Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Young Messiah - private screening review

Posted by CotoBlogzz

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - my youngest daughter invited my wife and I to the movies.  The actual invite was made several days ago, however, not being fond of Hollywood, I did not pay any attention to the title of the movie, and even inside the Regency Theater in Crown Valley today, I was not sure what we were about to watch.  My stub simply said" The Young Mes," so I asked my daughter if the title meant "The Young Mess."  Embarrassed, my daughter shushed me, and quietly said, " The Young Messiah"

It turns out that the movie was a private screening of St. Killian Catholic Church-sponsored, The Young Messiah, a 2016 American film directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh and co-written by Betsy Giffen Nowrasteh and Nowrasteh, based on the novel Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt by Anne Rice

The extra benefit of the private screening was to get a behind the scenes look at how the movie was made and a Q&A with the executive producer.

The film revolves around what the life of a seven-year-old Jesus would be like, as he grows in wisdom, and tries to discover the truth about his life when he returns to Nazareth from Egypt.  As such, the premise is not biblical, but it is something that I and others have thought about.  The actual film makes the Young Messiah relatable to children whom up to now, have only seen Jesus as a baby, and Jesus the adult.

The movie contains drama, suspense, righteous indignation, and shows a glimpse of what the Jews endured under the Roman Occupation.  In the words of director diCyrus Nowraste "This new title better conveys how our film seeks to present a realistic portrait of Jesus as a child both grounded in faith and consistent with the adult Jesus revealed in the Bible."

The best part is the casting all around, from a very credible Mary, Joseph, a Centurion that Joseph.  Oh, and there is a bleach-blond devil to boot.

I strongly recommend this movie, particularly if you find Hollywood-produced movies distasteful and or if you find it is unwilling or unable to produce family entertainment. While it does not need to be said, adding that t should be clear that the film is not the Bible.

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