Monday, September 09, 2024

Feast Day of Blessed Frederic Ozanam: Faith and Works

September 9, is the Feast Day of Blessed Frederic Ozanam, the founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. 

The Saint Vincent De Paul's website describes members as follows: Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – known as Vincentians – are women and men who represent every age, every race, and every income. Without the classic blue shirt on, it would be hard to tell them apart from the people they are serving! Vincentians share their blessings of time, talent and treasure with those who need help and hope. We understand that service to a neighbor in need is an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, and are aware that poverty, suffering, and loneliness are present for millions in our communities. Vincentians serve more than 4 million people annually in rural, suburban, and urban communities across the United States.

In its historical account of Blessed Frederic Ozana, it reasons that "since Frédéric wrote an excellent book entitled Franciscan Poets of the Thirteenth Century, and since his sense of the dignity of each poor person was so close to the thinking of Saint Francis, it seemed appropriate to include him among Franciscan “greats.”

“Let us do without hesitation whatever lies in our hands.”

“The poor person is a unique person of God's fashioning with an inalienable right to respect.”

“Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveler who has been attacked. It is justice's role to prevent the attack.” Blessed Frederic Ozanam

"Pray for the hungry.  Then feed them" - Pope Francis 

Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam was a French Catholic literary scholar, lawyer, journalist and equal rights advocate. He founded with fellow students the Conference of Charity, later known as the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris in 1997.

Born in 1813 in Milan, Frederic was a gifted scholar who studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. At that time, religion was under attack in Europe, and Frederic became a champion for the Catholic faith. At one point, one of his fellow students challenged him by saying, “show us your works!”. Frederic rose to the challenge. He and a group of his fellow students formed the “Conference of History”, and working with Daughters of Charity, they began to visit and help the poor in some of the most impoverished neighborhoods of Paris. All St. Vincent de Paul members are still based in groups called “Conferences” because of this first Conference founded by Frederic.

Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Frederic Ozanam 

You made Blessed Frederic Ozanam a witness of the Gospel, full of wonder at the mystery of the Church.
You inspired him to alleviate poverty and injustice and endowed him with untiring generosity in the service of all who were suffering.
In family life, he revealed a most genuine love as a son, brother, husband and father.
In secular life, his ardent passion for the truth enlightened his thought, writing and teaching.
His vision for our society was a network of charity encircling the world and he instilled St. Vincent de Paul’s spirit of love, boldness and humility.
His prophetic social vision appears in every aspect of his short life, together with the radiance of his virtues.
We thank you Lord, for those many gifts and we ask, if it is your will, the grace of a miracle through the intercession of Blessed Frederic Ozanam.
May the Church proclaim his holiness, as a saint, a providential light for today’s world!
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen

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