Thursday, October 14, 2021

How did we get to having a government that works for government and NOT the taxpayers?

 Washougal, WA - In case you missed it, the Washougal City Council

Updated Oct 26 with Clark County note.

in what can best be described as a boneheaded decision & at worst,  political malpractice, without approved environmental studies nor residents input, destroyed #HartwoodPark natural habitat frequented by residents, in favor of an adult #DiscGolfCourse catering to a small  outside vocal minority, right  next to a children's park 

To date 

1.  City has not addressed children's safety from errant discs or pedophiles 

2 .  Disturbing a natural habitat frequented by residents In favor of an outsider vocal minority 

3. Nuisance.  residents already experiencing a concentration of vagrants & subsequent nuisance 

There has been talk of accommodating the disgruntled residents by limiting the number of holes, from 18 to nine for example.  That is not acceptable, as the initial problems remain and no one is being held accountable for the ecological debacle.

Sadly, this is how government works for government and NOT for the taxpayers.

There are countless of tax-payer funded  agencies designed to help local government "make the right decisions", such as the one described below

But when boneheaded decisions are made, such as the Hartwood Park, the taxpayer's most effective option, and the most expensive is litigation.  Get the irony? 

Even The State of Washington's SEPA says environmental  jurisdiction for Hartwood Park falls on the City of Washougal-  which means it's just a matter of time before the City rubber stamps regulatory requirements

Washington State's SEPA - The Washington Legislature enacted the State Environmental Policy Act in 1971. Commonly called SEPA, the law helps state and local agencies identify environmental impacts likely result from projects and decisions - yet gives the City of Washougal jurisdiction to disturb natural habitat without consequences.  Does this make sense to you? 

Washington State's MRSC  is funded by local liquor taxes, including your wine taxes.  It believes the "most effective government is a well-informed local governmen"t, but when local government makes boneheaded decisions, Tracy Burrows suggests taxpayers find a land use attorney 

Washington States SAO  Accountability audits "evaluate whether a local government has adhered to applicable state laws, regulations and its own policies and procedures. We audit records to ensure public funds are accounted for and controls are in place to protect public resources." But when the City of Washougal fails to protect the public, the SAO ignores citizens:

Government working for government

We contacted SAO's Lindsay Osborne about the criteria used for the Washougal City audit, given the bone-headed decision but strong endorsement from Pat McCarthy both in writing and in social media.

Ms Osborne's response was non responsive and inconsistent with Ms. McCarthys letter to the city

Pat McCarthy's Letter to Washougal City Council

It should be noted that the SAO touts its new Culture Initiative - yet its own culture depicts a classic parasitic bureaucracy:  a waste of taxpayer money

Our next Step was to contact state Representative Larry Hoff:  His suggestion?  Call the Mayor of Washougal!

As if that was not enough, the Washington State Clark County Assessor is 12 week behind.  If you are disabled and filed for exemption, you are out of luck.  But the county wants you to pay your taxes when due, to avoid penalties.  Lets not even discuss how far the office was behind in 2019.

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