Its high time we recognize that more lies have been aimed at destroying the Roman Catholic Church than any other institution in the world. That includes Pope Benedict XVI & Pope Francis. Sadly, even most Catholics believe the lies they were taught in high school or have seen on T.V. and social media. Just this week Robert Sirico in a Fox News Op-Ed titled Pope Francis should let Catholics pray like Catholics tells Pope Francis he should back off. The NY Post's Maureen Callahan opines that the Pope calling "Pet Parents selfish proves he's never owned a pet. And the National Catholic Reporter says that the "Pope's comments about the Churches narrow view on reproduction and marriage." Then there is Netflix's The Two Popes. Worse, even Conservative Daily News refused this publish this piece.
The common denominator is that the the main stream media not only ignores the greatest Intellect of the 20th Century, it seems to think it can shepherd a Catholics flock much better than Pope Francis. This flock is a force so powerful, it is the one China's Xi Jinping fears more than Russia or the United States.
Earlier this month, Xi told a conference in Beijing, described in official reports as the National Work Meeting on Religious Affairs, that all religions in China needed to embrace the Communist Party, expanding on one of his long-held policies.
“(We) must maintain the party’s essential direction on religious work, we must continue our country’s direction for the sinicization of religion, we must continue to take the large numbers of religious believers, and unite them around the party and the government,” Xi said.
Cardinal George Pell says "Pope Benedict is probably the best theologian among all the popes." And the Ignatius Press says "Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) is widely recognized as one of the most brilliant theologians and spiritual leaders of our age."
I have followed Cardinal Ratzinger for decades, and he is not only my favorite philosopher, ethicist & defender of the faith, but I can say he is a towering intellectual figure. Yet, if you look at the secular media, Noam Chomsky & Cornel West are considered top philosophers, without mentioning Cardinal Ratzinger

In its piece promoting the book Benedict XVI: Defender of the Faith By prolific internationally acclaimed author Joseph Pearce, the Catholic Company writes:
Pope Benedict XVI lived through World War II, was influential in formulating Vatican II, fought the Cold War, and helped the Church enter the Digital Age. And, he did all this while upholding the timeless truths of the faith and unity of worship through history in the liturgy.
To understand why Pope Benedict XVI stepped down and his motivations, it is important we look at the totality of his life, faith, and priesthood.
In this heartfelt telling of Pope Benedict’s words and works, Joseph Pearce provides invaluable insight into Joseph Ratzinger the man, before he became Pope Benedict XVI. As Pope, Benedict XVI fought tirelessly and successfully against the forces of secularism. As an uncompromising defender of the human person, he waged an unremitting battle against the dictatorship of relativism. Within the Church, he fought against modernism, restoring the splendor of truth in his defense of orthodoxy and the beauty of the liturgy.
Promo Material by the Catholic Store
The Catholic Company says that years from now, Catholics will still look back on Pope Benedict’s enduring legacy with profound gratitude. He successfully steered the Church in charity and truth against dark tides that sought to engulf Her.
As for me and my house, we do not need to wait years. We know that Pope Benedict has been God's gift to the world
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