian

There was a Christmas Massacre in Nigeria: The death toll is at 140 and climbing after a series of coordinated attacks by Jihadist forces in Plateau. They attacked 20 Christian communities in Central Nigeria, raiding and burning homes while civilians were asleep. 300 are injured and 221 homes are destroyed. In the past 2 decades, 62,000 Christians in Nigeria have been killed by Jihadists and another 5 million have been displaced: The Squad doesn't care about Christian children.

In late September Muslims seized
The Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh forcing some 120,000 ethnic Armenians to flee en masse in one of the starkest examples of forced displacement in the twenty-first century.

Neither the White House, nor the Squad have offered humanitarian aid, nor asked the Muslims to withdraw from the occupied territory.

Yet, they want an immediate cease-fire so Hamas "can take care of their children:" When Hamas leader, Fathi Hammad, says Palestinians should murder Jews as an act of worship for "Allah". He compares Jews to cancer that must be eradicated and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state which will commit genocide against the Jews.

Palestinian children, relatives of suicide terrorists, appeared on Hamas TV to glorify self-sacrifice, jihad & martyrdom. The children say they aspire to be the next generation of martyrs. This is what the Palestinians teach their children in Gaza. Link

Palestinian leader, Yousef Makharzah, encourages polygamy, and claims that Christian and  Jewish women in the West are immoral for having intimate relationships with animals such as dogs and donkeys who replace their husbands in bed Head Of Hizbullah's Shari'a Council in Lebanon wants to kill gay people, because he is afraid of being infected by them. He accuses elderly Jewish people of spreading homosexuality and compares them to the people of Sodom who were "stoned to death" 

Hammas, leader of Hamas, screams in rage that Hamas will never allow peace with Jews, according to him the only thing they will offer the Jews is beheading with a sword, as he demonstrates with his hand.

Mahmoud Habbash, the adviser to the Palestinian president reveals that Hamas is deliberately killing children and women in Gaza & blame Israel's. They use children and women as human shield to sacrifice them for propaganda. 

After the Biden Administration awarded $6 billion to Iran disingenuously claimed the money was not going to be used to fund terrorism, no one in the Biden Administration has condemned the AntiSemitic remarks coming in from the Democratic coalition

An estimated 27% of human trafficking victims are children. While the Philippines is one of the largest known sources of children exploitation. California, for example has consistently had the highest number of human trafficking cases in America.  One in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault. 82% of all victims under 18 are female. Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.  Yet the people who are supposed to protect the children, seem more interested in protecting the predators: Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the sex-trafficking ring of young teens she helped financier Jeffrey Epstein run for a decade.Yet, not a single John has been publicly identified.

In Washington State Governor Jay Inslee  declared that children belong to the state not unlike Third Reich’s ideology and part of  human depravity. And the tactics used by the gender fluidity movement are not much different from the ones used by the Hitler Youth Group.

DEI Hoax  aka DEI Industrial Complex 

AntiChristian, antiUSA, AntiSemitic
AP News, in the latest entry  in the 2024 #PulitzerPrizeForFakeNews in the category #DEIHoax "reports:"
"Kentucky governor marks civil rights event by condemning limits on diversity, equity and inclusion"

“DEI is not a four-letter word,” Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear said in his speech in front of the state Capitol. “DEI is a three-letter acronym for very important values that are found in our Bible. Diversity, equity and inclusion is about loving each other. It’s about living out the Golden Rule. ... Diversity will always make us stronger. It is an asset and never a liability."

That's what demagogues like Beshear say. That's what progressive do; A study has shown how Black DEI professionals get the short end of the stick. According to a report from Zippia, 76.1% of chief diversity officer roles are held by white employees while 3.8% are held by Black employees.Just like abortion: most vocal proponents are white.  Most of the babies killed are of color.

At  #TheGreatMarch on Washington, held in DC August 28, 1963,  Dr. #MartinLutherKingJr., standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, delivered his historic "#IHaveADream" speech in which he called for an end to racism and racial segregation.   I Have a Dream, is quintessentially American: inspired by the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and thea Gettysburg Address.

Five years later, progressives got MLK Jr out of their way, turning his dream into a nightmare: racism has morphed into DEI, the #AbortionIndustrialComplex  has enabled the Black Genocide, the disintegration of the African-American nuclear family and  a fatherlesssness crisis. 

A new Documentary exposes how the #FBI tried to destroy #MLK with #wiretaps and #blackmail - ultimately he was assassinated.   His family believes James Earl Ray was framed.

MLK Jr. death cleared the way for the uber progressive Warren Court's Decision: the Court found that teaching children about wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety,  fear of the Lord., charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and  chastity was too radical, all hell broke lose.

