Coto de Caza Elections Preview
An Association BOD who subsidizes delegates at the expense of residents, can always depend on the support of such delegates - Paraphrasing George Bernard Shaw
April 27, 2008
An event we often refer to as an element of the CZ Elections Anti-climax, has been scheduled for May 8, 2008 at 6:00 at the Golf and Racquet Club. The reasoning behind the anti-climax label, is that the delegates who will eventually select the 2008-2009 CZ Board of Directors have already been elected. Consequently, we already know the composition of the new board, and the actual board election is mere formalism.
The CZ version of Much Ado About Nothing, also known as CZ Candidates Night, will provide district delegates and other interested parties a chance to meet candidates. The five candidates qualifications and respective positions on community issues is found in the latest issue of the CZ Newsletter. Below is a summary of the candidates’ platform, as gleaned from such newsletter.
J. L. “Buzz” Aguirre
· Make sure the CZ Master Association complies with the spirit and the law of legislation enacted in 2006 to bring direct popular elections to common interest development communities
· Assure fiscal transparency and accountability, including the elimination of all subsidies
· Continue work with law enforcement agencies in public safety awareness campaign.
· Hold all service providers to a certain quality of service (QOS) consistent with their contractual obligations by implementing a rigid supplier manager program, including the use of monthly performance metrics.
Michael Aminian
· No stated position on any community issues
Bruce Bannigan
· No stated position on any community issues
Michael Channing
· As member of safety committee wants to pursue other changes, particularly in areas of gate control, including re-staffing of North Gate.
· Wants to see an additional patrol vehicle
Xochitl Yocham
Apparently implement recommendations resulting from resident survey and other project “geared to improving community facilities, addressing continuing safety issues and management of our community”.
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2008 Coto de Caza Elections - Next Chapter, the Climax
The next chapter in the 2008 CZ elections is scheduled to be written the first week in April, 2008, when the CZ kangaroo court convenes to elect CZ district delegates.
Vote rig claim after Putin ally landslide - Coto de Caza Elections any Different?
Dmitry Medvedev has celebrated his landslide victory in Russia's presidential vote, amid claims by electoral observers questioning the fairness of the result, according to agency reports.
In case you did not notice, the CZ Masters Association Notice on Proposed Amendments is SECRET! - in fact, it is so secret, that the word SECRET appears at least 13 times, just in the first page of said Notice!
The Power of the Coto de Caza Dely(Delegate that is)
Given the CZ Master board of directors irrationally vehement support for what critics have called, a most corrupt delegate system, we decided to take actual events to explore the value of the CZ Dely:
Who is your Dely? Who is your Dely? ? Long live the Dely!
The latest issue of the CZ Master association?s newsletter prominently asks the question, who is your Dely? and then anathematizes the immediate past CZ president's allegations of a political assassination.
Communicating with Homeowner Association Board of Directors
By design, a HOA/CID board of directors has a fiduciary responsibility to engage in public discourse with residents in issues dealing with association affairs: with supporters as well as critics.
CZ Disenfranchisement Triumphs Over Direct Democracy! ? Shs! Secret Elections Results
If you are not a district delegate and secretly voted in the recent CZ Master Association?s elections dealing with changing rules and regulations that would have finally brought Coto de Caza some semblance of democracy, do you know what happened to your...
ChaunceyBuzz and the CZ Subsidies
Chauncey Bailey, editor of the Oakland Post was gunned down as he walked to work in August of last year. Law enforcement agents believe he was murdered because of his investigation into a business called Your Black Muslim Bakery.
Watchdog Journalism Training at USC via IRE
Investigative Reporters and Editors will bring Better Watchdog training to Los Angeles on April 11-12, 2008 - It's a great opportunity to sharpen investigative skills for everyday reporting -- all in an affordable program that's close to home. The...
Death to Mickey Mouse, Death to America, Long Live the Coto de Caza Delegate System
The most recent CZ Master Association Newsletter painstakingly uses the law of attribution to make the argument that the defeat of the changes to the association CC&Rs that would have finally brought the association covenants in line with the spirit and...
The CotoBuzz Journal, February 2008 - The Coto de Caza Secret Elections
In case you did not notice, the CZ Masters Association Notice on Proposed Amendments is SECRET! - in fact, it is so secret, that the word SECRET appears at least 13 times, just in the first page of said Notice!
The CotoBuzz Journal - January 2008 - Details of DUI Lawsuit earns opprobrium for CZ directors
As details of a DUI- related accident start to emerge a crescendo to a steady buildup in calls for a CZ director to step down is being reached. The case in question (05CC02855) involves a traffic accident that occurred September 22, 2004 at the...
The CotoBuzz December 2007 - Political Assassinations in OC - Its in the Water!
From Assassination to Hostage Crisis in Coto de CazaBringing in Hugo Chavez to Coto de Caza to negotiate the release of direct democracy is like asking President Clinton to help clean up the DC Intern program!The Coto de Caza governing body has been in...
The CotoBuzz Journal - November 2007
The Coto de Caza Volunteer Fallacy ? Redux - No Dues Increase.....for Now!Not to mention the ?now you see it, now you don?t? video recordings of CZ Master Association board of directors meetings, stopped because of cost ?underestimation?. According to...
