Tuesday, April 16, 2024

New Twitter policies good for X, Propagandists and Avertisers - Not Free Speech

Consequence of X's, (Twitter's) new policies: intended, or unintended, plays right into the Democrat Coalition's hands. 

Elon Musk has turned X into the Democrat Coalition's Biggest Boom Box in the World - if we didn't know better, we could say, it was by design!

The New X Community Notes refuses to fact-check Joe Biden and the Democratic Coalition.

The New X Community Notes refuses to fact-check Joe Biden and the Democratic Coalition. If anyone attempts such feet, will soon be banned from Twitter- according to the new policy. If a Twitter subscriber wants to refute Joe Biden's assertions, they will need to pay Twitter for the additional word count

While paying Twitter for identity verification may be a good idea, the new Community Notes Policy is an anathema to the free speech notion: a motivated group who dislikes a Community Notes observation, can easily recruit a a good number of actors to rate the observation "not useful" and cancel the contributor. Even easier is to have a CIB network to do the job. Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) is an emerging manipulative communication tactic using a mix of authentic, fake, and duplicated social media accounts to operate as an adversarial network (AN) across multiple social media platforms. No wonder the Democrat Coalition is having a field day on X posting misleading and outright disinformation.

Twitter Community Notes MIA: disinformation on Twitter rampant

There's not enough information to determine which X subscribers will benefit more from limiting word count on Twitter. Certainly the Democrat Coalition is taking full advantage, discouraging the curious minds, flooding the platform with disinformation and propaganda.

What Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) looks like on X

Does it matter who writes the longer posts? Who reads the longer posts? Who pays for likes and reposts on X? Absolutely! Facebook is to Twitter what Meta is to X: create revenue streams other than the traditional social media's revenue model.

Social Media companies, including X,make money through advertising rather than charging each user individually. If you are not paying for the product, the product is YOU. The media company renting your eyeballs to its advertisers.The more users on the site, the greater the number of advertisers willing to engage them, and the more those advertisers are willing to spend. The more the inflammatory the posts, the more clicks.The more clicks, the more revenue for the social media company. If the social media company knows you like to author or or read longer posts, the company can sell this information to advertisers. It's all about data mining. The crown jewels of a social media company is the data mining algorithm that identifies affinity groups and the traffic cop algorithm that control traffic between silos. Affinity groups are segments of users who have expressed or demonstrated an interest in a specific topic, category, or activity on social media platforms. For example, the #HollywoodRuleOfPedophilia is in effect in social media platforms: Pedophiles go where they are welcomed and stay where they are protected and well treated. Consider
Social media made $11 billion in U.S. ad sales from minors in 2022.

Pedophilia is just one of thousands of affinity groups: if you are into the occult, there's a silo for you.
If you are into antiSemitism, Communism, Socialism, stsr-gazing, and so on, there are silos for you. These silos can then serve you ads designed specifically for you.

Finding affinity groups is a function of social media platform. For example, on Facebook, you can use the Audience Network tool to explore different affinity groups based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and connections. On Instagram, the Explore tab shows what topics and hashtags are trending among users. The Insights tool shows the top interests and categories of followers and those who interact with your posts. Twitter's Trends tool show popular topics and hashtags among users, while the Analytics tool can reveal the top interests and categories of your followers and those who engage with your tweets. LinkedIn's Campaign Manager tool allows you to select different affinity groups based on demographics, job functions, skills, industries, and interests.

What Ails The Latin Church is Social Media's Main Problem: Silos

“We must remember, that the first to recognise the necessity of synodality in the Latin Church was Paul VI. The Eastern Church had preserved synodality, but the Latin Church had lost it."

“Let us beware of the temptation of closed circles!” Pope Francis

With over 353.9 million monthly active users and a staggering $5 billion in ad revenue, Twitter stands as a social media juggernaut. Not surprising, countless Twitter advertising agencies are vying for the right silos.

SociallyIn for example, boasts that Ad targeting and demographic precision stand at the forefront of its service offerings and claims it has “mastered the art of eliminating ad wastage by precisely targeting specific audience segments based on varied criteria, including age, gender, and location.

An advertiser wants to control traffic between silos
Every Twitter ad campaign is a symphony of analytical precision and creative ingenuity, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently and messages reach those most likely to convert.” If you use social media, YOU are the product! If you share or like a post on X, there's an ad for you!

While Israel is under attack from all sides. Including The #White House, #ChuckSchumer, #HakeemJeffries, MSM and the whole Antisemitic Democrat Coalition, the same people are flooding X,more worried about demonizing president Donald Trump than helping Israel

New Twitter Word Count Policy

Elon Musk positions himself as a free speech absolutist, free speech in the internet is as Evgeny Morozov might say: ‘cyber-utopianism.’ Social media and the Democrat Coalition,have turned vigorous debate into vigorous hate parties.

It is really clear that the loser is free speech and the new Twitter policies are good for X, Propagandists and Avertisers - Not Free Speech

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