Using analysis tools like the Ishikawa Cause-Effect Diagram, the Pareto Rule, Security Professionals' Attack Tree and or Occam's Razor, they all suggest that after the uber progressive  Warren SCOTUS  (1963) decision, we have had A mental health crisis. Infanticide turned into Black Genocide. African American nuclear family has joined the Sea Turtles in the extinct list - compare to 2% divorce rate for couples using NFP. 80% of AA kids are raised in fatherless homes.  Replaced faith-based Gleaning with SNAP. AIDS epidemic. Opiod crisis. We have a fatherlesssness crisis. A Girlhood Crisis. A Trans Crisis. Obesity crisis

Send Money For Students Hoax

The school system is run for the benefit of the education industrial complex organized mostly along industrial lines

Right after research links declining academic performance and memory loss on use of artificial intelligence tools when faced with increased academic workload and time constraints. 
Los Angeles Unified Launches Ed, Launches a Pioneering Learning Acceleration AI Platform "to Improve Student Achievement"

An influential committee of the UC Academic Senate can't agree how much academics matter - can't agree on how much math to take to qualify to attend a four-year California State University. Sadly, the group  is influential, but can't agree academics matter.

Yet  The California Community Colleges Baccalaureate Degree Program was created to make it easier and more affordable for community college students to get their baccalaureate degree and be eligible for a broader array of employment opportunities.

Gavin Newsom and lawmakers think students are too stupid to figure out which college courses to take to  transfer to the University of California, so they  make it easier with AB1291.

And he thinks California Universities are not good enough for Black students, so he signed a bill  that grants community college students who transfer to historically Black colleges and universities a one-time grant of up to $5,000.

Then there's the DEI Industrial Complex:

Pacific Oaks College has been focused on increasing the number of teachers of color since 2020, according to a news release. And since then, there’s been a 30% increase in the number of students of color who have graduated from their programs." 

So-called experts disingenuos ideas about how to solve teacher shortage keep pouring- this time hire teachers of color in an accelerated format:  forget about Academics -its about Race Hustling: 
Consider that after all the college majors that pay the most right after college  are STEM-based. Except for a BS In Race Hustling -  Race Hustling is the highest paid degree: The University of Michigan has 163 DEI officers. Ohio State & U of Virginia have 94. Georgia Tech has 41, but only 13 history teachers. The Highest-paid diversity and inclusion employees rake in substantially more than the average full-time professor!

Consider Tony Thurmond Who Proposes to do the Same Thing Expecting different results: Hire Mercenaries!

Experts like Simon Sinek have long argued that employees attracted mostly by salary will soon reach their higher level of incompetence. Sinek illustrates his point using the powered flight race: the Wright Brothers were leaders, innovators, and importantly they had a cause and a purpose beyond themselves and why they beat out Pierpoint Langley in the powered flight race, even though Langley had fame and fortune but a selfish motive.

To address teacher retention and shortages, so-called Educational leaders and policymakers came up with a grandiose idea: "Teaching, reinvented: How Unconventional Educator Pave the Way for a More Fulfilling and Sustainable Profession.”  - they do it by paying teachers more or move them away from teaching and into leadership roles!

Others to solve the problem and to "improve quality of life" are looking at a four day workweek.

Yet, others want to train new teachers.  All that is required is a pledge of allegiance to the Teachers unions.  No one seems to be looking at the source of the problem:

Teacher shortage is a manufactured crisis designed to bring in brain washed ones: you see, teachers are quiting  due to value misalignment with the state: The Teachers Unions believe the children belong to the state.  See for example 4th Circuit ruled parents cannote challenge district's policy of gender affinity without parental notification. Dissenting judge calls ruling an "abdication of judicial duty" Most teachers agree with dissenting judge.

Teachers Unions and corrupt politicians  turned schools and universities into madrasshas: more indoctrination less education, leaving behind $1.7 TRILLION worth of student loans and a factory of useless degrees and generations confused about their gender.
Yet, the degree inflation has been accelerating: In California, students seeking a bachelor’s degree can get them at community colleges and soon at McDonald's.
Gov. Gavin Newsom thinks California Universities are not good enough for Black students, so he signed a bill  that grants community college students who transfer to historically Black colleges and universities a one-time grant of up to $5,000.

How Legacy Media Promotes the Hoax:
Antisemitic, AntiChristian NYT's Tara Siegel Bernard, who writes about personal finance, from saving for college to paying for retirement and everything in between. "reports"

"Biden Approves $5.8 Billion in Additional Student Debt Cancellation

The incremental relief brings the canceled total to $143.6 billion for nearly four million Americans."

