Sunday, February 02, 2025

It's impossible to go back when you have never moved forward.

Molly Jong-Fast, special correspondent for Vanity Fair
In a piece published on August 5, 2024 fawns over Kamala Harris' 'We're not going back' slogan and describes it as 'a powerful statement.' She adds:
"Harris’ platform is all about going forward. Trump’s is all about going backward. And that’s what we should be focusing on."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has not said if she likes Hogg's Nazi salute better - Or Biden's for that matter 

Last month Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took to social media and to anyone who would listen to her., to slam Elon Musk over a gesture he made during a speech on President Trump’s Inauguration Day, which she described as a Nazi salute. “If you’re cool and want to defend the ‘Sieg Heils’ and the Nazi salutes … whatever you want to do, that’s on you,” she said. “I’m on the opposite side of that. I’m not with the Nazis

Dominion Software V.0: more Republicans voted anti-slavery, but Democrats won anyway.

Just this past week, DOGE is reporting Systemic Corruption in DC at levels never heard of.  We of course knew about: The Pentagon, unable to track $2.3 trillion dollars of military spending.  The U.S. Treasury unable to track $5 trillion dollars of pandemic spending. FinCEN unable to catch the Big Fish, so it goes after the little fish with Corporate Transparency Act. The IRS know you sent $601.57 to your friend, you better report it or you’re going to jail. 

Just this week Zelensky claims Ukraine only received $75 billion of the over $177B sent in aid. Where where is the rest of the money go? Wasn't he told when and how much money he was getting when? This is in addition to the $6.2 billion the Pentagon couldn't properly track. The same amount the Reuters' 'fact checkers' report the Pentagon did not 'accidentally' send $6.2 billion to Ukraine. 

Fact: the Biden Administration gave Reuters $300 million to write Pulitzer Prize Winning hit pieces.

But the again, I told you so.

The U.S. Treasury found $31M in Social Security payments were made to DEAD people. Officials say it's just the "tip of the iceberg."

Just yesterday David Hogg won the DNC's vice-chair. So what is the first thing the newly minted DNC chair do?
Among other things, the Nazi salute.
The Palestinian Wasp asked Ocasio-Cortez if this Nazi salute was more of her liking.

Hogg also wants to Abolish ICE, defund the police, and designate NRA as a Terrorist Group.

The AntiChristian, AntiSemitic NYT leading the liberal cheering squad: Liberals not only use blacks in pursuit of their leftist agenda, their demeaning attitudes toward black people can only come because election-after-Election, Liberals know blacks will vote for the same failed agenda.

Why the Palestinian Wasp says the powerful statement  Molly Jong-Fast referred to: 'We're not going back' makes sense:  It's impossible to go back if you have never moved forward 

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