The Right LWV Leadership for Such as Time as This?
Can HOA directors be held personally liable on how they voted and supported certain resolutions?
May 26, 2008
Is this general manager (Milt Johns) over his head in his management skills? Can
someone come out with only experience from the garden to manage a 90 million
dollar business without a conflict of interest? When is the last time Mr. Johns lowered our costs and set set goals and objectives for this community
in the Management Contract?
To measure leadership more specifically, one may assess the extent of influence on the followers, that is, the amount of leading. Within an organizational context this means financially valuing productivity. Effective leaders generate higher productivity, lower costs, and more opportunities than ineffective leaders. Effective leaders create results,
attain goal, realize vision, and other objectives more quickly and at a higher level of quality than ineffective leaders.
Should we be looking for new management?
P. Loughrey, LWV
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Laguna Woods Village Residents Voice Launches Phase 2
Resident?s Voice, a Laguna Woods Village volunteer association, critical of the property management company and the non-profit homeowners association, today announced the launch of what they call Phase 2 and are asking other Laguna Woods Village Residents...
Laguna Woods Village CC&Rs, What CC&Rs? I Got Your CC&Rs Right Here!
Coto de Caza is not the only place where the board of directors consistently either disregard the civil code, governing documents (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions - CC&Rs) or even the moral code.
Should I stay or should I go - in/from my HOA? X
First was the Delegate?s Corner blasting CZ Master Association board of director?s critics for speaking out against a corrupt delegate system and electoral process in favor of direct elections, consistent with current legislation, and consistent with the...
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest gladiator of them all?
As I stood atop the Roman Colosseum during a recent trip, emotionally gripped by its horrific history, I couldn?t help but make the connection between the ancient gladiator and my role as in-house attorney,?.. For starters, lawyers are often referred to...
Chuck Chuckles: Senator Schumer, That is
Those who do not know, go to law school. Those who do not do, blame. Those who do not know and do not do, join the US Congress. Senator Schumer has asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate if rising gas prices are the result of oil...
Pssst, Can I Interest You In a Lawyer?
When there are too many policemen, there can be no liberty.When there are too many soldiers, there can be no peace.When there are too many lawyers, there can be no justice.Lin Yutang (1895-1976), Chinese-American writer, translator, and editor.This...
Dare's role in Pastures cost association $100,000
By BRENDAN J. LYONS, Senior writer First published: Sunday, Times Union August 12, 2007. Republished with permissionAugust 12, 2007 ALBANY -- An advocate for the Historic Pastures Homeowners Association, which lost more than $100,000 in...
IF You Can Keep Your Home - Apologies to Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your home when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on raising HOA dues,If you do not get a lien on your home for transfer feesWithout notice, and you are being hated byOthers stuck in escrow so complicated, they have to pay by...
The Wealth of Associations (HOA) - Separation of Chumps and State- First, the CZ Master Association, by law, has one mandate: Repair, Replace and Maintain (RR&M) common areas. That is, there is a clear separation of Chumps and State:
Responding to ad hominem missiles lobbed by defenders of the various CZ Master Association (CZMA) subsidies, former member of the CZMA board of directors, Joseph Morabito figures that he ?.. is upset with me now because I keep hitting the subsidy issue...
Political Assassinations in Orange County ? It?s the Water!
Apparently what appeared to be equine waste emanating from the venue was not coming from horses after all! A few months back, the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to create an oversight board, indicating the supervisors had...
Serial Assassin in the Loose In Orange County?
After the alleged attempted political assassination of self-described professional fighter and naïve politician, the CZ board president resigns his post. The December 2007 CZ Newsletter announces, again, a proposal to make changes to the association?s...
Russian Vote Credibility Takes Hit ? Coto de Caza Elections Have None
According to Wall Street Journal?s reporter Andrew Osborn, ?Leading international election observers said they have scrapped a plan to monitor Russia?s parliamentary vote next month because of unprecedented restrictions?. President Vladimir Putin...
Censoring of Concerned (LWV) Residents? by property manager!
Recently a group of concerned residents took out an ad in the Orange County Register alleging misuse of credit cards intended for emergency use only, and instead racking up some $312,000 of questionable expenses. The ad describes how Professional...
Is Malintzin in our midst (Coto de Caza's Puppet Board?) - or is it the Treasonator?
Think of Malintzin as a female version of Benedict Arnold - Arnold originally fought for American independence from the British Empire as a general in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War until he obtained a bone, err.. command of...
From Assassination to Hostage Crisis in Coto de Caza
Bringing in Hugo Chavez to Coto de Caza to negotiate the release of direct democracy is like asking President Clinton to help clean up the DC Intern program!
The Coto de Caza governing body has been in disarray for quite some time culminating in the...
Laguna Woods Village Residents Voice Launches Phase 2
Resident?s Voice, a Laguna Woods Village volunteer association, critical of the property management company and the non-profit homeowners association, today announced the launch of what they call Phase 2 and are asking other Laguna Woods Village Residents...
Laguna Woods Village CC&Rs, What CC&Rs? I Got Your CC&Rs Right Here!
Coto de Caza is not the only place where the board of directors consistently either disregard the civil code, governing documents (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions - CC&Rs) or even the moral code.
Call for Coto de Caza Board Candidates - Any One But Varo/Mezger - Traditionally, the Coto de Caza elections are shrouded in secrecy, but has been ratcheted a few notches after Varo/Mezger showed up on the scene circa 2003. To add salt to the wound, there were a good number of irregularities during the 2006 elections
Breaking News: Assassin in Coto de Caza! ? Political that isX
Is this a case of Veni, Vedi, Vinci, or simply Vince, Brucy, Vince? - with Varo/Mezger pulling the strings in the background!
The CZ Master Association board of directors has been so dysfunctional since Messrs Varo and Mezger joined, that it is...
The CZ Master Association's YOH Board
Now that Zipperman has resigned as president of the CZ board and Yocham has been appointed president, will the new board be known as the Yo Hylka board, or simply the YOH board?
The May 2006 issue of the Coto de Caza President’s Letter contains an error that can have a significant impact on the 2006 board of director’s election:
The message reads in part “The newly elected Delegates from the 45 CZ Master...
Blatant manipulation of 2006 CZ Master Association Elections Continues
When the May 2006 issue of the CA Master Association President's Letter contained erroneous information regarding the number of remaining candidates for the board of directors, we published an errata and called on those responsible for managing the...
The annual Coto de Caza Shakespearean Festival kicks off May 11, 2006, with the adaptation Macbeth by none other than the Board of Directors’ President, The Baro himself.
In this Shakespearean classic, Macbeth is about a noble warrior who gets caught...
[COTO] CZ Elections - Still More Games: Wake Up Coto & Smell The Schemes
In CJ Klug's Newsletter comments this month he indicated that even with the new laws that will go into effect governing HOA elections after July, 2006 that we will still have to deal with Delegates, Cumulative Voting, Quorums etc. That is just a big...
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