Leisure World and Coto de Caza - One Small Small World!
Concerned Resident’s Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2007
A group of concerned residents got together at the clubhouse tonight to discuss a number of issues including mis-information, intimidation and fiscal mismanagement. There was even talk of the Orange County District Attorney convening a grand jury and the possibility of a class action law suit.
There were over 200 residents in attendance, including a number of various volunteers working on “discovery’ – a research group dedicated to the compilation of factual evidence to support the volunteer's case.
Prominent was the charge that the landscape budget was grossly mismanaged, but the pièce de résistance was the fact that credit cards issued for “emergency purpose only”, were being used for daily emergencies!. Completely absent was any coverage by the community journalists, even though the issues have been ongoing.
Did we mention that this meeting was held at the clubhouse in Leisure World, and not Coto de Caza? Do the issues seem to be the same, with different names?
Does this support the notion that otherwise upright residents, once they become members of a HOA board of directors immediately start behaving like the guards in the Stanford Prisoner Experiment. Regardless of the community they are supposed to represent?
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