Thursday, August 22, 2024

Bilingual Education: The Expansion of the Education Conglomerate

Create an artificial need, fill an artificial need.   Classroom interpreters in Clovis join unionization efforts 

Create bilingual teachers, then recruit bilingual students. TCBJ

English is the Most Spoken Language in the World! Why is it bureaucracies printed material in several languages

The extent of my world is the extent of my language- Ludwig Wittgenstein

Corrolary: The extent of my language skills is the extent of my high resolution world. - TCBJ

Mental Floss Provides a Map of the Most Spoken Languages by State: "The analysis from WordFinderX took a deep dive into the languages of the United States—and revealed some fascinating trends along the way"


According to Mental Floss, almost four-fifths of Americans reported in the last census that they only speak English at home, making English America’s de facto official language. After that, Spanish is America’s second most widely-spoken language, used in 62 percent of non-English speaking households, and giving America the world’s second-largest Spanish-speaking population, after Mexico.

Around two billion people worldwide speak English, and the share is considerably higher among the educated.

EC English Blog reports that out of all US states, California has the highest proportion of people who speak a language other than English at home. And that English is an official language in 75 different countries worldwide, meaning that 39% of countries have English as one of their official languages. With 60 percent of the content on the internet being in English

Global leaders should master more than one language- most don't: Joe Biden, is monolingual, as is the President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, China’s Xi Jinping, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt.

Today, some of the most well-known leaders of English-speaking countries – the United States, Australia, and New Zealand – are monolingual.

According to Medium European monarchs always have been polyglots, thanks to their transnational heritages. Maybe the most impressive currently is Albert II of Monaco, who in addition to French, German, and Italian, speaks English in a perfect American accent, a gift from his Yankee mother. Still, secular rulers pale in comparison to the leaders of the Catholic (which, incidentally, is Greek for “universal”) Church. Pope Francis, originally of Argentina, speaks Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Portuguese, some French, English, and German, and apparently now a bit of Ukrainian. But he is practically a monoglot compared to the late Polish-born John Paul II, who could address the faithful in Polish, Italian, Latin, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, and even some Japanese and Tagalog.

By contrast to all this, American presidents, like their constituents, typically have limited ability outside English. George W. Bush has made some admirable attempts at Spanish (in a Texas cowboy accent), and Barack Obama supposedly knows some Bahasa (i.e., Indonesian). Neither Trump nor Joe Biden apparently has any language skills (in foreign languages, or otherwise), and Jill Biden’s attempts at Spanish are cringe-inducing.

The Expansion of the Education Conglomerate 

Create an artificial need, fill an artificial need.   Classroom interpreters in Clovis join unionization efforts 

Create bilingual teachers, then recruit bilingual students.

ACE is behind the most recent effort to unionize teachers in the school district, the largest California district without a teachers union. Psychologists and mental health professionals in the district are already unionized under ACE.

 The interpreters, Clovis Unified’s Educational American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters, could become the next unionized unit under ACE, giving them the ability to negotiate a contract 
with the district.

“These language professionals have struggled to maintain a sustainable career in the district despite having the years of education, training, experience – and most importantly, the passion – required for the work,” ACE said in its release.

Given the facts, why is it government bureaucracies in the United States require printed material in a dozen languages? Worse: the Education Industrial Complex keeps pushing multilingual education: Do as I say not as I do.

Answer: it's the Great Whacky Curve Effect aka Divergent Thinking Defficiency

Yet speaker after speaker at the Democratic National Convention blamed the Great Gatsby Curve on racism, as exemplified by the Washington Post's reporting: "With six words, Michelle Obama rewires America’s conversation on race. Most of us, Michelle Obama said, “will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.”

California Department of Education

Where can I get more information on dual-language immersion programs?

Two of the most extensive Web sites on dual-language immersion programs are the Center for Applied Linguistics and the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Language Instruction Education

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