Monday, October 29, 2012

RSM Early Voting Through Tuesday

Posted By CotoBlogzz

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - According to the City Clerk, Early Voting will continue in RSM through Tuesday, October 30th, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Any registered voter in Orange County can vote at any of the selected early voting sites in the County.

The CRA is suggesting the status quo in endorsing Beall, Gamble and McGirr.  The CotoBuzz Journal on the other hand, recommend you ONLY vote for Kenney Hrabik - so as not to split the vote.  When Jesse Petrilla was first elected to the RSM City Council we asserted that whether you liked him or hated him, one thing was a given.  Petrilla is a change agent.  We were spot on.

We dare say something similar about Kenney Hrabik

 If you are ready toy to vote, but are confused about the California Propositions, not to worry - Click here for a 2012 California Propositions Voters Guide for Dummies

Vote wrongly if you will, but vote!

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - Jesse Petrilla is a self-described anti-tax, pro-business, community-oriented advocate against big government running for Rancho Santa Margarita City Council.
California Voters Approve 63% of tax Measure

Local voters approved 63% or 55 of the 87 local tax, bond or fee measures on the June 5, 2012 California primary ballot according to Michael Coleman, the creator of Majority vote measures fared much better than super-majority votes requiring 2/3 approval to pass special taxes and bonds. Fifteen or 79% of the 19 majority vote measures passed, but only eighteen or 53%% of the 34 supermajority vote taxes passed. Voters favored approval of school tax and bond measures by 66%, compared to 45% for non-schools.

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA – We all know that President Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, Reid, Van Jones et all want to in the President’s own words, fundamentally transform America.  This past week during a Gay Lesbian Transgender  (GBLT) fund-raising event in California, the President boasted about his accomplishments promoting the GBLT’s agenda saying something to the effect: “I could not be prouder of my accomplishments, as these contribute to a more perfect union”

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA- If you follow college football, more than likely you know of or have heard of the  Fresno State Bulldogs football. 1994 marked the beginning of three consecutive losing seasons for the Bulldogs, ushering the Pat Hill era, who defined, implemented and has cultivated a culture of Anytime, Anywhere, Any Time, meaning that his teams are never  afraid to take on any opponent, on their own terms.   Hill’s teams routinely play elite, highly-ranked teams and has the distinction of leading the only non-BCS school to record three consecutive bowl victories over schools from BCS conferences.

Rancho Santa Margarita- CA - Typical of the series we call, a HOA's Legal - Mind, A Terrible Thing to Waste, Rancho Santa Margarita's homeowners association SAMLARC has initiated legal action against City Council candidate Jesse Petrilla for violation of the HOA's campaign sign policy.

But wait, there is more -  The city also has removed signs from city medians according to City Clerk Molly McLaughlin

Rancho Santa Margarita's Shovel Ready Voters Guide
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - We say that the 2010 general election is a Shovel Ready Election – including the elections in the City of Rancho Santa Margarita (RSM).   As opposed to the promised Shovel Ready Projects used as a justification to pass massive government spending that even the President now agrees, were not really shovel ready, in this case this voters guide is shovel ready:  Get ready your shovel, put your boots on and get ready to shovel the guano out of office.

Petrilla Takes On RSM City Hall's Kerryesque Stand on Annexation and Public Safety

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - Jesse Petrilla, candidate for Rancho Santa Margarita City Council blasted the council for its stand on public safety and annexation. Petrilla took particular aim at the votes ".. cast by the three council members up for re-election, may eventually destroy the small town atmosphere we in R.S.M. have all come to love."

