Friday, April 08, 2011

Forrest Gump, Humpty Dumpty, Nancy Pelosi and Rancho's City Council

Posted By CotoBlogzz

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA -   Forrest Gump’s momma said that  "Life is  like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”   Prior to the passing of ObamCare,  former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi infamously borrowed momma Gunp’s wisdom stating that we would only finds out what was and was not included in  ObamaCare, until the bill was passed.

Most employers in almost any industry are much more specific in the criteria they use to select potential new employees.  The top five requirements include excellent oral and written communication skills, teamwork, problem solving and critical thinking skills, relevant experience and a relevant degree and or certification.

When the Orange County Board of Supervisors considered candidates to fill the position left by disgraced Sheriff Carona, the main criteria used to filter the shaft from the wheat included education/training, law enforcement experience and law leadership/management experience.

As the Rancho Santa Margarita city council settled on a schedule to interview twelve candidates for the seat vacated by Gary Thompson, we asked council members Tony Beall, Steve Baric, Jerry Holloway  and Jesse Petrilla whether the council had settled on a criteria, or whether it was going to be left to each individual council member. We then asked each member, if the latter, whether the criteria to be used would be objective, subjective or a combination thereof.

We did get a Humpty Dumpty-esque response from RSM city clerk Molly McLaughlin  “The criteria listed on the application are the requirements for any resident to run for office.  There are specific but broad requirements that are required – such as being a registered voter, etc. However, the application did request for a statement of qualifications/resume.  And again, the City Council’s public discussion, did speak to the City Council’s expectations

For reference, Humpty Dumpty appears in Lewis Carroll's through the Looking-Glass where he discusses semantics with Alice

"I don't know what you mean by 'glory,'" Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't – till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!'"

"But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument,'" Alice objected.

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in a rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master – that's all."

Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again.
"They've a temper, some of them – particularly verbs, they're the proudest – adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs – however, I can manage the whole lot! Impenetrability! That's what I say!"

For Ms.  McLaughlin’s edification, criteria as defined by the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary: 1. a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based 2.  a characterizing mark or trait.  The RSM application is not an acceptable criteria.

We should note that we did get a Maddof-esque I-do-not-want-to-leave-any trails-response, from Jerry Holloway stating “ call me”.

Perhaps momma Gump and Nancy Pelosi were right.  You do not know the type of city council member is going to get, until you get it.



This is pretty much nonsense. Why waste Red County bandwidth on drivil coming from a nutcase like this guy.

Remedial Version available through dial-up



Not to worry - the remedial version is available trough dial-up

"Trough" is right



"Trough" is right... that's where this article belongs

Me Smells an Anonymous RAT who can't stand the Heat! ! !


Sure sounds like these particular Anonymous postings have an INTEREST in this topic.

When I see Anonymous postings along the caliber of what's posted to this particular article, I question the veracity.  The one-liners calling Buzz a nutcase, the comments that the article is somehow "inferior" (my word) I know that the author has hit the nail on the head.  It appears that those who CAN relate to this article are WORRIED about SOMETHING.

Here, we are speaking to a position that affects the quality of life for all of us living in that district.  And, what kind of circular NONSENSICAL RESPONSE DOES THE REPORTER GET TO A PERTINENT QUESTION???  HE GETS THIS CRAP: “The criteria listed on the application are the requirements for any resident to run for office.  There are specific but broad requirements that are required – such as being a registered voter, etc. However, the application did request for a statement of qualifications/resume.  And again, the City Council’s public discussion, did speak to the City Council’s expectations”.

Hey! That kind of stuff doesn't fly for me, why would it fly for you idiots that are complaining that the question was asked at all!  WE HAVE A DUTY TO GET A COHERENT ANSWER FROM THESE STUPID POLITICIANS. What the hell kind of answer is that from Molly McLaughlin?  IT DEPENDS WHAT THE MEANING OF "IS" IS?

The best those Anonymous posters could do was to produce their low-life peasant responses of blaming the messenger and attacking him with ad hominem personal attacks with NO Substantiation -- just the typical blow hard nonsense that we citizens have been forced to endure by our politicians own PAID FOR BY TAXES hot air!

Somebody tell me why Rancho Santa Margarita city council refuses to be transparent?  Refuses to perform due diligence? Refuses to abide by the law? Refuses to represent those of us in the District as we EXPECTED THEM TO DO SO!  What is it? Did Buzz uncover a "good old boys" type of situation going on in there? Maybe THAT will explain what's happening and why we do not have the representation that is in our own best interests from occurring.

SO PIPE THE HELL DOWN YOU ANONYMOUS BLOG BOTS and start answering some questions! 


Transparency and Accountability IS the issue


You bring up some good points – not the least of which is the anonymous postings.  In a different story, the IP address used to obfuscate, was traced to the City of Laguna Woods.

However, one question not asked, yet you answered,  is indeed transparency and accountability:  The local establishment in the past has  come under criticism for its  “good old boy’s network” approach  to managing the city’s affairs.  While it is the prerogative of the city council to appoint whoever it wishes, it is missing a golden opportunity to make an unambiguous statement by openly discussing the criteria to be used – whether critics agree or not, at least is in the open

Bizarre Title



John Tesh, Little Red Riding Hood, Dana Rograbacher, and Irvine's School Board.

Final Jeopardy



Who are eight people who have never been in my kitchen, Alex.

You are listening aren't you!

Might have been a bizarre title, but guess what? It got YOUR attention didn't it!

At no point did this come



At no point did this come close to making sense.
But then again, his posts never do.

Insane and Ignorant?

Some claim that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results- as noted above, a remedial version is available.


Not only does the post not make any sense, nor does your repeated response, Cotobuzz.
Buzz, do you have a suggestion what councilmembers should look for?

Dumb Down version


To clarify, there are two types of opinion - taste and judgment - in the case of judgment, we have a responsibility to provide supporting evidence.

In that context and for a dumb down version, so I do not repeat myself:

Click here

It is not rocket science - you have 12 candidates to become one -Every candidate should know before hand whether he or she meets a pre-established council criteria  -  lacking the will to come up with a criteria, you can use a lottery - that way every candidate can have an equal shot.

Or you can use weighted criteria depending on what the council as a group and or individually deem to be more important,  such as 1) management/leadership/military  experience 2)  Financial management 3)  Business contacts 4) Public safety experience 5)  Public union environment experience


Priorities:  1)  Focus on what government can do for RSM Vs 2)  Focus on how government can get out of the way of business

Local governance views

Humpty Dumpty must come up with these dumb posts

It appears that you are in need of some remedial education yourself. Shouldn't it be "dumbed down?"
All you ever post is gibberish. Maybe you should take a look at your responses and get a clue.

Indeed I Are



Indeed,  I are in need of remedial education- however in this context, that is a third order effect. On the other hand, you either wish to ignore, or do not see the larger issue.

What part of head in the sand do you not understand or wish to ignore?  First you claim to not understand the message, then avoid the issue when a simple picture tells you the story.

By the way, defines Dumb down as:
–adjective 1. lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted. 2. lacking the power of speech (often offensive when applied to humans): a dumb animal. 3 ...

 What is wrong with this picture?    

Anonymous Blog Bots Worried?



I just posted a response to the Anonymous blog bots insulting the author of this article, which incidentally, IS A GREAT ARTICLE.  Unfortunately, I got a note stating my post went to a filtering system.  If it is not posted I will attempt to re-post if not for any other reason than the blog bot Anonymous comments are incomprehensible and I believe are a concerted effort to neuter this particular article that is about what I feel is IMPORTANT.

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