Tara knows better. "Incremental relief" and Debt Cancellation are euphemisms for #NormalizedDelinquency

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

He Who Controls The Narrative Controls The Media And The People

He who controls the chart of accounts controls the narrative. He who controls the narrative and the legacy media controls the people.  He who controls the people can cancel the past. Ask Google's Gemini and it will agree. Why the Democratic Coalition and Legacy Media are on overdrive, in various formats, including X

Figures don't lie. Liars figure

The FBI has been cooking the books for a long time and with the Legacy Media in lockstep with the Biden Administration promoting the 2024 narratives  Pulitzer-Prize-For-Fake-News - worthy in the categories

While the twentieth-century is,  was the bloodiest century in the history of the world. Not just because there was a holocaust with six million Jews slaughtered in Germany, but because there were millions more killed around the world. It does not have a monopoly in human depravity.

Not only has the mainstream media abdicated its role in the 4th estate, but there have been over forty million unborn babies killed in the United States since Roe v. Wade in 1973 a number of genocides, including the Black Genocide and honorable mention goes to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Gaza Conflict.

Joseph Goebbels infamously stated: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie” 

The No One Is Above The Law Hoax

#Antisemitism Narrative - It's Israel's Fault.

Hate Crime Hoax: The FBI’s own Hate Crime Statistics Report show who is more likely to commit a hate crime. Including corrupt politicians who incite violence 


Controlling the narrative: J6 Insurrection Hoax 


Booming Economy Hoax: The Biden Administration  boasts of a buttom up, side out approach to improve the economy. Yet a Venn Diagram, as Kamala Harris might say, shows that Zelensky, the Iran Mullahs, illegal immigrants, Millionaires and delinquents, are fairing much better than a two-income household or a fetus: The Biden administration just announced it is canceling nearly $5 billion in student loans for 74,000 borrowers - except that "student loan borrowers" - Euphemism for #NormalizedDelinquency

J6 Insurrection Hoax


J6 Insurrection Hoax 

Due to time and space, some, but not all the aforementioned narratives will be addressed indepth herein.

America is Racist Hoax 

Why in Washington State, thanks to Governor Jay Inslee and the depraved Gender Fluidity Coalition, 
children are now required to learn the history of LGTBQ, hundreds of pronouns and that pregnancy is too dangerous:  Pfizer's Dr Becci Corkill refers to the Knowledge Doubling Curve as an enabler of innovation
and reason consumers should not be afraid of the COVID Vaccine. The same people, after 120 billion births, claim that gynecologists have learned nothing.  That pregnancy is too dangerous for would-bemothers and why abortion should be legalized.

Human depravity:  Not only has the mainstream media abdicated its role in the 4th estate, but there have been over forty million unborn babies killed in the United States since Roe v. Wade in 1973 a number of genocides, including the Black Genocide and honorable mention goes to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Gaza Conflict.

But children in Washington State are not required to learn about the founding fathers. And if they come up, the learn the founding fathers were racist.

Beware of Hate Crimes

The FBI’s own Hate Crime Statistics Report show who is more likely to commit a hate crime. It shows that parents who show up at school board meetings are not likely to be terrorists. 

Neither are Mass-attending Catholics, or those who display patriotic symbology  or Pro-Life Advocates.

Nevertheless, Attorney General Garland sends the FBI to “protect” school boards. The FBI knows which public officials spew hate and call for violence against the police.

For example, Mr Anh Le was savagely beaten with a bat by two people in Chinatown. Despite the high Hate Crime rate in the city, The San Francisco DA plea-deal so the  perpetrators did no get jail time – he had to sue to get justice

Or consider two rioters who were responsible for burning down the Wendy’s in Atlanta during the BLM riots who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit arson and two counts of first-degree arson. Their punishment?  Chisom Kingston and Natalie White will have to pay a $500 fine, 150 hours of community service and 5 years of probation. For reference, this is the same Fulton County where President Donald Trump was charged with 13 felony counts and facing a maximum of 76.5 years in prison. Nancy Pelosi's favorite slogan The No One Is Above The Law has become a meaningless buzzword

America is Islamophobic Hoax

While terrorists are arriving in droves through the Southern Border,  the DOJ is chasing Catholics and  parents for domestic terrorism, the biggest threat is not those coming across the Southern Border, but those who are here in every social stratum, from professors at Stanford University, students at Harvard or politicians in Washington DC.

National Security Hoax

Consider that the Biden Administration awarded $6 billion to Iran, disingenuously claiming the money won't get to terrorists. Then the Biden Administration touts the euphemistically titled " First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia" - a gag order that could  classify  Dem Michigan AG's and other similar statements calling out Tlaib for 'cruel' and hateful' Israel comments Islamophobic, even though one  is already in place referred to as  Incubators For The Ummah Industrial Complex administered by leading US Universities, like Harvard, MIT, Penn, Stanford et al.