While the RSM city hall voted to increase its political capital with parasitic bureaucracies, such as LAFCO and CLRC by reversing itself  to opposing  LAFCO's  amendment to sphere of influence, in essence committing to provide more services to more residents, it also voted to make cuts to its public safety budget: View this as Rancho's version of DC's smoke-filled back room deals which included Stupak's Soul Sale, the Cornhuskers Kick Back, the Union Bribe, the Louisiana Purchase, and others

The excitement in and around the Jesse Petrilla for Rancho Santa Margarita for city council campaign is palpable, on the heels of Congressman Rohrabacher’s endorsement of Petrilla.   “I am very excited about the momentum and support my campaign has received so early on. We need to keep it up all the way to November.” Said Petrilla

Ranch Santa Margarita, CA - the RSM City Council battle lines are not only drawn, but are also well defined -  voters will have a clear choice between the good old boys or new change:

The candidates vying  for Rancho Santa Margarita's two available four-year seats on city council in the November general election include Tony  Beall,  Carol Gamble and Kenney Hrabik.  The former two candidates represent the status quo in more ways than one, while Hrabik represents change and is endorsed by Councilman Jesse Petrilla.

Posted By CotoBlogzz 02-11-2010 | 09:00 AM
Villa Park, CA - Our quest to find out  whether Orange County City Hall supports the Baugh Initiative has started to yield good fruit.  The Baugh Initiative advanced by Orange County GOP’s Chairman Scott Baugh requires politicians to choose between the GOP or the  the union.

An interview of a different kind
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA -  We were looking forward to a substantive debate between Mr. Chuck DeVore and Mr. Todd  Spitzer as they attempt to make their case for a Third District Board of Supervisors seat in 2012.  Given their collective experience in public service, the operative question is whether they have become part of the problem, or part of the solution.  We are still looking.
We publicly challenged both candidates to see whether they had any specific bold proposals - emphasis on bold, for what should be obvious reasons- for the fiscal tsunami facing the county, and to make sure they got the memo, we tried to reach them multiple times via their Facebook accounts, asking them to respond by no later than April 29, 2011 at 5:00 pm.    Mr. DeVore was gracious enough to respond.  We have yet to hear from Mr. Spitzer.

DeVore on ANDRES BOCELI - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA- Candidate Obama rightfully demanded that  words must mean something.  President Obamaregularly parses words not unlike the infamous "it all depends on what is is".  Politicians regularly use the terms accountability and transparency, but when pressed as to what they are ready to do, they deflect, deny or ignore, perhaps even lie - that is, the political game of DIDL.

California's Triple Threat - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA -  We assert that the sucking sound you hear are all the jobs California is losing to Nevada, Texas and Utah, in large measure do to what we refer to as California's Triple Threat:   1) Public sector organized labor,  2) un-elected, un-checked parasitic bureaucracies and 3)  lobbyists.
Economic Freedom and the Triple Constraint - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - The Heritage Foundation & The Wall Street Journal compared 183 countries across ten specific freedoms such as trade freedom, business freedom, property rights, investment freedom and others, to come up with the so called The Link Between Economic Opportunity and Prosperity: The 2009 Index of Economic Freedom.  Such index ranked  Hong Kong at the top, while the United States was relegated to the number six slot

A view of Senator Obama Using a  Disgruntled Homeowner Prism During a recent blogging exchange with Assemblyman Todd Spitzer , he referred to a particular constituent as a disgruntled member of a homeowners association.  Now, we have heard the term disgruntled employee regularly in employer-employee spats and usually in whistle blowing scenarios.  We have also hear the term disgruntled resident in the context of an argument between representatives of a homeowners’ association and the resident itself.  Never from a politician to characterize a constituent.
A Winning the Future Moment, or Simply:  WTF? - Rancho Santa Margarita,  CA – President Obama has ditched the car in the ditch metaphor and the Hope & Change slogan in lieu of taking the engine off of an airplane metaphor  and Winning the Future slogan .  Critics say that the new metaphor does not work, since the airplane is heading to China to mortgage future generations of American, when the airplane has no fuel, while Governor  Sarah Palin characterizes the new slogan as “What Were They Thinking”  (WWTT) or in the vernacular:  WTF?

