Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Conversation with Cotode Caza BOD Candidates: X.Y


For the last few days, we have been having on and off conversations with the newest candidates for the CZ Master Association board of directors. There seems to be a common denominator:

All have expressed a strong desire for collaboration among residents, delegates and board members, and a strong aversion to name-calling. They typically describe themselves as being independent and willing and able to speak their mind when required and a dislike for cronyism.

Public safety seems to be at the top of everyone’s list. With various views on how to achieve it, but all agree that simply more patrol is necessary but not sufficient. They want to see accountability and parental involvement.

Xochitl Yocham is a long time Coto-resident who believes that the community is ready for and needs to change. For her, public safety is a priority and would like to see Security Town Hall meetings where possible solutions can be discussed openly, rationally and without fear of retribution. She wants to see a value-based approach to managing the association affairs and wants to demonstrate she can walk the talk, for the benefit of the community and her siblings.

Shortly, we shall be publishing our view on other candidates.

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