While Kamala Harris touts the First National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia, aka Gag Order Against Criticizing Islam, her stepdaughter Ella Emhoff is helping raise money for a Gaza fundraiser that could end up in the hands of Hamas. Yet, Jew-hating is alive and well in the USA Democratic coalition. Notably, Democratic Socialists of America and Black Lives Matter affiliates have issued statements of support for Hamas: we cannof find anyone in the Biden Administration who has condemned the AntiSemitic remarks coming in from the Democrat. Here's a sampling:

Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal compares Israel's self-defense to Russia's siege of Ukraine
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) antisemitism and disgraceful response to the attacks on Israel is so disgusting that Congressman Jack Berman introduced a resolution to censure her
Or Ilhan Omar rabid antiSemitism that even Adam Schiff was compelled to denounce her "Anti-Semitism has no place in the halls of Congress or civil society, and it’s incumbent upon all of us in leadership positions to speak respectfully and thoughtfully, even about issues as emotionally charged as those involving Israel and Palestine."

Or Haley Campaign  Ripping
AOC Over Israel Resolution Snub: 'You Would Fit Great with the Anti-Semites' at UN"

Or Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) is under  fundraising and associating with an antisemitic activist who once said she wants to burn “every Israeli” alive.

The Richmond Calif., City Council voted for state-sponsored  AntiSemitism and accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing and collective punishment"

And we all know is not about hate, but about protecting the Ummah Industrial Complex

National Security Hoax

#NYT's @zolankannoyoungs
"Biden Unites With an Unlikely Ally to Champion Ukraine"

Joe Biden pledges he can't let up. Zelensky needs to fund his own war on Christianity, the Legacy Media needs to keep"reporting" on the Pulitzer Prize for Fake News.The Legacy Media has been in lockstep with the Biden Administration promoting the 2024 #PulitzerPrizeForFakeNews in various categories, including the #NationalSecurityHoax: Send money to Ukraine so we can pay the #militaryindustrialcomplex's bills.
@zolankannoyoungs Is just the  latest entry in this year's
Pulitzer Prize for Fake News, in the category of #NationalSecurityHoax.

Other entries include


By #FrankThorpV, @JulieTsirkin, and #SummerConcepcion


"@ChuckSchumer to push stripped-down Israel and Ukraine aid package after GOP blocks border bill

The vote comes after Republican senators made clear there isn't enough support for a bipartisan border security bill that included foreign aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan."

Just before that


In typical #ColumbiaUniversity #PulitzerPrizeWinner #RussiaHoax

Now bring you the

#NationalSecurityHoax:  Send "aid" to #Ukraine and Iran #NOW, as a #NationalSecurityImperative.  Blame #ExtremeMAGARepublicans for #SouthernBorderCrisis, while fighting #Texas.

Senate Republicans resist advancing on border policy bill, leaving aid for Ukraine in doubt

Echoing @RepJeffries call for aid to Iran and Ukraine as a national security imperative: Last Monday, @RepJeffries and the DNC asked for more taxpayer money for Iran and to fund Zelensky and his #WarOnChristianity among other things, all the while our national security is at risk in the Southern Border, but Joe Biden, the  DNC and the Biden Administration are fighting #Texas so that more terrorists can come in through the Southern Border.  Now he's blaming MAGA Republicans for failure to act on a vacuous legislation Biden says he needs so he can take action on the Southern Border!


NPR's Becky Sullivan reports  "As Ukraine's war drags on and a D.C. shutdown looms, Zelenskyy makes his case for aid"

What Sullivan doesn't report

The Biden Administration lost more than $1 billion worth of weapons sent to Ukraine - As casualties keep mounting with over 200 000 Russian and Ukranian soldiers killed and  or wounded and 30% of Ukranians displaced. At the same time, Ukraine is also waging a War On Christianity, not unlike  the one in the USA

Yet CNN,  NYT and  the rest of the legacy media are not covering the war wall to wall 24X7 like all previous wars. And reporters like  Gonzalo Lira is canceled on Trump-ed up charges then killed.

How the war started:  The Russian invasion was provoked by the #NATO, enabled by China, corrupt media, politicians, #militaryindustrialcomplex, corporate greed and  feckless, NATO & USA leadership

The Legacy Media MSM politicians mocked Elon Musk's proposed peace plan, because as Putin declared  On 24 February 2022: "Russia is going to win the war in weeks" - we are coming up on years!