The 2010 Union Voting Guide - Use at your Own Peril - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - There is a lot of truth in the old adage that "we should not judge a book by its cover." But what if we have access to the Cover, the Table of Contents and the Appendix? Can we get a good idea as to the contents of the book? In other words, using another adage "tell me who you associate with and I will tell you who you are?" and applying the latter to political elections, if we know the candidate's supporters, we should be able to have a good idea about how that candidate will govern. Take for instance Van Jones, Reverend Wright, the National Representative of the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Al Sharpton,  terrorist William Charles " Bill" Ayers and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel all supporters of candidate Obama.  Should this not have been a good indicator, largely ignored, of the contents of the now Presidential Book?

The California Air Resources Board acknowledges that "no direct public health impacts" are expected from Prop 23. The proposition delays control of greenhouse gas emissions, implicated in global warming. It delays implementation of AB 32 (the global warming solution), which penalizes sources of emissions, especially refineries and fossil fuel power sources.

The 2010 Union Voting Guide - Use at your Own Peril
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - There is a lot of truth in the old adage that "we should not judge a book by its cover." But what if we have access to the Cover, the Table of Contents and the Appendix? Can we get a good idea as to the contents of the book? In other words, using another adage "tell me who you associate with and I will tell you who you are?" and applying the latter to political elections, if we know the candidate's supporters, we should be able to have a good idea about how that candidate will govern. Take for instance Van Jones, Reverend Wright, the National Representative of the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Al Sharpton, terrorist William Charles " Bill" Ayers and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel all supporters of candidate Obama. Should this not have been a good indicator, largely ignored, of the contents of the now Presidential Book?

2010 California Propositions Voters Guide
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - While heuristics indicate that a NO vote in any California's direct special interest democracy is a wise move, following the money may be even better. Below is a list of the 2010 California propositions, their main supporters and our recommendations, including a brief rationale.
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A Winning the Future Moment, or Simply:  WTF? - Rancho Santa Margarita,  CA – President Obama has ditched the car in the ditch metaphor and the Hope & Change slogan in lieu of taking the engine off of an airplane metaphor  and Winning the Future slogan .  Critics say that the new metaphor does not work, since the airplane is heading to China to mortgage future generations of American, when the airplane has no fuel, while Governor  Sarah Palin characterizes the new slogan as “What Were They Thinking”  (WWTT) or in the vernacular:  WTF?

The 2010 Union Voting Guide - Use at your Own Peril - Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - There is a lot of truth in the old adage that "we should not judge a book by its cover." But what if we have access to the Cover, the Table of Contents and the Appendix? Can we get a good idea as to the contents of the book? In other words, using another adage "tell me who you associate with and I will tell you who you are?" and applying the latter to political elections, if we know the candidate's supporters, we should be able to have a good idea about how that candidate will govern. Take for instance Van Jones, Reverend Wright, the National Representative of the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Al Sharpton,  terrorist William Charles " Bill" Ayers and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel all supporters of candidate Obama.  Should this not have been a good indicator, largely ignored, of the contents of the now Presidential Book?

The California Air Resources Board acknowledges that "no direct public health impacts" are expected from Prop 23. The proposition delays control of greenhouse gas emissions, implicated in global warming. It delays implementation of AB 32 (the global warming solution), which penalizes sources of emissions, especially refineries and fossil fuel power sources.

The 2010 Union Voting Guide - Use at your Own Peril
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - There is a lot of truth in the old adage that "we should not judge a book by its cover." But what if we have access to the Cover, the Table of Contents and the Appendix? Can we get a good idea as to the contents of the book? In other words, using another adage "tell me who you associate with and I will tell you who you are?" and applying the latter to political elections, if we know the candidate's supporters, we should be able to have a good idea about how that candidate will govern. Take for instance Van Jones, Reverend Wright, the National Representative of the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan, the Reverend Al Sharpton, terrorist William Charles " Bill" Ayers and former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel all supporters of candidate Obama. Should this not have been a good indicator, largely ignored, of the contents of the now Presidential Book?

2010 California Propositions Voters Guide
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA - While heuristics indicate that a NO vote in any California's direct special interest democracy is a wise move, following the money may be even better. Below is a list of the 2010 California propositions, their main supporters and our recommendations, including a brief rationale.

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