Friday, September 20, 2013

Anna Bryson gets to the Core of the Public Education Onion

Posted By CotoBlogzz

Common Core comes to the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD).  Common Core is a U.S. education initiative  sponsored by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), that seeks to bring diverse state curricula into alignment with each other by following the principles of standards-based education reform.

The controversial initiative pits advocates of  limited-government and  local control of education against the public school establishment.  Or as syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin might say, “the corrupt establishment  who has tried for decades to impose dumbed-down, politicized curricular conformity in America’s classrooms. Thanks to think tanks, whistle-blowing educators and bloggers, vigilant local and state legislators, and tireless parents committed to protecting their children, the truth about federalized Common Core standards is spreading”

Ms. Malkin started her  journalism career at the Los Angeles Daily News in 1992, moved to the Seattle Times in 1995, and has been a  nationally syndicated newspaper columns for Creators Syndicate since 1999.

CUSD Trustee Anna Bryson has been a vocal opponent of the new standards, saying that it hurts high-performing districts like CUSD.  In a recent piece by the Capo Dispatch titled CUSD adapts to Common Core,Ms Bryson is echoes Ms. Malkin’s position stating that:

“California has had the highest standards in math and English. It’s sad to think that across the state, many districts will implement these lacking, lowered standards….The Common Core is not the ultimate answer. There are better ways of helping our students achieve at a higher level than imposing a blanket standard across the nation.”

“Children are not to be experimented with,” said Bryson, who expressed concern that STAR testing, which has been administered in California since 1999, would be eliminated. “If our students are learning and achieving, why take it away? Why did we trash the nation’s best math and English standards?”

Ms. Bryson is spot on.   There are other more effective ways to peel the already rotten public education onion starting at the core:  Removing the Common Core.

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