Friday, October 29, 2021

Beware of USPS Bearing Weasel-Speak

Camas- WA

Arguably the USPS played a pivotal role in the 2020 elections. FiveThirtyEight puts it this way:

We may have seen it coming, but now we know for sure: The coronavirus pandemic made the 2020 election look different from any other election in recent memory. Due to the massive expansion of mail voting, a staggering number of Americans cast their ballots before Election Day. And due to then-President Donald Trump’s false claims that mail voting would lead to election fraud, a huge partisan gap emerged between ballots cast by mail and ballots cast on Election Day.

While the New Your Times claims to fact check mail-in voting false hoods

With such truth over facts scenario, and both sides digging their heels waiting for history to pass judgment, we take a simple system's view:  We look at the inputs, then the outputs and we guess at plausible transfer function - that is, a best guesstimate as to what really happened.

We know for example that the USPS unions endorsed Biden and that over 80% of the USPS workers voted for Biden.

We also know that some 60-90% of security breaches happen due to Inside Jobs,  The wide range is not an anomaly - a great number of victim organizations are reluctant to admit to any security breach for obvious reasons.  We also know that insiders with motive, have a MOM:  Motive, Opportunity and Means - enough to easily commit any crime, such as voter fraud.

We know that as part of the inputs, President Trump was ahead inall vote counts, then voting stopped.  Three hours later, Biden was declare the winner.

On the output side, we know Biden was declared the winner and the USPS got rewarded with a vaccine mandate exemption, a price increase, slower service and a worse customer service than the DMV 

In weasel-speak:  

The price changes will raise overall Market Dominant product and service prices by approximately 6.9 percent. First-Class Mail prices will increase by 6.8 percent to offset declining revenue due to First-Class Mail volume declines

The USPS also says that dominant products go up by about 7%, and says that the USPS says it has more flexibility pricing competitive products 

TRANSLATION:  Price increase mostly affects small businesses & Middle Class AND is actually much higher since the service  goes from #SnailMail standard to #SlothMail 

Just last week at the #CamasWA USPO a lady shocked at new USPS prices refused the service and simply walked out shaking her head. At the same time, USPS clerk yelled at customer for insertinga  credit card too early - the computer was too slow and the clerk took it out on the customer

New USPS prices help Amazon since Amazon :want to be a new kind of U.S. Postal Service where everything can get everywhere, but also quickly," said e-commerce consultant Chris McCabe

If you closely follow the inputs and check out the outputs, as well as the media and big tech synchrony that we have seen before, clearly the 2020 election was impacted by an Inside Job!


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