President Straziuso,
and Director's of Third Mutual,
I have been bombarded with
e-mail's from the Third Board President, directors and
residents on this issue; This is my response!
Were you ever offered entertainment,
event tickets, meals or any thing else out of the ordinary day-to-day
business that was not offered PUBLICLY to every other director in every
other corporation within LWV? Did you at any time, accept any of the gifts
offered? If so, we ask that you resign immediately!
We have all been informed that Third
Board President Michael Straziuso,1st V.P. Denise Welch and 2nd
V.P. Marc Bayer were the recipients of free complimentary tickets to
a recent Clippers Basketball Game by corporate counsel, Kelly Richardson.
My question is this, "How many other directors were offered those
tickets and other perks, and how many directors were Excluded from this invitation? We know that
attorney Richardson excluded some members of the Third board
from an invitation to attend the Clippers game with those
complimentary tickets, who are they and why?
We know some of the directors chose
not to accept the tickets because it was an obvious Violation of Ethics!
Last Summer, between the hours
of 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. My husband and
I observed Mr. Straziuso and Attorney Richardson having dinner together at
the Olive Garden restaurant, (in the bar area). We were among several
people who witnessed this event, five other residents saw them as well.
What was the purpose of this meeting/dinner? Who paid for the dinner? Was this
meeting announced publicly? did Third Mutual pay for this dinner? did
Kelly Richardson pay and did he count it as part of a business expense and
charge Third Laguna Hills Mutual for his time and "Legal Expertise?"
How many other dinners or meetings have been held by these two that nobody
is aware of and for which members pay, one way or another?
This is the statement of the five
witness(es) "Third Mutual President, Mike Straziuso and Attorney,
Kelly Richardson, were having dinner in the Olive Garden the same night
we were there. Late Summer... between 5:00 P.M and 7:00 P.M. They were in that
little pseudo bar area and they were perched on those ridiculously silly ice
cream parlor chairs at a little round table for two. We were actually
leaving the restaurant when we saw them. They were laughing and having a great
time from all appearance. We remarked at just how much time Richardson would be
paid for since they had had a meeting they both attended before the dinner. It
may well have been a Board Meeting, there were five of us that evening that saw
them having dinner together."
Kelly Richardson just drafted and
pushed forth a set of rules for the board, via his selected supporters. One of the items was an agreement
about confidentiality. Is Mr. Richardson attempting to imply that
dinner with the Mutual President and free entertainment provided for his
select group of board supporters falls under the "Confidentiality
Rule" therefore revealing this information to the members
is unnecessary? Obviously the integrity of the lawyer for the Third Mutual
Board is equally important as the directors and his resignation is required! "Cronyism" &
"Quid Pro Quo" are alive and thriving on the Third
Mutual Board.
The integrity of the board members who
accept or have accepted goods and services from any vendor including the
three who accepted the Clippers Tickets is also now proven to be inadequate for
the job they have accepted, and in fact sought. They must resign from the
The cost involved and ultimately
billed to Third Mutual should be repaid immediately from the board
member's personal pockets. Obviously these very board members and
their personal attorney (Richardson does not represent the entire
corporation... only select members) seem to have forgotten they represent
the entire corporation and not their own personal interests. The business of
taking gifts when they are supposed to be VOLUNTEERS is a definite conflict of
interest and ethics violation. Attorney, Kelly Richardson is supposed to
conduct himself with the utmost integrity and highest ethical standards and yet
he is part and parcel of the problem!
This is an Egregious breach of trust on the part of this attorney and the
participating select board members. These people are supposed to avoid
even the appearance of impropriety.
Attorney Richardson is the person who
previously defended some of the very same board members when they were
asked about receiving gifts and special perks. This is the second time the
integrity of the board members and this attorney has arisen! It is the
responsibility of this board to clean out this den of secrecy, lies, and
unethical behavior and I call on you to act swiftly and prudently!
Pamela Grundke,
Residents Voice Team Leader
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