Thursday, September 12, 2024

Combating the Human Sacrifice Heresy like Saint Dominic, Patron Saint of Scientists

Combating the Human Sacrifice Heresy like Saint Dominic, Patron Saint of Scientists 

The Heretic Inkeeper & the Human Sacrifice Heresy! 'Anortion as a human right

Saint Dominicalso known as Dominic de Guzmán, was a Castilian Catholic priest and the founder of the Dominican Order. He is the patron saint of astronomers and natural scientists,  he credited with spreading and popularizing the rosary.

Dominic's mother, Joan of Aza, was beatified by Pope Leo XII in 1829. His older brother, Manés was also beatified by Pope Gregory XVI on 1834.

Under the authority of Pope Gregory IX, Dominic was canonized in 1234.

In the earliest narrative source, by Jordan of Saxony, Dominic's parents are not named. The story is told that before his birth his barren mother made a pilgrimage to the Abbey at Silos, and dreamt that a dog leapt from her womb carrying a flaming torch in its mouth, and seemed to set the earth on fire. This story is likely to have emerged when his order became known, after his name, as the Dominican order, Dominicanus in Latin, and a play on words interpreted as Domini canis: "Dog of the Lord."[2]

The spread of the rosary is attributed to the preaching of the Dominicans. For centuries the rosary has been at the heart of the Dominican OrderPope Pius XI stated, that the rosary is "the principle and foundation on which the Order of St. Dominic rests for perfecting the lives of its members and obtaining the salvation of others."[20]

Based on a Dominican tradition, in 1208 Dominic experienced a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the church at Prouille, during which she gave him a rosary.[16] This gave rise to the title Our Lady of the Rosary.[17]

Fr. Dominic de Guzmán was a simple Spanish priest who happened to live in an extremely complicated time and place. Sent to southern France, a region troubled by the Albigensian heresy, Dominic found himself at the forefront of a spiritual battle he didn’t quite know how to fight.

The pervasive Albigensian heresy wrapped itself around the head and hearts of misled Christians, leading many away from the Faith. Dominic, traveling on a mission with his bishop, saw firsthand the confusion and spiritual darkness spreading through the land.

He also saw how difficult it was to fight. People were not educated enough in their Faith and were being led astray, but if Dominic merely argued with them intellectually, he would give them the wrong image of the true Faith, which leads through love and trust.


One night, while staying at an inn, Dominic engaged the innkeeper—a heretic—in conversation.

Overcome by the Holy Spirit, Dominic knew that he must not simply argue with this man, despite the falsehoods the innkeeper was putting forward.


Instead of debating, Dominic patiently listened and finally, when the innkeeper finished speaking, Dominic simply shared the truths of the Catholic Faith. Dominic was able to communicate with such clarity and love that by morning, the innkeeper, in a moment of miraculous conversion, had renounced his heretical beliefs.

Dominic took all this to prayer and to the intercession of Our Lady. He was quickly led to a conviction: the Church needed preachers who could reach people’s hearts and minds with the truth, and these preachers needed to be well-formed.

Determined to combat the heresies, Dominic began preaching throughout the region. He embraced a life of poverty, traveling barefoot and relying on the charity of others, just as the Apostles had. His humility and knowledge drew others to his cause, and soon a small group of men joined him, committed to living simply and preaching the Gospel.

In 1216, Pope Honorius III recognized the importance of Dominic’s mission and officially established the Order of Preachers. The Dominicans, as they became known, spread quickly across Europe, establishing communities dedicated to study, prayer, and preaching.

In addition to founding one of the Church’s most influential orders, St. Dominic was also integral in spreading devotion to the Rosary. He knew that charity and clear teachings helped combat heresy. But, with Our Lady’s guidance, he also discovered that the Rosary, with its beautiful meditations on the real events of Christ’s life, was an immensely powerful weapon against sin and error of all kinds.

How to Respond to Heresy

We are called to (1) Identify false ideas.

"If you don't read the newspapers, you are uniformed. If you do read them, you are misinformed." -Mark Twain

 and (2) Publicly expose those who are either living by or teaching others these ideas - just like Focus on the Family's Jim Daly calling out ABC's moderators.  

1 Timothy 1:18-20
This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered over to Satan, so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.

Combating the Abortion Heresy requires following the model of Saint Dominic, Patron Saint of Scientists: Walk the talk, as opposed to those preaching about global warming, while exponentially increasing their own carbon footprint. Dominic patiently listened then simply shared the truths of the Catholic Faith. Determined to combat the heresies, Dominic began preaching throughout the region. He embraced a life of poverty, traveling barefoot and relying on the charity of others, just as the Apostles had. His humility and knowledge drew others to his cause, and soon a small group of men joined him, committed to living simply and preaching the Gospel.

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