The Chinese government said it would not provide weapons to Russia to support the invasion now or in the future.  Then proposes a peace plan, while arming Russia.Apr 14, 2023

Who benefits?:  Follow the money. A protracted war only benefits the enablers

Elections are secure Hoax

Now it is no longer a conspiracy theory- what I've been telling you for decades: Voter Fraud is so easy, a caveman can do or a doctor Jill if you prefer.
Because of the Inside Threat, an Insider with a Motive: #MOM - Motive, Means & Opportunity to Commit any crime. With a MOM, for an Insider, voter fraud is so easy a caveman can do it.

ICYM: The #DepartmentOfDefense & the Air Force have joined the DOJ, FBI and Intel Agencies in providing #DNC with Opposition Research.At taxpayer's expense.

Antisemitism Narrative- it's Israel's Fault.

A Cursory look at Legacy Media coverage on the subject:

Antisemitic, AntiChristian NYT's
@NicholasFandos. In the latest entry in the 2024 #PulitzerForFakeNews,

In the category of #AntiSemitism in circular reporting style "reports"

"Ocasio-Cortez, member of antisemitic Democratic Coalition in House Speech, Accuses Israel of ‘Genocide’"

Previously Chuck Schumer called for insurrection against Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Legacy Media has been in lockstep with the Biden Administration promoting the it's Israel's Fault Narrative.

#Axios' @barak_ravid "reports"

Blinken unloads on Bibi: "You need a coherent plan" or face disaster in Gaza. As if the Biden Administration foreign policy plans had any coherence.

Antisemitic, AntiChristian #NYT's
@ReidJEpstein "reports"
"A group of more than 100 Democratic donors and activists on Monday sent a letter to President Biden’s campaign warning that progressive anger over Israel’s war in Gaza is “increasing the chances of a Trump victory.”

TRANSLATION: Wealthy Democrat Donors fear continued #DemocraticCoalition's #AntiSemitism helps president Donald Trump.


Antisemitic, AntiChristian #NBCNews'

@MonicaAlba, @CourtneyKube, #JonathanAllen, and @Carol E. Lee

"Amid deepening tensions, White House weighs how to respond if Israel defies Biden with Rafah invasion"

Other entries include:

Antisemitic, AntiChristian #APNews"

"report:" "Netanyahu snaps back against growing US criticism after being accused of losing his way on Gaza." But It’s not "growing US criticism." It's Democratic Coalition criticism which included the US Legacy Media. And it's not growing. It's always been antisemitic

Axios' @BarakRavid "reports:" "Chuck Schumer's (D-N.Y.) speech calling for a new government in  Israel landed like an earthquake Thursday, delivering a huge shock to the already tense U.S.-Israel relationship." Duh! - and it's not just Israel, but every single democracy in the world. Keeping mind Obama's democratic coalition interfered with elections in Macedonia, Israel and coluded with legacy media to mount a coup.

Antisemitic, AntiChristian #NYT''s @AnnieKarni "reports: " Chuck Schumer is advocating for regime change in Israel"

CBS' @ImtiazTyab, @ErinLyall, #TuckerReals "report:" "Israel accused of deliberately starving Gaza civilians as war plans leave Netanyahu "increasingly isolated"

Axios' @BarakRavid "reports" old news "Israeli military operation in Rafah 'cannot proceed,' U.S. ambassador to the UN says"


#CNN's @KevinLiptak, and #MJLee, previously "reported" "Biden growing more frustrated with Netanyahu as Gaza campaign rages on"

Democrats Care For Children Hoax

The SQUAD calls for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, for children's sake. But their claim to care for Palestinian children sounds as hollow as they continue to enable the Black Genocide and  extinction of the AA nuclear family. The Squad doesn't care about Black children


When Hamas killed Palestinian children to build tunnels, the Squad didn’t care about Palestinian children

The SQUAD also refused to call for a cease fire in Nagorno-Karabakh - because they are Christian

There was a Christmas Massacre in Nigeria: The death toll is at 140 and climbing after a series of coordinated attacks by Jihadist forces in Plateau. They attacked 20 Christian communities in Central Nigeria, raiding and burning homes while civilians were asleep. 300 are injured and 221 homes are destroyed. In the past 2 decades, 62,000 Christians in Nigeria have been killed by Jihadists and another 5 million have been displaced: The Squad doesn't care about Christian children.

In late September Muslims seized
The Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh forcing some 120,000 ethnic Armenians to flee en masse in one of the starkest examples of forced displacement in the twenty-first century.

Neither the White House, nor the Squad have offered humanitarian aid, nor asked the Muslims to withdraw from the occupied territory.

