Gas Prices Up, Accidents in Coto Down - An Accident?
Debunking the theory advanced by CZ supporters who claimed traffic accidents were a fact of life in Coto
July 2, 2008
Gas prices keep going up, up, up and traffic accidents in Coto de Caza continue a downward trend that started in 2005, shortly after the two traffic fatalities and when the Coto de Caza board of directors was coerced into bringing back the CHP for traffic enforcement .
So, is there an inverse relationship between gas prices and the number of traffic accidents within Coto de Caza?
Are Coto Soccer Moms responsible for most of the traffic accidents, as previously asserted by a former member of the board of directors?
Are Coto teens mostly responsible for most of the traffic accidents, as previously asserted by another former member of the board of directors?
Looking at the data and asking the CHP, apparently the real reason for the drop in collision rate is that the "CHP and the residents are doing a great job", according to CHP's Christopher Goodwin
The second quarter of 2008 not only registered the lowest number of accidents since 2001, but also recorded the lowest number of citations per enforcement hour - 0.71 citations per hour recorded in April 2008.
% Change from baseline
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1Q2008 1Q2008
12 15 22 28 30 24 21 16 12
-20% 0% 47% 87% 100% 60% 40% 7% -20%
source: CHP Capistrano, CA
The data certainly debunks the theory advanced by nay sayers and supporters of the CZ administration who claimed traffic accidents were a fact of life in Coto and because of population explosion, it would be impossible to achieve 2001 accident rate levels- which for the record, we have always claimed to be within the realm of probability. Nay Sayers even used the analogy of the number of traffic accidents in Interstate 5 close to LAX!
Period Citations per Enforcement Hour
Apr-07 1.62
Jun-07 1.47
Aug-07 1.34
Nov-07 1.27
Dec-07 1.05
Apr-08 0.71
Apr-08 0.71
source: CHP Capistrano, CA
We asked the CHP if the significant drop in citations per enforcement hour were due to management policy, or whether Coto residents were now more safety conscious. An answer was not readily available, but Office Christopher Goodwin speculated that the "decrease is most likely due to our presence and residents being more cognizant of their driving. I believe CHP and the residents are doing a great job and we hope that traffic collisions remain at low
levels", he said.
DUIs continue to be a factor, however, albeit a decreasing one: DUI was a factor in 50% of the traffic accidents reported in the first quarter of this year, whereas for the second quarter only 33%
On the other hand, the Peter Pan Syndrome continues to be alive and thriving in Coto de Caza, as the age group of 40 years and above accounted for 28% of all the traffic citations issued in April 2008 by the CHP.
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1 comment:
Road accidents can be checked if Government takes preventive measures to check drunk driving by levying heavy penalties in cash with prosecution. It is noted that at night time the traffic police who themselves take alcohol fail to discharge their duty with due diligence resulting in overspending and rash driving.
Traffic Control Signage
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