Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Uneducated, Not The Sharpest, Hard Working, Flying Ascetic, Poor, Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Saint Joseph of Cupertino is the patron saint of aviation and pilots, astronauts, mental handicaps, examinations, and students. 

He practiced severe asceticism throughout his life, usually eating solid food only twice a week, and adding bitter powders to his meals. He passed 35 years of his life following this regimen.

Joseph was beatified in 1753 and canonized in 1767.

Joseph of Cupertino (Copertino), OFM Conv. (Italian: Giuseppe da Copertino; 17 June 1603 – 18 September 1663) was born in Copertino, Naples. His father died before his birth, his family home was seized to settle the large debts he had left, and his mother was forced to give birth to him in a stable. Joseph began to experience ecstatic visions as a child, that continued throughout his life, and made him the object of scorn, made worse by his frequent outbursts of anger.

According to traditional Franciscan accounts, he was "remarkably unclever," but experienced miraculous levitation and ecstatic visions throughout his life which made him the object of scorn. Levitation during prayer was a blessing and a curse; some people came to see this much as they might have gone to a circus sideshow. Joseph’s gift led him to be humble, patient, and obedient, even though at times he was greatly tempted and felt forsaken by God. He fasted and wore iron chains for much of his life.

In 1620 he applied to the Conventual Franciscan friars, but was rejected due to his lack of education. He then applied to the Capuchin friars in Martino, near Taranto, and was accepted as a llay brother, but he was dismissed as his continued estasies made him unfit for the job.

After Joseph returned to Copertino, he pleaded with the Conventual friars near Cupertino to be allowed to serve in their stables. After several years of working there, he had so impressed the friars with the devotion and simplicity of his life that he was admitted to their Order, and was ordained a priest on 28 March 1628. He was then sent to the convent of Santa Maria della Grotella, just outside Cupertino, where he spent the next 15 years.

It was then that he began to levitate while participating at the Mass or joining the community for the Divine Office. While his reputation of holiness among the people of the region grew, it was deemed disruptive by his religious superiors and church authorities He eventually was confined to a small cell, forbidden from joining in any public gathering of the community.

Reports of Joseph's of levitation were widely believed to be connected with witchcraft, Joseph was denounced to the Inquisition and was transferred from one Franciscan friary in the region to another for observation, first to Assisi , then briefly to Pietrarubbia and finally Fossombrone, where he lived with and under the supervision of the Capuchin friars

Finally, on 9 July 1657, Joseph was allowed to return to a Conventual community, being sent to the one in Osimo, where he soon died.

Prayer to Saint Joseph of Cupertino

St. Joseph of Cupertino,
saint of joy,
master of prayer,
enchanted by the gospel and the Eucharist,
accept my prayer with kindness.
You who always faced the dificulties of life,
without ever straying from the divine will,
to which you adhered with constant faith and commitment;
now understand the special state of mind in which I find myself
and intercede with Our Lord
so that he may grant me the grace I so need,
let me feel the divine presence,
and help me, with your example, to follow his will.
Trusting in your protection,
I renew with much faith
my intention of gratitude and good will
and I confide in your support.

Through Christ our Lord.


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