Yet, they want an immediate cease-fire so Hamas "can take care of their children:" When Hamas leader, Fathi Hammad, says Palestinians should murder Jews as an act of worship for "Allah". He compares Jews to cancer that must be eradicated and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state which will commit genocide against the Jews.

Palestinian children, relatives of suicide terrorists, appeared on Hamas TV to glorify self-sacrifice, jihad & martyrdom. The children say they aspire to be the next generation of martyrs. This is what the Palestinians teach their children in Gaza. Link

Palestinian leader, Yousef Makharzah, encourages polygamy, and claims that Christian and  Jewish women in the West are immoral for having intimate relationships with animals such as dogs and donkeys who replace their husbands in bed Head Of Hizbullah's Shari'a Council in Lebanon wants to kill gay people, because he is afraid of being infected by them. He accuses elderly Jewish people of spreading homosexuality and compares them to the people of Sodom who were "stoned to death" 

Hammas, leader of Hamas, screams in rage that Hamas will never allow peace with Jews, according to him the only thing they will offer the Jews is beheading with a sword, as he demonstrates with his hand.

Mahmoud Habbash, the adviser to the Palestinian president reveals that Hamas is deliberately killing children and women in Gaza & blame Israel's. They use children and women as human shield to sacrifice them for propaganda. 

Even worse: After the Biden Administration gave $6billion to Iran disingenuously claimed the money was not going to be used to fund terrorism, no one in the Biden Administration has condemned the AntiSemitic remarks coming in from the Democratic coalition

An estimated 27% of human trafficking victims are children. While the Philippines is one of the largest known sources of children exploitation. California, for example has consistently had the highest number of human trafficking cases in America.  One in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault. 82% of all victims under 18 are female. Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.  Yet the people who are supposed to protect the children, seem more interested in protecting the predators: Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the sex-trafficking ring of young teens she helped financier Jeffrey Epstein run for a decade.Yet, not a single John has been publicly identified.

In Washington State Governor Jay Inslee  declared that children belong to the state not unlike Third Reich’s ideology and part of  human depravity. And the tactics used by the gender fluidity movement are not much different from the ones used by the Hitler Youth Group.

DEI Hoax 

 @BRUCESCHREINER writing for
AntiChristian, antiUSA, AntiSemitic
AP News, in the latest entry  in the 2024 #PulitzerPrizeForFakeNews in the category #DEIHoax "reports:"
"Kentucky governor marks civil rights event by condemning limits on diversity, equity and inclusion"

“DEI is not a four-letter word,” Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear said in his speech in front of the state Capitol. “DEI is a three-letter acronym for very important values that are found in our Bible. Diversity, equity and inclusion is about loving each other. It’s about living out the Golden Rule. ... Diversity will always make us stronger. It is an asset and never a liability."

That's what demagogues like Beshear say. That's what progressive do; A study has shown how Black DEI professionals get the short end of the stick. According to a report from Zippia, 76.1% of chief diversity officer roles are held by white employees while 3.8% are held by Black employees.Just like abortion: most vocal proponents are white.  Most of the babies killed are of color.

JWU proudly boasts its DEI mission:

JWU proudly boasts its DEI mission:
JWU is not alone. That's what progressive do; A study has shown how Black DEI professionals get the short end of the stick. According to a report from Zippia, 76.1% of chief diversity officer roles are held by white employees while 3.8% are held by Black employees

Just like abortion: most vocal proponents are white.  Most of the babies killed are of color.

You see, Joseph Goebbels infamously stated: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie”


At  #TheGreatMarch on Washington, held in DC August 28, 1963,  Dr. #MartinLutherKingJr., standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, delivered his historic "#IHaveADream" speech in which he called for an end to racism and racial segregation.   I Have a Dream, is quintessentially American: inspired by the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and thea Gettysburg Address.

Five years later, progressives got MLK Jr out of their way, turning his dream into a nightmare: racism has morphed into DEI, the #AbortionIndustrialComplex  has enabled the Black Genocide, the disintegration of the African-American nuclear family and  a fatherlesssness crisis. 

A new Documentary exposes how the #FBI tried to destroy #MLK with #wiretaps and #blackmail - ultimately he was assassinated.   His family believes James Earl Ray was framed

MLK Jr. death cleared the way for the uber progressive Warren Court's Decision: the Court found that teaching children about wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety,  fear of the Lord., charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control and  chastity was too radical, all hell broke lose.

