Friday, August 23, 2024

The Great Whacky Curve - Classroom interpreters in Clovis Unified in Fresno County, CA Unionize

Classroom interpreters in the 42,000-student Clovis Unified in Fresno County filed a petition to join the Association of Clovis Educators (ACE.) According to its website, ACE consists of teachers, psychologists, itinerant specialists, school counselors, and other educational professionals.

ACE is behind the most recent effort to unionize teachers in the school district, the largest California district without a teachers union. Psychologists and mental health professionals in the district are already unionized under ACE. The interpreters, Clovis Unified’s Educational American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters, could become the next unionized unit under ACE, giving them the ability to negotiate a contract with the district.

ACE can be used to illustrate how parasitic bureaucracies, while initially may be well-intentioned, they soon turn their attention to self-survival.

ACE can also be used the illustrate the how the Great Gatsby Curve is used as an excuse for the Great Whacky Curve Effect.

Now, consider that English is not only the most spoken language in the world, but almost four-fifths of Americans reported in the last census, that they only speak English at home, making English America’s de facto official language. After that, Spanish is America’s second most widely-spoken language, used in 62 percent of non-English speaking households. Is it reasonable to ask why is it that in the age of artificial intelligence NASA can use SpaceX, but schools can't use CommGap for interpretation services, Uber for transportation services, Practical Psychology for psychological services or Array for mental health services?

The answer is in the root cause of
 the Great Gatsby Curve: Insanity. Not racismtechnological change or minimum wage.  Insanity: The Great Whacky Curve, Divergent Thinking Defficiency.

Sir Ken Robinson, argues that our current educational systems are doing what they were supposed to - appropriate for the industrial age, still based on a industrial paradigm of education where education is standardized, is about conformity, and kids, who are living in the most stimulating age in history, fail to see the point of going to school, which is about ‘finding the right answers to pass the tests’ rather than about stimulating divergent thinking. Quite the opposite.

The Great Whacky Curve Effect

When asked, 'What has the Department of Education accomplished? It's Fact Sheet dated Jan 20, 2022 reads as follows."The Department also canceled $15 billion in loan debt for hundreds of thousands of students and borrowers, took action to advance equity in education, and made critical progress in creating educational environments free from discrimination or harm. It does not mention that the education system has accumulated a $1.8 trillion in student loan debt and trillions more in useless degrees. Insanity!

Dual language education is one step closer to becoming a WA law

One more misplaced priority wasting time and precious resources while arguing taxpayers need to contribute more to school districts.

But Gov. Jay Inslee claims children belong to the state.

California State University campuses are prioritizing publishing Spanish-language coverage, but sometimes struggle to find students with the necessary skills.:

Not unlike: Dual language education is one step closer to becoming a WA lawTrending

Free markets work as long as the government doesn't pick winners and losers: why "Despite efforts by the state and school districts, the number of Black teachers doesn’t seem to be increasing

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