What Coto de Caza is Doing for Public Safety
August 8, 2008
We are currently following up on various traffic incidents registered in Coto de Caza during July and have asked the CHP to confirm the investigations are still open in the cases listed below
We are pleased to see that finally, the CZ Master association board of directors has indicated a willingness to do something about public safety. The August 2008 CZ Newsletter includes a message from the president board of directors outlining what the association has done, including:
Unlicensed drivers operating motorized vehicles within Coto de Caza
1. The association has hired a “…..licensed engineer who conducts traffic and speed studies to certify the seven major arterial streets so that the California Vehicle code is enforceable..”
Apparently the certified engineer has not noticed the most dangerous intersections in Coto de Caza, requiring engineering action. For instance, the intersection of San Miguel and Rolling Hills is in dire need of a stop sign.
2. The association has “… contracted at a cost in excess of $130,000 per year with the CHP to enforce speed limits on these roads..”
What the association has not done is to present a “public spectacle”, such as the one put on by Ladera Ranch for example. The implications are that the CHP enforcement hours are at its lowest point, since the Varo/Mezger administration fired the CHP without a suitable alternative.
3. The association has undertaken useless “Saturday Delegate Walks” CC&R changes, to justify landscape budget work. It has even considered changing CC&Rs changes to address home businesses. What it has not considered are Social Host CC&R changes to address underage drinking – factors apparently involved in recent stabbing and traffic incidents.
Thousand Oaks, Mission Viejo, Irvine and Lake Forest continually rank at the top of the list of the safest cities for the size in the nation by FBI reporting standards. In fact, the 2004 FBI person crime risk index for Coto de Caza was twice that of Lake Forest. Now Mission Viejo is tackling underage drinking by making parents responsible by passing a Social Host ordinance – a law that makes adults responsible for alcohol consumption by underage drinkers on their premises.
Apparently the question is: “Do not ask what the association can do for public safety in Coto de Caza, ask what residents can do”
Open CHP Investigation –traffic incidents in Coto de Caza
1. Date: 7/-04/2008 or 7/13/2008, 03:55 hrs
Location: Coto de Caza Drive
Description: Male driver of a gray Honda Prelude lost control of his car while travelling northbound on Coto de Caza Drive. The driver, Jason Rooney, 25, was not hurt. Another driver, Christopher Scholl, 22, also stopped at the scene. One driver listed their residence as on Via Barcaza and the other driver listed his residence as on Cambridge, both in Coto de Caza.
Status: CHP investigation open – conflicting reports
2. Date: 7/22/08 at 0200 hours
Location: Solo vehicle (Ford Explorer) traffic collision with one major injury. DUI not a
factor in the collision
Status: CHP investigation open
3. Date: Unknown
Location – Coto de Caza Drive. 18-year old male had to be rescued from his car using “jaws of life”, currently in the hospital. According to the CHP, driver was going in excess of 80 mph on Coto de Caza drive
Status: CHP investigation open
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I am concerned about safety and nuisance, as these toys can reach excessive speeds and be overly loud.
CZ Master Enforcement Coordinator: Unlicensed drivers are not allowed to operate any motorized vehicle within CZ Master including, but not limited to golf carts, mopeds, motorbikes, motorized skateboards, etc. Golf carts, motorized skateboards and similar vehicles may not be operated on the streets in the CZ Master Association.
Resident: What do you do when Unlicensed drivers do operate motorized vehicle within CZ Maste"r - kids regularly do so in the Hillsboro district in general and up and down Torrey Pines in particular, usually during weekdays and between 2:00 -6:00 pm.
CZ Master Enforcement Coordinator: If witnessed and kids in area for a bit you could call patrol at 949 888-3800 to come and try to contact kids and tell them they are not allowed to operate these types of motor vehicles within the community or you could fill out the attached rules and violation report form and forward it to me if you have the names/addresses of children and I will sent letter(s) to the homeowners.
Resident: Thanks - I would gladly file a report if I had the name of the kids.
I am not sure calling the patrol would help - my daughter called that number few days back to report a disturbance at around 2:00 am - she got the first degree, so she gave up on whoever responded. She would not wake me up at that time and nothing was done. Not the first time
Your response implies that the patrol has not filed any complaints in the last few weeks for this issue - right?
CZ Master Enforcement Coordinator: I have not received an incident report from patrol as of today's date about motorized scooters. You would have to call them at 949 858-2290 to see if they have received any phone complaints about motorized skateboards.
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