Saturday, May 28, 2016

Is Mimi Walters a Turncoat? Pauly's Campaign Says Yes!

Posted By CotoBlogzz

Late Wednesday night, Republicans allowed passage of an amendment from Rep. Sean Maloney (D-NY) to an appropriations bill. The amendment would legitimize President Barack Obama's radical agenda to punish those who don't follow his pro-LGBT agenda.

This amendment requires the federal government to follow Obama's executive order 13672. This executive order instructs the federal government to deny contracts to companies that don't follow the Obama mandated sexual identity agenda. This could include companies that don't allow men into female restrooms and showers in their private corporate offices.

It is a shame that a Republican led Congress is forcing Obama's radical agenda down the American people's throat. The Obama administration wants you to believe that a man who "thinks" he is female should have access to the same facilities as real women. It is dangerous to force federal contractors to allow individuals free access to the private facilities of the opposite sex. Republicans in Congress along with President Obama are willing to put the safety of women and children at risk all for their radical agenda.

According to the Deborah Pauly's Campaign:

1) MIMI WALTERS VOTED FOR OBAMA’S TRANSGENDER BATHROOM BILL! Mimi is a traitor to our conservative principles and wants to divert attention away from her horrible voting record.

2) Deborah Pauly is leading in this race for the open seat in the California State Assembly 68th District. The cronyism-prone establishment is terrified of what an "Assemblywoman Pauly" will expose to the voters in Orange County.
You need to do two things: 
1) Kick turncoat Mimi Walters OUT of Congress; 
2) Elect Deborah Pauly to represent you in Sacramento

Help Deborah Pauly fight the liars and cheats, donate at

Deborah Pauly
candidate, California State Assembly, 68th District

Elected Member, Central Committee
Republican Party of Orange County

714.394.8400     Twitter: @YnotDebPauly

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