Monday, December 27, 2021



"See the Virgin is delivered
In a cold and crowded stall
Mirror of the Father's glory
Lies beside her in the straw
He is Mercy's incarnation
Marvel at this miracle!" - Glorious impossible by Bill Gaither Vocal Band

Now, I have experienced over one half dozen miracles. In at least two cases, the outcome was not what I hoped or prayed for, but I'm sure it was for the best.
Why the story about miracles from the Catholic Company caught my eye:
"But how do we know that something is a miracle? How do we know something isn’t a tall tale, or something strange but ultimately explicable by natural means, or the figment of a deluded or stressed imagination? How do we know it’s not demonic?
The Church knows that miracles can often be confused with other things, and that, unfortunately, fallen humans sometimes make up stories for the purposes of fame or attention. She also knows that demons have certain powers that can make certain things appear miraculous.
In view of these facts, the Church has developed a protocol to validate miraculous occurrences. She does not, of course, investigate every single claim, but rather those that have public repercussions, such as the miraculous healings attributed to the saints that, if validated, will advance their cause for canonization. Eucharistic miracles are another form of miracle that often warrants her attention, since they draw venerators and it is important to ensure that the miracle is authentic.
In all these investigations, the Church is careful, thorough, and detached in her approach. She employs doctors, scientists, and competent authorities in order to rule out natural explanations or to understand the phenomenon better. Only when she has completed this stringent process does she validate the miracle.
You can learn more about the facts and fictions surrounding miracles in The Catholic Guide to Miracles: Separating the Authentic from the Counterfeit by Adam Bla

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