New OC Sheriff to Host 4th Cruise for Make A Wish Foundation
Sheriff Hutchens will be one of the volunteers t flipping pancakes for the kids
July 2, 2008
On Friday July 4, 2008 at 10:00 a.m., Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, the American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291, The American Legion Yacht Club and Electra Cruises, will co-host a pancake breakfast and harbor cruise for “Make–A-Wish” children and their families.
“Make-A-Wish” Foundation grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions.
Sheriff Hutchens will be just one of the many volunteers that will be flipping pancakes for the kids and their families. “We are inspired by the work of the Make-A-Wish Foundation,” Said Sheriff Hutchens. “It’s wonderful to spend some time with these children and their loved ones and give them a chance to get away, relax and have some fun.”
At approximately 11:30 a.m. guests will board the Electra Cruise Ship at the 15th Street Public Dock to cruise the bay and view the Old Glory Boat Parade.
For more information please call the Sheriff’s Department Harbor Patrol at: (949) 673-1025.
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