Friday, August 03, 2007

Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Waldo

Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Waldo
The union followed the money, rather than the principle: Supervisor Moorlach is bulletproof a politician as we've got – one reason he can take on the union with little political risk.
August 3, 2007
An OCR columnist has argued in the past that proactive traffic patrol within Coto de Caza should be conducted by the Sheriff, rather than the CHP, in part because the Sheriff “is significantly vested in the community”. The columnist then recounts an alleged traffic citation describing the CHP as mercenaries and provocateurs.
In an August 2, 2007, OCR column titled Key aide comes out of nowhere, a second columnist uses the movie Butch and the Sundance Kid to illustrate the state of the battle between the Orange County Board of Supervisors, and the police officer’s union. In the columnist’s illustration, the outlaws are represented by law enforcement, and the famous line "Who are those guys?" refers to Supervisor John Moorlach and his chief of staff, Mario Mainero.
In the past, we commented on the November 3, 2006 issue of the Orange County Register, titled Fact and fiction in the Fifth, where OCR’s staff reporter Peggy Lowe compares and contrasts two mailers: One issued by the Pat Bates’ campaign and the other one from Kathryn “Cassie” DeYoung. “ DeYoung says "much" of Bates' campaign is funded by more than $130,000 from "the county's most powerful public employee union.” , Lowe writes without providing, context to determine whether her reporting has merit or not, and instead proceeds to editorialize. We then posited that “Pat Bates support of the 3%@50 plan for civil servants will significantly stress the Orange County Finances at a time when the county does not have the financial wherewithal to deliver the quality of services it needs, especially in the public safety area”, and then concluded that “Given that much of Pat Bates campaign’s funding comes from the county's most powerful public employee union and that .. the union has spent $218,954 on independent expenditures, Ms. Lowe erroneously asserts that this level of independent expenditures is not much and “ And while it certainly has clout, the union had a major defeat in the June primary when it backed Lt. Bill Hunt over Sheriff Mike Carona” – She missed the mark altogether. The point is that the union has followed the money, rather than the principle”
Responding to the “Who are these guys” question, the Key aide comes out of nowhere columnist describes Supervisor Moorlach “…as bulletproof a politician as we've got – one reason he can take on the union with little political risk”. The remaining question is, where is Waldo? – Pat Bates, that is.
The CZ Master Association has gone on record stating that the Orange County Board of Supervisors agreed to pay some $20,000.00 for the Hoffman Report – a report that for all intents and purposed would be used as propaganda to convince residents that turning Coto de Caza into a city is a good idea. The County Clerk has told us that such an agreement has not been discussed. – Again we ask, where is Waldo?

Pat Bates is good for Coto de Caza: OCR & Coto de Caza Board of DirectorsPicking up where she left off during her pre-election “reporting”, the Orange County Register’s reporter Peggy Lowe argues that Pat Bates is good for Coto de Caza, and then cites members of the Coto de Caza board of directors as proof.
Varo For Mayor, The Orange County Register and Pat Bates Common Denominator?Pat Bates' claim to fame according to her website is that “She was the driving force behind Laguna Niguel’s cityhood campaign and became the first Mayor upon the city’s incorporation in 1989.” The Varo for Mayor Committee should be...
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Invitation to Attend the Coto de Caza Pat Bates Celebration September 28, 2006In preparation for Pat Bates’ appearance in Coto de Caza, September 28, 2006, CotoBuzz is preparing a list of questions we plan to ask her. The questions below have been sent to her office for review.If you are planning to attend the reception,...
Invitation to Cathryn DeYoung: Candidate for Orange County SupervisorAs you may know, Pat Bates is scheduled to make an appearance in Coto de Caza September 28, 2006, at the request of the local leadership.In planning for such meeting, we are asking The CotoBuzz Journal readers to help us prepare a list of questions so...

The CotoBuzz Journal October 2006CotoBuzz Endorses Mayor Kathryn DeYoung for Orange County Supervisor.Caza Board of Directors and Pat Bates Make a GREAT TEAM! - The South Orange County Welfare Services Leadership BoardThe Coto de Caza subsidizes the Estates and the Villages at the...
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