Simon Sinek argues his Golden Circle explains why some leaders are able to inspire, while others aren't. Likewise, the Golden Circle of Hate explains why some leaders are able to promote hate.
Paraphrasing Sinek all the great inspiring leaders and organizations in the world whether it's Apple, or Martin Luther King or the Wright Brothetrs, Obama, Putin or Palestinian leader, Yousef Makharzah, they all think, act and communicate the same way, and it's complete opposite to everyone else, explaining why some leaders are able to inspire, while others arent. According to Sinek, every single organization in the planet knows what they do, but very few people know why.
For example, Sinek attributes Apple’s success to the fact that it began with “Why.” He claims that, as a result, Apple successfully attracted clients with similar values. This served as the foundation of Apple’s marketing strategy and the fuel behind its operations.
According to Sinek the Wright Brothers were leaders, innovators, and importantly they had a cause and a purpose beyond themselves and why they beat out Pierpoint Langley in the powered flight race, even though Langley had fame and fortune but a selfish motive.
Sinek says "I think a large part of it is, remember, as social animals, communication is important to us. And how things are expressed really matters. And we can scare people into doing things. And though they may act, it's not sticky because we don't know what we stand for. We only know what we stand against. And so I found remarkable the way Martin Luther King spoke to us. He spoke in terms of what the future looks like in a positive way, in terms so clear that we could imagine it with him."

Liza Rosen link to a video of a Gaza University Professor who appeared on Hamas TV to normalize Jihad against the Jews saying "The Jews Are Human Garbage, Behind Every Conspiracy" explains the "What," using Sinek's terminology.

While, according to Rosen, Palestinian leader, Yousef Makharzah, encourages polygamy, and claims that Christian and Jewish women in the West are immoral for having intimate relationships with animals such as dogs and donkeys who replace their husbands in bed. And, The Head Of Hizbullah's Shari'a Council in Lebanon wants to kill gay people, because he is afraid of being infected by them. He accuses elderly Jewish people of spreading homosexuality and compares them to the people of Sodom who were "stoned to death."
Then Umm Osama, wife of a senior Hamas leader, challenges the Palestinian mothers to hate the Jews more than they love their children, because that is the only way, according to her, that a Palestinian mother can sacrifice her own children for Jihad and send them to carry out suicide attacks against Jews: ״Mother must instill in her children the love of Jihad [Killing infidels for Allah] and martyrdom for the sake of Allah. If every mother were to prevent her son from waging Jihad against Jews for the sake of Allah, who would wage Jihad?״
Meanwhile Female Islamic scholar: "Allah allows Muslim men to rape non-Muslim women to humiliate them." "If we fought Israel, we can take their women and sex slaves."
President Joe Biden, in an apparent attempt to deflect blame, says not all Palestinians are terrorists. While that might be true, the question is, how do you know who is a terrorist and who is not. After all, Whoopi Goldberg speaking for progressives in the USA says women need to get rid of the Toxic Thing inside them. However, just like Hamas, the Islamic Industrial Complex and its ecosystem the Toxicity is in the heart, not in the womb. A hateful heart generates hateful thoughts. Such thoughts become acts of terrorism. Or if you prefer, Ben Sirach states [4] When a sieve is shaken, the refuse remains; so a man's filth remains in his thoughts. Chapter 27