Using analysis tools like the Ishikawa Cause-Effect Diagram, the Pareto Rule, Security Professionals' Attack Tree and or Occam's Razor, they all suggest that after the uber progressive  Warren SCOTUS  (1963) decision, we have had A mental health crisis. Infanticide turned into Black Genocide. African American nuclear family has joined the Sea Turtles in the extinct list - compare to 2% divorce rate for couples using NFP. 80% of AA kids are raised in fatherless homes.  Replaced faith-based Gleaning with SNAP. AIDS epidemic. Opiod crisis. We have a fatherlesssness crisis. A Girlhood Crisis. A Trans Crisis. Obesity crisis

Send Money For Students Hoax

Depraved Capitalism 

The school system is run for the benefit of the education industrial complex organized mostly along industrial lines

Right after research links declining academic performance and memory loss on use of artificial intelligence tools when faced with increased academic workload and time constraints. 
Los Angeles Unified Launches Ed, Launches a Pioneering Learning Acceleration AI Platform "to Improve Student Achievement"

An influential committee of the UC Academic Senate can't agree how much academics matter - can't agree on how much math to take to qualify to attend a four-year California State University. Sadly, the group  is influential, but can't agree academics matter.

Yet  The California Community Colleges Baccalaureate Degree Program was created to make it easier and more affordable for community college students to get their baccalaureate degree and be eligible for a broader array of employment opportunities.

Gavin Newsom and lawmakers think students are too stupid to figure out which college courses to take to  transfer to the University of California, so they  make it easier with AB1291.

And he thinks California Universities are not good enough for Black students, so he signed a bill  that grants community college students who transfer to historically Black colleges and universities a one-time grant of up to $5,000.

Then there's the DEI Industrial Complex:

Pacific Oaks College has been focused on increasing the number of teachers of color since 2020, according to a news release. And since then, there’s been a 30% increase in the number of students of color who have graduated from their programs." 

So-called experts disingenuos ideas about how to solve teacher shortage keep pouring- this time hire teachers of color in an accelerated format:  forget about Academics -its about Race Hustling: 
Consider that after all the college majors that pay the most right after college  are STEM-based. Except for a BS In Race Hustling -  Race Hustling is the highest paid degree: The University of Michigan has 163 DEI officers. Ohio State & U of Virginia have 94. Georgia Tech has 41, but only 13 history teachers. The Highest-paid diversity and inclusion employees rake in substantially more than the average full-time professor!

Consider Tony Thurmond Who Proposes to do the Same Thing Expecting different results: Hire Mercenaries!

Experts like Simon Sinek have long argued that employees attracted mostly by salary will soon reach their higher level of incompetence. Sinek illustrates his point using the powered flight race: the Wright Brothers were leaders, innovators, and importantly they had a cause and a purpose beyond themselves and why they beat out Pierpoint Langley in the powered flight race, even though Langley had fame and fortune but a selfish motive.

To address teacher retention and shortages, so-called Educational leaders and policymakers came up with a grandiose idea: "Teaching, reinvented: How Unconventional Educator Pave the Way for a More Fulfilling and Sustainable Profession.”  - they do it by paying teachers more or move them away from teaching and into leadership roles!

Others to solve the problem and to "improve quality of life" are looking at a four day workweek.

Yet, others want to train new teachers.  All that is required is a pledge of allegiance to the Teachers unions.  No one seems to be looking at the source of the problem:

Teacher shortage is a manufactured crisis designed to bring in brain washed ones: you see, teachers are quiting  due to value misalignment with the state: The Teachers Unions believe the children belong to the state.  See for example 4th Circuit ruled parents cannote challenge district's policy of gender affinity without parental notification. Dissenting judge calls ruling an "abdication of judicial duty" Most teachers agree with dissenting judge.

Teachers Unions and corrupt politicians  turned schools and universities into madrasshas: more indoctrination less education, leaving behind $1.7 TRILLION worth of student loans and a factory of useless degrees and generations confused about their gender.

Yet, the degree inflation has been accelerating: In California, students seeking a bachelor’s degree can get them at community colleges and soon at McDonald's.
Gov. Gavin Newsom thinks California Universities are not good enough for Black students, so he signed a bill  that grants community college students who transfer to historically Black colleges and universities a one-time grant of up to $5,000.

How Legacy Media Promotes the Hoax:
Antisemitic, AntiChristian NYT's Tara Siegel Bernard, who writes about personal finance, from saving for college to paying for retirement and everything in between. "reports"

"Biden Approves $5.8 Billion in Additional Student Debt Cancellation

The incremental relief brings the canceled total to $143.6 billion for nearly four million Americans."

Tara knows better. "Incremental relief" and Debt Cancellation are euphemisms for #NormalizedDelinquency

National Security Hoax

Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Biden Administration lost more than $1 billion worth of weapons sent to Ukraine - As casualties keep mounting with over 200 000 Russian and Ukranian soldiers killed and or wounded and 30% of Ukranians displaced. At the same time, Ukraine is also waging a War On Christianity, not unlike the one in the USA

Yet CNN, NYT and the rest of the legacy media are not covering the war wall to wall 24X7 like all previous wars. And reporters like Gonzalo Lira is canceled on Trump-ed up charges then killed.

