OCSD Competitiveness as Public Safety Supplier and US Competitiveness in Global Markets.
ACM and the WGBH Educational Foundation launching a project to improve understanding of computer science among kids trying to reach Latina females and African-American males”,.
July 4, 2008
Concerned about the OCSD’s infamous culture, deputies have described as a “frat house”, and about the process used by the Orange County Board of supervisors used to select the new Orange County Sheriff, we asked newly appointed Sheriff Hutchens about whether her technology management capabilities matched the needs of the technology complex OCSD.
Various reports indicate that India and China are graduating more scientists and engineers than the US - The Economist reports that India graduated 690,000 scientists and engineers of all types while China produced 520,000 and the United States 420,000, for example, and in India, says a Newsweek article, you can get "quality work at 50% to 60% of the cost, and that it is well known fact that the number of young women gravitating to information technology has been declining for some time, and that industries such as the auto industry have been forced to outsource a good portion of the work to remain viable, and newspapers such as the Orange County Register are being forced to do the same.
Hence, we want to find out what Sheriff Hutchens know that we do not know, to make sure the public safety is not forced to outsource to remain competitive, or will she use the same old tired argument that goes something like this: The OCSD is most efficient, thus additional safety requires an additional budget”
The good news is that although the future of the OCSD remains in the hands of new Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) has been very active trying to promote science and technology among high school students in the US. In fact, the ACM and the WGBH Educational Foundation are launching a two-year project to improve the understanding and image of computer science among high schools in the US, with special efforts to reach Latina females and African-American males”, reads a press release. “This is an $850.000 grant with a significant research component that will underpin the development of potential messages and a message campaign”, the press release continues. For full text of the press release, click here
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The outsourcing of the Orange County Register ? the Outsourcing of Public Safety
It is reported that an Indian company in New Delhi will take over copy editing duties for some stories published in The Orange County Register and will handle page layout for a community newspaper. ?Orange County Register Communications Inc. will begin a...
The Start of a New OCSD Era: Will Sheriff Hutchens be more accessible?
In less than a Coto kid can hack a computer to change his grades, an aid to Sheriff Hutchens was able set up a meeting so that the CotoBuzz Journal can interview the Sheriff. Compare that to multiple unanswered request to meet with interim Sheriff...
Star Search – for the OCSD – The Final Episode SetAlthough the process used by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to winnow down the number of candidates to replace much maligned OC Sheriff Michael Carona was at best flawed, the final two candidates represent not necessarily the best of the field, but not necessarily the worst, either.
The OCSD Culture Thing – It is not my Job! - The leading OC Sheriff candidates agree that the OC Sheriff’s Department needs an organizational culture makeover, the OC District Attorney finds the current OCSD’s culture lacking, the Orange County Board of Supervisors demand changes to the OC Sheriff’s Department’s organizational culture, and the President of the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriff’s Wayne Quint agree that a culture change is required.
OCSD Insiders Make Paper Cut - How? We do not know We understand that a "paper cut" has been performed by Bob Murray and Associates, the talent search firm being used to hire the next OC Sheriff. We have contacted a number of the cut candidates - apparently, they did not know they were no longer viable candidates.
Working to Serve or Serving to Work? - AOCDS Fundraiser
The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs (AOCDS) is launching a fundraising drive, for the first time in the association?s history, according to a piece of direct mail, targeting the communities they serve.
Working to Serve, Or Serving To Work - Letter to OC Register Columnist
Another good column. I was wondering if there was ever any serious consideration to any non-union government employee for the position of publicly elected Sheriff by either the Register or Supervisors? That is all I see in your Top Five selection and.
Public Safety Owners and Orphans
Invariably when we publish public safety statistics, proponents of the status quo ridicule our analysis and detractors use the law of attributions to invoke the proverbial ?it?s not mine/their job?.
A Chat with OC Sheriff Candidates - Coto de Caza's Own Ralph Martin
We have offered the seven identified OC Sheriff candidates; Jack Anderson, Bill Hunt, Craig Hunter, Kevin Keyes, Ralph Martin, Ken Maddox and Paul Walters, the CotoBuzz Journal as a platform to communicate with their respective potential supports. We...
OC Sheriff personnel not criminally liable in death of Chamberlain- OCDA
OCDA Tony Rackauckas announced today the conclusion of the criminal portion of a grand jury investigation into the beating murder of inmate, John Chamberlain and the indictment against three former inmates. Nine former inmates, in total now, face murder...
Winter Cleaning at the OCSD Continues
The fallout of Sheriff Carona?s resignation continued to unfold Friday, as his former second-in-command, Assistant Sheriff Jo Ann Galisky was released, and Assistant Sheriff Steve Bishop, head of investigations, announced his immediate retirement
A Chat with OC Sheriff Department Candidate: Craig Hunter
What the OCSD needs is a new leader with a proven track record in law enforcement who will be a strong role model, lead by example with integrity and provide a new vision of teamwork and accountability - Hunter
A Chat with OC Sheriff Candidates: Kevin Keyes
The first and most important priority is to restore honor to the office that was taken by its last office holder- Kevin Keyes
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