Take for instance the Palestinian children, relatives of suicide terrorists, who appeared on Hamas TV to glorify self-sacrifice, jihad & martyrdom. The children say they aspire to be the next generation of martyrs. This is what the Palestinians teach their children in Gaza.
Or Hamas leader bragging about the women and children who gather around Hamas terrorists, Hamas headquarters and rocket launchers to prevent Israeli airstrikes.
Palestinian children through years of indoctrination are already programmed to chant “Death to Israel, Death to America, Death to Infidels.” Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi cited this as part of reason the Arab World does not want to take Palestinians
Jordanian-Palestinian religious leader Ahmad Al-Shashouri explains why they hate and want to kill Jews: ״The Jews Are More Dangerous Than Coronavirus, AIDS, and Cholera; Jihad Purifies Our Bodies and Souls, Can Save People from These Diseases״.
It's no surprise that this type of Hate Propaganda, referred herein as the Golden Circle of Hate, with an afterlife reward, produces an endless supply of "martyrs:" A failed Palestinian suicide bomber explains that he was excited to blow himself up and kill Jews because "martyrs" receive 72 virgins in Paradise. Other terrorists explain how Palestinian society glorifies "martyrdom" as part of jihad against Jews. Part of the Why in the Golden Circle of Hate
is the 72-virgin reward in paradise. - Some say it's only 70. But, if you are willing to lay down your life because you hate someone and the featured attraction in the afterlife is 72 virgins, that implies the after life is subject to the time domain, what happens say one year after you collect your reward? 10 years later? 100? Is the reward simply a scam? Ibn Warraq writes "In August, 2001, the American television channel CBS aired an interview with a Hamas activist Muhammad Abu Wardeh, who recruited terrorists for suicide bombings in Israel. Abu Wardeh was quoted as saying: "I described to him how God would compensate the martyr for sacrificing his life for his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins, 70 wives and everlasting happiness." Wardeh was in fact shortchanging his recruits since the rewards in Paradise for martyrs was 72 virgins"
Compare that to the two criminals crucified with Jesus: one mocks Jesus, and the second repents and gets an express ticket to paradise sans virgins. His reward was to see the Father face-to-face: "But the other rebuked him, saying, 'Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? And we indeed have been condemned justly, for we are getting what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong. 'Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom" He replied to him, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Luke 23:40. In the Judeo-Christian tradition we say that each one of us has a natural desire for happiness, which God has placed in the human heart to draw us nearer to Him. As St. Thomas Aquinas writes, “We all want to live happily. How is it then, that I seek you, Lord? Since in seeking you, my God, I seek a happy life, let me seek you so that my soul may live, for my body draws life from my soul and my soul draws life from you. God alone satisfies.” All lives matter, whether in the womb or in death row, because in the beginning "God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them."218 Man occupies a unique place in creation: (I) he is "in the image of God"; (II) in his own nature he unites the spiritual and material worlds; (III) he is created "male and female"; (IV) God established him in his friendship. CCC 355
You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, “You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.” But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment (Mt 5:21–22)
Using Simon Sinek's Golden Circle, the reason the AntiSemitic message is so sticky and motivational is vividly clear: "God is Love. Allah is Hate:" - The Why is "We Want To Wipe The Jews From The Face Of The Earth Because They Are Evil"
For example, consider the case of two women who were arrested for having their babies circumcised. They were paraded around the city with their babies hung from their breasts; then they were thrown down from the city wall.
Then the story of the mother and seven children who were savagely tortured and killed.
Or that by public vote of the city when the Jews, wishing to live on friendly terms and not suspecting anything, accepted an invitation from the people who took them out to sea and drowned at least two hundred of them
You may be surprised it was NOT Hamas, but the Greeks, the illuminati of the day, but not unlike Hamas and its ecosystem.
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are touting what they euphemistically call, the
first US National Strategic Center to Combat Islamophobia- a gag order so Tlaib's comments can be construed as free speech, while Dem Michigan AG's statement and other similar speech could be construed as hate speech and Islamophobic.