The Wealth of Associations (HOA) - Separation of Chumps and State Responding to ad hominem missiles lobbed by defenders of the various CZ Master Association (CZMA) subsidies, former member of the CZMA board of directors, Joseph Morabito figures that he “.. is upset with me now because I keep hitting the subsidy issue and he apparently is active in the Sports League. At some point, the Board will have to deal with the subsidies going to non-members and even Members who are not paying their fair share of the extra expense they are causing the Association” and our response is encapsulated below:
This may be an explanation as to why his rose-colored glasses yield the following conclusions:
Most Frequent HOA Complaints?: Dues Increases and CC&R Changes ? WSJ
So the number of people that lived in associations and complained about them is 69/75 = 92%. This is in stark contrast to Community Association Institute's (CAI) claim that 95% of the people living in associations love them
Coto de Caza, Ladera Ranch - Crime and Vandalism Trending, 4Q2007 Final Report
The OCSD final crime and vandalism statistics for 2007 show a marked decrease in crime and vandalism activity for the unincorporated community of Ladera Ranch.
Coto de Caza Collision Statistics 4Q2007 - was not a good quarter!
The last quarter of 2007 was chthonic anent traffic collisions in Coto de Caza. While the community enjoyed a significant dip during the third quarter, the fourth quarter recorded a total of 8 collisions, three of them DUI-related, not unlike the one...
Desperate Homeowners ? From OCWeekly Perspective- Disgruntled rich folks wrangle over the question: ?When is a Coto de Caza resident not a Coto de Caza resident??
"?If the board members only used their heads and had no personal agendas to take care of first, they could see where they are going is wrong,? says the 72-year-old security consultant, who splits his time between working in Nevada and his daughter?s home...
No Decision-Making Outsourcing for Supervisor John Moorlach- On your face Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs! - Do As I Say Not as I Do! - Moorlach et al
Orange County supervisor John Moorlach has been described by local media columnists as the only politician solid enough to have accumulated sufficient political capital to take on the powerful Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs. A few weeks...
Mezger resigns from board ? an OCR Paraphrase
According to the September 28, 2007 issue of the CanyonLife, Jerry Mezger?s departure from the CZ Master Association board of directors is attributed to ??recent growth of his company and its increased demands on his time?.
Two Los Angeles Buildings for Sale for Only $1.00
The City of Los Angeles has decided to hold a fire sale, rather than demolish two historical buildings. The buyer only pays $1.00 for the two buildings, then agrees to move them within a certain period of time.
The $1000 Fence for the $1 Horse - Or is it the other way around in your HOA?- $400 FENCE COSTS $83,000 IN HOA BATTLE
An example of what happens when volunteers do so for the wrong reasons??As reported by KING 5 News reporter Jane McCarthy on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 a battle over CC&R enforcement and decision making by volunteers created
Outsourcing Decision Making to Property Management Companies
Arguably, outsourcing can be a manager?s best friend, or worst enemy. It is fair to say that most people get paychecks prepared not by the employer, but by companies such as ADP. Of course, we also know about the call centers in India.
The (Coto de Caza) Outsourcing of Decision Making and the $1,000.00/hr lawyers
The August 22, 2007 issue of the Wall Street Journal reports that hourly lawyer rates are increasingly hitting what was once considered a taboo level: $1,000 per hour. "A few attorneys crossed into $1,000 per hour billing before this year, but recent moves to the four-figure mark in New York, which sets trends for legal markets around the country, are seen as significant turning point", writes the WSJ's Nathan Koppel.
To Sue, Not to Sue or When to Sue ? That is the question?
Given that certain Coto residents seem to be predisposed to dodgery when heaped contumely/raddled, or to use the legal system to settle disputes, without being apodictic, we continue to be disconcerted at the lack of interest by the CZ board, in making...
If Kosovo can do it, so can CZ
If Kosovo can declare its independence from Serbia in defiance of Russian edicts, why can?t CZ declare its independence from Coto de Caza? The Kosovar declaration brings to a climax a showdown between the West, which argues that Serbia?s brutal...
Coto de Caza Civics Lesson and Corresponding Quiz
Ask not who your delegate is ? ask: Why do I need one in the first place?
The most recent Coto de Caza's CZ Master Association Board of Directors Newsletter contains a civics lesson and corresponding quiz. The premise is that CZ resident should know...
Coto de Caza's New Math in 2008 Elections
I am familiar with a number of advanced math concept ? this one I cannot figure out. If 70% of the members who voted support Direct Popular Elections, and
No Apathy in Coto de Caza - Right?
Who said CZ Masters Association (Coto de Caza) residents are apathetic? As of last count only 6 out of 46 CZ districts representing some 10% of the voting units, do not have delegates. These districts include The Legacy/Enclave/Stonefield Estates,...
Coto, Don?t Worry, Be Happy!
Quote of the Day ? I do not believe there is any valid purpose of impugning the integrity of individuals who helped with the process simply because you did not like the result of the vote? ? CZ legal counsel, responding to complaints from former CZ board...
CZ/Coto Master Association Corruption - Letter sent to J. Patterson, Capitol Staff, Staffer to CA Assemblyman Todd Spitzer (R)
Joseph: I want to meet with Assemblyman Spitzer concerning the election corruption that we have going on in Coto de Caza with the CZ Master Association, our homeowners association governing the 15,000 residents of Coto. Our HOA is the equivalent to a...
Foreclosure Force HOAs To File for Bankruptcy
WFTV reports that Orange County based Avalon Lakes Homeowners Association was on the brink of bankruptcy, because a number of homeowners are not able to pay their dues. The CZ Master Association board of directors approved to lien 20 accounts during...
An Argument Against Democracy – The 2008 US Oprahfied Presidential Elections - According to the Canada Business Center (2003) research suggests that “as much as 93% of a person’s total perception is the result of images conveyed to the brain in one way or another”
It has been said that most of us think we think, but in reality, there are very few people who actually do so. Reasons given are time constraints and the fact that in general our responsibilities increase at an average of 10%/year and lacking a stimulating environment.
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