Friday, January 31, 2014

Third traffic fatality in Coto de Caza since the CZ board fired the CHP

Posted by CotoBlogzz

Coto de Caza, CA - a driver was killed today at around 7:40 pm near Vista del Verde and Cherry Hills a Drive, according to  Capt. Steve Concialdi, with the Orange County Fire Authority.  The intersection is one we previously identified as on of the top ten most dangerous in the community

This is now the third traffic fatality in the community in less than ten years, right after the CZ board of directors fired the CHP for pro-active traffic patrol

Apparently the driver's car jumped a wall and collided with a home.

No details are available as to whether others were hurt in the incident

Below is the traffic collisions for 3Q2013, including 3 injuries and 6 property damages.  No DUIs involved in this case.

After months of decline, the accident rat for Ladera Ranch inched up for the fourth quarter.

3Q2013 Accident Report for Coto de Caza.  Source:  CHP

The sharp drop between 4Q2012 and 1Q2013 more than likely is due to the CHP's data collection practices, just like the Orange County Sheriffs Department

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