Yet, Jew-hating is alive and well in the USA Democratic coalition. Notably, Democratic Socialists of America and Black Lives Matter affiliates have issued statements of support for Hamas: No one in the Biden Administration has condemned the AntiSemitic remarks coming in from the Democrat. Here's a sampling:
Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal compares Israel's self-defense to Russia's "siege of Ukraine
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) antisemitism and disgraceful response to the attacks on Israel is so disgusting that Congressman Jack Berman introduced a resolution to censure her
Or Ilhan Omar rabid antiSemitism that even Adam Schiff was compelled to denounce her "Anti-Semitism has no place in the halls of Congress or civil society, and it’s incumbent upon all of us in leadership positions to speak respectfully and thoughtfully, even about issues as emotionally charged as those involving Israel and Palestine."
Or Haley Campaign Ripping
AOC Over Israel Resolution Snub: 'You Would Fit Great with the Anti-Semites' at UN"
Or Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) is under fundraising and associating with an antisemitic activist who once said she wants to burn “every Israeli” alive.
And we all know is not about hate, but about protecting the Ummah Industrial Complex - The Global Islam
The FBI’s own Hate Crime Statistics Report show who is more likely to commit a hate crime. It shows that parents who show up at school board meetings are not likely to be terrorists.
Neither are Mass-attending Catholics, or those who display patriotic symbology or Pro-Life Advocates.
Nevertheless, Attorney General Garland sends the FBI to “protect” school boards and spy on Catholics. The FBI knows which public officials spew hate and call for violence against the police:
The Richmond Calif., City Council voted for state-sponsored AntiSemitism and accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing and collective punishment"
Mr Anh Le was savagely beaten with a bat by two people in Chinatown. Despite the high Hate Crime rate in the city, The San Francisco DA plea-deal so the perpetrators did no get jail time –
While it is relatively easy to understand why Hamas can recruit martyrs, it is much more complicated to understand the antiSemitism by the Islamic Industrial Complex ecosystem.
Gilder, Sowell and Gorky studied the reason for the hate, speculating ir was jealousy or the Jew-gene. But the real reason antiSemitism has not changed in 3000 years is that Jews are God’s Chosen People: When "God put Abraham to the test and said to him: Abraham! “Here I am!” he replied. Then God said: Take your son Isaac, your only one, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. There offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the heights that I will point out to you." Abraham did not hesitate - Genesis Chapter 22
Now consider the impact of the Warren Court's decision. Since (1963) when the Warren SCOTUS, the most liberal court in U.S. history kicked out God out of the schools we have had A mental health crisis. Infanticide turned into a Black Genocide, African American nuclear family has joined the Sea Turtles in the extinct list - compare to 2% divorce rate for couples using NFP. 80% of AA kids are raised in fatherless homes. Replaced faith-based gleaning with SNAP. AIDS epidemic, Opiod crisis. We have a fatherlesssness crisis. A Girlhood Crisis. A Trans Crisis. A Hate Crisis
Contrast the Golden Circle of Hate with the Jews' Motivation as they
prepare for battle as described on
2 macabees 17 " Encouraged by Judas’ words, so noble and capable of instilling valor and stirring young hearts to courage, they determined not merely to march, but to charge gallantly and decide the issue by hand-to-hand combat with the utmost courage, since city, sanctuary and temple were in danger.
They were not so much concerned about wives and children, or family and relations; their first and foremost fear was for the consecrated sanctuary"
Or the Letter from Saint Paul to the Romans: (Romans 13:8) "Brothers and sisters: Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
The commandments, You shall not commit adultery;p
you shall not kill;
you shall not steal;
you shall not covet,
and whatever other commandment there may be,
are summed up in this saying, namely, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
Love does no evil to the neighbor;
hence, love is the fulfillment of the law"

While the would-be martyr wants to behead those who insult Islam, Saint Peter says, "If you are insulted for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of God rests upon you." 1 Peter 4. While Saint John writes (John 15:13). "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
In Saint Matthew Chapter 5:38 Jesus says "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. ' But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. But I say, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment!
Peter Kreeft writes "Many people simply cannot understand the concept of eternity. Eternity does not mean endless time or even infinite time. That is just progressivism in disguise. Eternity means another dimension entirely, a timeless dimension, a vertical dimension, an absolute that judges all horizontal movements in time, both traditionalist and progressivist, by its own standard. For its standard is the true God." How to Destroy Western Civilisation and other Ideas from the Cultural Abyss - Peter Kreeft
If Kreeft is right, it seems the virgin reward is a scam.
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