Friday, June 17, 2016

3 Unique Ways to Cope With Addiction

Different treatments exist for addiction and some work more than others. However, the best option is to try several ways. A standard group therapy may not be as effective as a group therapy meeting supplemented with a form of beneficial exercise or dog therapy. Finding a set of positive coping mechanisms along with certified therapy program is the best way to recover quickly and easily. Here are a few mechanisms you may not have considered.

Adopt a Dog

Dogs have been proven to have numerous positive effects on their owners. They get you moving with walks and trips to the dog park, they provide affection, and have overall been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease stress, and uplift mood.

If your situation will allow it, take a trip to the local shelter and give a dog a new home. In
exchange, your new friend can make the journey to recovery more manageable. He will offer support with enthusiasm and love, lower your depression and stress, and give you a reason to recover.
Dogs can even be taken through specific training courses to handle a potential crisis. For example, a larger dog could be taught to roll their owner over in the event of an overdose. Image via Pixabay by JanDix

Take Up a Form of Meditation

Meditation has many forms and all of them are extremely beneficial in coping with mental problems, including addiction. You may be more interested in the typical meditation, meaning you sit cross-legged and try to clear your mind. This is the easier to work into a daily schedule and also the easiest to learn, though becoming an accomplished meditator takes practice.

For something a little more active, you could try yoga. Yoga is a form of meditation that has a dual positive effect. The exercise will benefit your well being while the meditation part will aid in your mental struggles. Though it is best to take a class to learn both, online research and YouTube are always options.

Completely Revamp Your Diet

Diet has a huge impact on mental state and clearing it of unhealthy vices can be a great way to start resolving your addiction problems.  When your body is well-nourished, it leaves the mind clearer and happier. Eliminate excess fats, find ways to incorporate more vegetables, test out some healthy desserts, and reduce sugar intake.

A few suggestions to get started could be: reduce meat consumption. Your diet should be plant-based. Vegetarian and vegan meals are often healthier as they do not contain as much saturated fat. Vegan mug cake recipes are perfect for when a sugar craving hits.

Many vegan desserts rely on the sweetness of fruits and naturally low calories sweeteners like agave. The mug desserts are small portions that can be made very quickly which is ideal to counteract the impulse buy temptation when you walk by the bakery.

Addiction recovery does not need to be the weekly trip to therapy. It can be a fun, rewarding experience to see yourself becoming mentally and physically healthier. The best way to get started is to make some life changes. Eat better, adopt a dog, and find relaxation in meditation or exercise.

However, it is important to remember that these are supplementary treatments and should not be used to replace therapy with a professional. The support of a counselor is what you need to keep yourself on track, even as you create positive change in your life. Recovery is possible, and the person you find emerging from the process will be infinitely happier than the person you were before.

Pat McGraw knows the struggles of addiction from witnessing its effects on a friend. Luckily that friend recovered and went on to maintaining a healthy, clean life. Being a teacher’s aid, and having had this experience, Pat wanted to make sure awareness and resources were spread in order to help young people dealing with alcohol and substance abuse. That was how Pat became part of, in hopes of making a difference and impacting others’ lives.

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