Saturday, August 18, 2007

Stick it to the Property Management Company


by Donie Vanitzian
(c) 2007 Donie Vanitzian

Published author seeks letters, emails, complaints, memos, flyers, minutes, telephone conversation notes, lawyer letters, and any correspondence relating to a "certified common interest development manager pursuant to California Business and Professions Code § 11502" which states that there are "requirements in order to be called a certified common interest development manager."

If at all possible the information you provide should be from your first hand experience. "Correspondence" includes but is not limited to, any hard copy letters, faxes, and emails. Please do not write or edit the correspondence or it will automatically be eliminated for potential use.

If you have an opinion regarding the California laws that pertain to "certified common interest development managers" please enclose that on a separate sheet of paper clearly marked as "ATTACHMENT" so as not to confuse it with your documents.

Interested titleholders and other individuals who are willing to share their correspondences to and from managers, managment company personnel and the like, are encouraged to forward copies to the author as noted at the end of this article.



In California, in order to be called a "certified common interest development manager," the person shall meet ONE of the following requirements:

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(a) Prior to July 1, 2003, has passed a knowledge, skills, and aptitude examination as specified in Section 11502.5 or has been granted a certification or a designation by a professional association for common interest development managers, and who has, within five years prior to July 1, 2004, received instruction in California law pursuant to Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1) below.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b) On or after July 1, 2003, has successfully completed an educational curriculum that shall be no less than a combined 30 hours in coursework described in this subdivision and passed an examination or examinations that test competence in common interest development management in the following areas:

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1) Instruction in California law that is related to the management of common interest developments, including, but not limited to, the following courses of study:

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1)(A) The topics covered by the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, contained in Sections 1350 to 1376, inclusive, of the Civil Code, including, but not limited to, the types of California common interest developments, disclosure requirements pertaining to common interest developments, meeting requirements for community association boards of directors and members, financial disclosure and reporting requirements, and access to community association records.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1)(B) Personnel issues, including, but not limited to, general matters related to independent contractor or employee status, issues related to types of harassment, the Unruh Civil Rights Act, fair employment laws, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1)(C) Risk management as it pertains to common interest development, including, but not limited to, required insurance coverage and preventative maintenance programs.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1)(D) Property protection, including, but not limited to, general matters relating to hazardous materials such as asbestos, radon, and lead, the Vehicle Code, local and municipal regulations, family day care homes, energy conservation, Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations, and solar energy systems.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1)(E) The business affairs of community associations, including, but not limited to, necessary compliance with all required local, state, and federal laws and treatises.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(1)(F) Basic understanding of governing documents, codes, and regulations relating to the activities and affairs of community associations and common interest developments.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2) Instruction in general management that is related to the managerial and business skills needed for management of a common interest development, including, but not limited to, the following:

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(A) Finance issues, including, but not limited to, budget preparation, management, and administration of community association financial affairs, bankruptcy laws, and assessment collection activities.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(B) Contract negotiation and administration.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(C) Supervision of common interest development employees and staff.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(D) Management of common interest development maintenance programs.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(E) Management and administration of rules, regulations, parliamentary procedures, and architectural standards pertaining to community associations and common interest developments.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(F) Management and administration of common interest development recreational programs and facilities.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(G) Management and administration of owner and resident communications.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(H) Training and strategic planning for the community association's board of directors and committees, and other activities of residents in a common interest development.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(I) Risk management as it pertains to common interest development properties, activities, and emergency preparedness.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(J) Implementation of community association policies and procedures.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(K) Ethics for common interest development managers.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(L) Professional conduct and standards of practice for common interest development managers.

Bus. & Prof. Code sec 11502(b)(2)(M) Current issues relating to common interest developments.


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*Items must be received no later than: November 1, 2007.


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Are you willing to take part in a documentary regarding homeowner associations, management companies, managers and common interest development manager ?

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c/o Post Office Box 10490

Marina del Rey, California 90295

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