Monday, August 12, 2024

St Jane Frances de Chantal: Baroness, Mother of Six, Widow and founder of a religious order

Today, August 12 is the Feast of Saint Jane Frances de Chantalborn Jeanne-Françoise Frémyot, Baroness of Chantal. She was a French Catholic noble widow, mother of six and nun and founder of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. She was  was beatified in 1751and  canonized in 1767. Her feast day has been moved several time beginning with August 21, then December 12, and August 12 where it remains.

Saint Jane is  Patron saint of parents separated from children, forgotten people, and widows.

St. Jane was born in Dijon France in 1572. Her mother died when she was 18 months.  
Jane developed into a woman of beauty and refinement, lively and cheerful in temperament. At 21, she married Baron de Chantal, by whom she had six children, three of whom died in infancy. At her castle, she restored the custom of daily Mass, and was seriously engaged in various charitable works. As a wife and mother, she was very devoted to her family. She also had great compassion for the poor and is said to have always welcomed them into her home when they needed food

Left a widow at twenty-eight, with four children, after her husband was killed while out shooting, the broken-hearted baroness would not forgive the individual responsible for her husband's accidental death. She took a vow of chastity and in her prayers she prayed for God to send her a guide. In a vision,
God, showed her the spiritual director she prayed for in the holy bishop, St. Francis de Sales. After listening to St. Francis preach on the love of God, she had a change of heart and forgave her husband’s killer. Saint Francis became a friend and later her spiritual director. Together with his support and the support of her father and brother, she founded the Congregation of the Visitation and established several convents throughout France

In order to safeguard her children's property, she was obliged to go and live at Monthelon in the home of her father-in-law, who was ruled over by an arrogant and wicked servant. This real servitude, she bore patiently and gently for seven years. At last her virtue triumphed over the ill will of the old man and house keeper

The Congregation of the Visitation was established at Annecy on Trinity Sunday, 6 June, 1610. Its mission was to receive, young girls and widows who had not the desire or strength to subject themselves to the austere ascetical practices in force in all the religious orders at that time. St. Francis de Sales was especially keen on seeing St Jsne succeed in having one's will united to the Divine will, in taking one's soul, heart, and longings and offering them to God's keeping, and in seeking always to do what is pleasing to Him. At the time of the death of St. Francis de Sales in 1622, the order already counted thirteen houses; there were eighty-six when St. Jane Frances died; and 164 when she was canonized.

St Jane spent the rest of her life in the cloister. Her reputation for sanctity was widespread. Queens, princes, and princesses flocked to the reception-room of the Visitation. Wherever she went to establish foundations, the people gave her ovations. "These people", she would say confused, "do not know me; they are mistaken". Her body is venerated with that of St. Francis de Sales in the church of the Visitation at Annecy

Prayer to Saint Jane Frances de Chantal 

Glorious Saint, Blessed Jane Frances, who by thy fervent prayer, attention to the divine Presence, and purity of intention in thy actions, didst attain on earth an intimate union withGod, be now our advocate, our mother, our guide in the path of virtue and perfection.  Plead our cause near Jesus, Mary and Joseph, to whom thou wast so tenderly devoted, and whose holy virtues thou didst so closely imitate.  Obtain for us, O amiable and compassionate saint the virtues thou seest most necessary for us; an ardent love of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament, a tender and filial confidence in His blessed Mother, and like thee, a constant remembrance of His sacred passion and death.  Obtain also, we pray thee, that our particular intention in this novena may be fulfilled.
V.     St. Jane Frances, pray for us.
R.     That we may be made worthy of
the promises of Christ.

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