Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Los Angeles Dodgers Of Shame Can't Dodge It

Last Friday the Los Angeles Dodgers shamelessly went ahead with its plan to mock Catholics giving a national platform to so-called “queer and trans nuns” who dress up in sexually explicit and rainbow-colored “nun” clothing to mock Catholics - the organization allowed two “sisters” on the field to receive their award, quietly, in the dark- an hour before the game … with the stadium empty well before any fans arrived!

Why do you suppose the Dodgers try to hide the big event from the public, after heavily and shamelessly promoting it?

HINT: “The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching.” former UCLA Basketball Coach John Wooden

The Dodgers ducked and dodged hoping the controversy over their blatant anti-Catholic bigotry would soon fade away - it won't go away - ask Anheuser-Busch! The Dodgers' can't Dodge Shame!

Anheuser-Busch finds recently found out it can't serve God and Mammon: One of Minneapolis' most well-known gay bars says it will stop serving Anheuser-Busch beers after the company walked back a marketing campaign featuring a trans spokesperson. Accirding to Matthew 6:24-26
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more

Let's be honest, take away the euphemisms, and it’s obvious that we have a full on attack on Christianity by Corporate America, including Bud Light, NorthFace, the US Navy, Kohl’s, Major League Baseball, Target et al
as the White House, DOJ, FBI and Main Stream Media are in lock step to promote the Christo-Fascist, America Is Racist narratives

You see, St. John Paul II prayed that all families would look to God, the source of all fatherhood, and not be seduced by the "father of lies."

Sadly, corrupt politicians crowned the Father of Lies & kicked God to the curve, with predictable consequences: Since SCOTUS (1963) kicked God out of public schools these are some of the creeping elegance consequences

[ ] We have mental health crisis
[ ] Infanticide turned into #BlackGenocide
[ ] African American nuclear family has joined the Sea Turtles in the endangered list
[ ] 80% of AA kids are raised in fatherless homes
[ ] We have a fatherlesssness crisis
[ ] A Girlhood Crisis
[ ] A Trans Crisis

Now the White House, DOJ, FBI,MSM, Corporate America, including MLB, are in lock step to promote the #ChristoFascist, #AmericaIsRacist narrative.

And while the Los Angeles Dodgers try to Dodge its Shame, the organization should, like Anheuser-Busch, soon find out it can't serve God and Mammon.

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