Monday, July 16, 2007

SENATOR SHEILA KUEHL JUST DOESN'T GET IT!by Donie Vanitzian, J.D.(c) 2007 Vanitzian

SENATOR SHEILA KUEHL JUST DOESN'T GET IT!by Donie Vanitzian, J.D.(c) 2007 Vanitzian
July 16, 2007
So there you have it! With California Senate Bill 127 - there she goes again - Senator Sheila Kuehl pimps my association and yours too! AND she ruins it for the thousands of other California titleholders in homeowner associations as well. Apparently she doesn't care what the impact of her BAD Senate Bill 127 is! She doesn't care how many people have to pay the consequences for HER BAD JUDGMENT. She just doesn't give a damn.HEY SHEILA WHAT GIVES!This author wants to know who Senator Sheila Kuehl is beholden to? It makes sense to ask that question because she certainly could NOT have been asked by any titleholder to create such a ridiculous, nonsensical, idiotic, c-o-s-t-l-y bill. It appears she certainly is not beholden to those of us who VOTED FOR HER. What about her constituents?HEY SHEILA WHY DO YOU REFUSE TO LODGE OPPOSITION TO YOUR BILL WITH THE PROPER COMMITTEES!Despite that I have asked Kuehl's office to file the opposition papers put forth by HOAATM members, AND by me, and despite the fact that I have written letter after letter detailing the problems with this Senate Bill, NOT ONE LETTER WAS FORWARDED OR LODGED AS "OPPOSITION" WITH THE APPROPRIATE COMMITTEE(S).I intentionally wrote Senator Kuehl and demanded she forward my letters to the appropriate committees to be filed as "opposition." SHE DID NOT DO SO.It seems to me that Senator Kuehl is intentionally attempting to bypass any bad press her bill is gathering -- and there is a lot of bad press on it because the bill does not work and it cannot work.HEY SHEILA YOUR BILL IS REDUNDANT!Hell-o out there Sheila Kuehl . . . the bill is redundant and need not have been written in the first place. Assuming that I base the aforementioned facts on nothing more than what an aid in her office told me: "by law you already have 3 days to cancel the deal." Does it get more moronic than that? Is Kuehl trying to pull something on all homeowners because she may have promised SOMEONE or SOME ENTITY SOME-THING? If the buyer has ONLY 3 days to cancel the deal, then what the hell good does 20 + days to get documents matter?HEY SHEILA INQUIRING MINDS WHAT TO KNOW!Inquiring minds want to know: WHY would a person who professes to have a high school diploma and who was VOTED INTO position like Kuehl with a DUTY TO THE PUBLIC CONSISTING OF A GROUP OF HOMEOWNERS FORCE HER BAD THROW-UP BILL SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS UNTIL WE CHOKE ON IT?
THE TEMPLE OF BLAME AND THE JOKE?$ ON THE PUBLIC AND ALL HOMEOWNER$!- RE: MEMORANDUM 2007-2452 --FISCAL IMPACT ON THE STATEDear Mr. Hebert,?The Law Revision Commission recommends that the existing Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act be repealed and replaced with a new statute that continues the substance of existing law in a more user-friendly form.?

HOA/CID Legislation (Sacramento) Scorecard- Governor Should Veto ASB 980 (CALDERON) AND 1574 (HOUSTON)July 9, 2007Summary:Grass-roots efforts have been successful in KILLING AT LEAST ONE BILL (SB670) <= dead.Sending at least ONE/TWO BILLS to an INDEFINITE INACTIVE STATUS;Substantially SLOWING DOWN AT LEAST SIX OTHERS THAT HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO GET OUT OF COMMITTEE;Others have been referred and re-referred and re-re-re-referred; putting the breaks on AT LEAST HALF of the dozen because the authors have been forced to KEEP REWRITING THEM!!!
THE TEMPLE OF BLAME AND THE JOKE?$ ON THE PUBLIC AND ALL HOMEOWNER$!- RE: MEMORANDUM 2007-2452 --FISCAL IMPACT ON THE STATEDear Mr. Hebert,?The Law Revision Commission recommends that the existing Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act be repealed and replaced with a new statute that continues the substance of existing law in a more user-friendly form.?
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HOAATM SENDS LETTER TO SENATOR KUEHL: SENATE BILL 127 IS A TOTAL "WANK"Who gave Senator Kuehl the right to control OUR escrows?
KUEHL: PIMP MY HOA!!Attention: All Real Estate Brokers and Agents the California Association of Realtors has sold you down the river -- let the litigation begin . . . Attention: All Insurance Brokers and Agents you will NEVER be able to sell insurance again like you used...
LETTER TO SEN. KUEHL RE: OPPOSITION TO SB- 127Re: SENATE BILL 127 IS A BAD BILL OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL 127Dear Senator Kuehl Please file this opposition with the appropriate committees to lodge our opposition to Senate Bill 127. I am the spokesperson for the group known as HOAATM (Homeowners...
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