Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Pope Francis Worldwide Prayer Network, the Apostleship of Prayer

Join me and others around the world and pray with Pope Francis.  Each month the Pope entrusts a prayer intention to his Worldwide Prayer Network, the Apostleship of Prayer. These intentions, express the Pope’s concern for humanity and the mission of the Church.  While praying can be done at anytime, hour house will do the Divine Office - Liturgy of the Hours three times a day:  Lauds, Vesper and Compline plus the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
An excellent time to pray for Pope Francis' Intentions.

Pope’s Intentions April 2024

Let us pray for the formation of men and women religious and for seminarians, through grace, prayer, community, and witness to the Gospel.

Pope’s Intention March 2024

We pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world inflame the Church with their courage and missionary enthusiasm.

Pope’s Intention April 2024

‘Let us make heard the voices of women who are victims of abuse and exploitation, marginalisation, and undue pressures. Let us become the voice of their pain, and condemn the injustices to which they are subjected’ – Pope Francis

Also, the month of April is dedicated both to devotion to the Eucharist and devotion to the Holy Spirit. This tradition has developed because Easter Sunday often falls in April, and when it does fall in March, the Easter season continues on through all of April. In essence, April is a month of Easter, and during the Easter celebration we remember the Eucharistic sacrifice Christ gave us and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which would come after Jesus's resurrection.

The Eucharist (Holy Communion), simply is Christ's body, blood, soul, and divinity under the appearance of bread and wine. It is not a symbol of Christ, but rather, it is truly and really Jesus Christ!

12 Ways to honor the Holy Eucharist in April


Persecution of Catholics in the USA:

DOJ  War On Catholics

Hundreds of churches have been vandalized, the FBI has been weaponized against people of faith – sounds like a dystopian novel, but that’s the state of our country the past three years.

How should we react to the anger and resentment fueling the surge in violence against American Catholics?

After witnessing the vandalization of his own parish, Fr. Joseph Krupp explains in this EDIFY video why the recent rise in anti-Catholicism.


Sacred Place - Daily Online Prayer

Divine Office - Liturgy of the Hours.

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