How the war started: The Russian invasion was provoked by the NATO, enabled by China, corrupt media, politicians, military industrial complex, corporate greed and feckless, NATO and USA leadership

The Legacy Media MSM politicians mocked Elon Musk's proposed peace plan, because as Putin declared On 24 February 2022: "Russia is going to win the war in weeks" - we are coming up on years!

The Chinese government said it would not provide weapons to Russia to support the invasion now or in the future. Then proposes a peace plan, while arming Russia. Not much different from China screaming that all signatory countries should abide by the Paris Accord- since China is basically exempt.

Who benefits?: Follow the money. A protracted war only benefits the enablers

How the Legacy Media is covering the conflict.

#NYT @karoundemirjian's "report"

"Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill Faces Another Test in Senate Amid G.O.P. Resistance. A bipartisan show of support for the measure would keep it on track for passage as early as Tuesday, but it faces opposition from Republicans and former President Donald J. Trump, posing a challenge in the House."

Is the latest entry in this year's 2024 Pulitzer Prize for National SecurityHox: Send "aid" to Ukraine and Israel  NOW, as a National Security Imperative.  Blame Extreme MAGA Republicans for Southern Border Crisis, while tryong to stop Texas.

Previously nominated:

@Politico's @DaniellaDiaz
Who "reports"  that @RepJeffries says
“House Democrats are prepared to use every available legislative tool to make sure we get comprehensive national security legislation over the finish line,”


@JuliaAinsley, @MonicaAlba

"The Biden administratiolon pivoting to

  executive action to deter illegal migration at the southern border

With border security legislation unlikely in Congress, the White House wants to take action. Migrant crossings are expected to soar back to last year’s record levels "

Politico's @URSULAPERANO's piece
"Senate Republicans officially block foreign aid bill with border changes. It marks the end of immigration negotiations that dragged on for four months."

NBCNews Frank Thorp V, Julie Tsirkin, and Summer Concepcion

"ChuckSchumer to push stripped-down Israel and Ukraine aid package after GOP blocks border bill


Senate Republicans resist advancing on border policy bill, leaving

The collective circular reporting
Echos @RepJeffries call for aid to Iran and Ukraine.  @RepJeffries and the DNC asked for more taxpayer money for Iran and to fund Zelensky and his #WarOnChristianity among other things, all the while our national security is at risk in the Southern Border, but Joe Biden, DNC and the legacy media are fighting Texas so that more terrorists can come in through the Southern Border.  Now Jeffries is blaming MAGA Republicans for failure to act on a vacuous legislation Biden wrongly claims he needs so he can take action on the Southern Border

Safer America Hoax

Antisemitic,  AntiChristian NBCNews' @KenDilanian
Is the latest entry in the category #SaferAmericaHoax

He "reports" "The U.S. crime rate is still dropping, FBI data shows"
"Why does the public think it's going up? “There is definitely more disorder in cities than there was five years ago," said one expert. “People confuse disorder and crime."

The FBI’s own Hate Crime Statistics Report show who is more likely to commit a hate crime. It shows that parents who show up at school board meetings are not likely to be terrorists. 

Neither are Mass-attending Catholics, or those who display patriotic symbology  or Pro-Life Advocates.

Booming Economy Hoax

The Biden Administration  boasts of a buttom up, side out approach to improve the economy. Yet a Venn Diagram, as Kamala Harris might say, shows that Zelensky, the Iran Mullahs, illegal immigrants, Millionaires and delinquents, are fairing much better than a two-income household or a fetus: The Biden administration just announced it is canceling nearly $5 billion in student loans for 74,000 borrowers - except that "student loan borrowers" - Euphemism for Normalizing Delinquency 

Sanctuary City Rule of Migration

Analogous to Winston's Law and the Hollywood Rule Of Pedophilia, and contrary to the Mass Migration Hoax: According to new research, the effects of a warming planet are altering how people decide where to live, with millions of people avoiding flood-risk areas.  While millions of Americans have already moved away from flood-prone climate abandonment areas, scientists find. They project huge flood risk in the Midwest through 2053, illegal immigrants go where they are welcomed and stay where they are protected and well treated. 


Exhibit A - he who controls the media 

Exhibit B: NPR does a Leslie Sthal

Holy See urges solidarity and action for Ethiopia's humanitarian crisis

But Democrats say #Ethiopia is not waging a War On  Christianity like the USA.