Monday, August 09, 2010

Breaking News: WMD Found In Coto De Caza

Breaking News:  WMD Found In Coto De Caza - as in Weapons of Mass Disinformation

 Posted by CotoBlogzz  08-09-2010

Coto de Caza, CA - In the August 2010 Newsletter, Xochitl Yocham,  writing on behalf of the CZ Master Association consciously, unconsciously, or  because of not being informed,  provides misleading information anent CZ Master Association assessments:   “There are two other associations behind Coto gates, Los Ranchos Estates and the Village.  The residents of these two communities do not contribute monthly funds to the CZ Master Association,” she writes, “but they do pay a separate monthly assessment to maintain their own association property.”  And consequently, apparently all is well – NOT!

What Ms. Yocham does not mention, is that there are other bodies within the gates, including the Stables, the Golf Club and the Racquet Center, all of which enjoy the CotoLifeStyle® - that is, all the amenities, including maintenance, repair and replacement of roads, landscape and horse trails, at CZ resident's expense -  All of this amounts to more than $3.00 million /year in subsidies..  Point in fact is the horse trails, maintained by CZ residents are used mostly by Stable clients, whereas horse-trail users from the association may in the 1% range!

Worse, Ms. Yocahm goes on to associate the non-CZ entities living and or operating within the Coto de Caza gates as no different than “…households in Rancho Santa Margarita, or in the neighboring community of Dove Canyon.”   There is a huge difference! – the latter do not make daily use of common CZ Master Association-maintained common areas, the former not only do, but consistently demand more:  Consider the demand for a “gate-within-gate” to keep CZ residents out, or the Golf Club warning CZ residents to not even think about walking around the perimeter, “because it is private property”, while the CZ local governance even encourages illegal and potential dangerous street crossing with “be careful, golfer crossing sings.”  But wait, there is more.  CZ local governance tacitly approves of the Golf Club's continuous breaking of the public nuisance regulations by playing loud and more annoying music, during the weekends, than a call to prayer five times a day, for a non-believer.

A clarification and even an apology to CZ residents is in order – unless the CZ governance is engaging in a practice run so it can be ready when Ranch annexes Coto.

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