Sunday, March 30, 2014

Noah, the Movie - A review

Posted By CotoBlogzz

I don't usually watch movies, but when I do, it is because my daughters take me.  The shared family experience is more valuable to me than any other one derived from any of the  movies themselves, regardless of the content.

This Saturday, my youngest daughter treated us to Noah, the movie.  While I had read reviews ranging from "a typical far left Hollywood tree-hugging piece," "pervasively pagan" and  a "far departure from the Biblical account" I approached this movie as I do any other one such as The Passion, or The Son of God asking questions such as:  why am I attending?  Is it the aesthetic value?  Is it entertainment?  Is it for its informative value?

In this case, the priority was the family experience, followed by the entertainment value.  I did not expect a Bible study, nor did I expect to learn much.  I also did not expect it to be a major departure from a typical Hollywood production.

With such criteria, the family experience did not disappoint, and the movie was not bad. On a scale of 1 to 10, I  would give it an 8 for its entertainment content:

The first 1/2 hour or so was too slow, bordering on boring.  On the other hand, I loved the fashion statement throughout the movie, sort of like nouveau-Woodstock.

Once the Watchmen, the sci-fy Transformer-like fallen angels guarding Methuselah were introduced, I began to see the movie for what it is: a cartoon.

In Bible accounts, protagonists such as Abraham, follow God's instructions on faith, not knowing what the end states are.  Others such as Moses and Gideon make up excuses as to why they are not right for the assigned job. Jonah downright refuses to obey God, until he is made an offer he cannot refuse.  In each case, God is portrayed as jealous.  In each case, God makes sure that when any extraordinary event the most ordinary servants are involved in, the credit goes to God.  In each case, the protagonists do as he is told in blind faith, not knowing necessarily what the end game is, as in Psalm 119: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path"

In the movie, Noah's conversation with God is confusing.  On the one hand, Noah knew the Creator had given him an assignment,on the other hand, he  was unsure as to what the assignment was.  In the end, he concluded he failed.  Not a good biblical Noah, and the Creator is certainly not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -   While this Noah saved the living creatures, he was guilty of assuring man's survival.

The reaction from the attendance to the movie was similar to the reception the President got from his recent international travels: bewilderment, confusion, a sense that we heard it all before, but don't believe he means it, and  only one person clapped.

For those critics who think the movie is pervasively pagan, they should not see this movie.  In fact, they should not watch any Hollywood production.

For those who expect this movie, to be faithful to the Bible,  they should not see this movie.  In fact,
they should not watch any Hollywood production.

For those who think this movie is a blatant environmental advertisement,   they should not see this movie.  In fact, they should not watch any Hollywood production , then they should enroll in a critical thinking class

For those interested in the aesthetic value, go for it!

For those looking for evangelizing tools, go for it.  While the movie is far from faithful to the Biblical account, it can be as a starter.  For every man an answer.

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